Wow. first view and comment. I'll take this opportunity to praise your work Dr. Goldsworthy. I appreciate your ability to read between the lines of sources.... the concept that fake news has been going on a very long time is comforting in todays day in age haha
ОтветитьThank you Prof. G.!
Wait is he uploading at 6:00 A.M.?😳
Hi Professor, any book recomendations for the early Roman Empire until Nerva?
ОтветитьWhy does no body look at Sejanus as a possible architect of the death of Germanicus?
ОтветитьPlease use outlines on your thumbnail text.
ОтветитьI saw the Julio Claudians open for Katy Perry 😊😊😊
ОтветитьBig fan of this series thank you!
ОтветитьGood to see professor Goldsworthy is a trekkie 😂
ОтветитьConceptually I think I prefer the two consuls to the one emperor. In theory one consul could keep a check on the other and vice versa.
ОтветитьTy Beerius
ОтветитьA veritable tour de force. Highly entertaining. Popeye for Consul!
ОтветитьGreat video as always, thank you
ОтветитьWhen you think about it, they were barely even Julians. More like the Claudii wearing a Julian skin suit
ОтветитьThank you.
ОтветитьFascinating as always Professor!
ОтветитьGreat episode! My favorite series.
ОтветитьThe best.
ОтветитьTruly excellent history lesson professor!
ОтветитьAlways a pleasure!
ОтветитьPerfection. The dance thru the information kept me on my toes. Dude, I'll slog thru fortlets and legionary material all day every day, no complaints. This was a delight. I feel sated. Thank you! Yawns loudly, definately time for a cat nap. 🐈 😸 🖖
ОтветитьSeems like Agrippa and Tiberius did a lot of the heavy lifting
military campaign command that went to the credit of Augustus.
Death of Germanicus_ examination of claims to being poisoned
dont hold water all that well and claims of black magic far less.
Please please please less ads in the middle of the video. It completeky destroys the experience. People listen to this while walking or in bed u can't have that many and that type of ads
Ответить"There's nowt as strange as folk": least as cunning, brutally violent, bold or ,more often, sinister as big lion prides: except man. Most "lion prides" of Rome behaved "normally", as such.
ОтветитьThank you for this episode!
ОтветитьWe’re the busts of these people true to life, or were they stylized propaganda pieces? I’ve heard both.
ОтветитьIn this brilliant video series so far we've had roughly: 3h on Caesar, 4h30 on Augustus, 45m for Tiberius, and 15min on each of Caligula, Claudius and Nero. Which is pretty much the ratio we see in most accounts of this time period. I don't know if that reflects how important each of those figures were, or how good their respective source material, or simply the obsessions of modern historians / audiences; but it is very striking just how marked the divide is.
ОтветитьSuch a great channel. Please keep it going!
ОтветитьGreat lecture.
ОтветитьSuch a fantastic series. Thank you.