The Gig Economy: flexible freedom or wage slavery?

The Gig Economy: flexible freedom or wage slavery?


3 года назад

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@eworknow1889 - 21.04.2021 14:52

Don't know how I bumped onto this. Anyway GREAT video ❤️😄. I also have been watching those rather similar from MStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys create these vids. MSTAR TUTORIALS also had cool information about similiar money making things on his vids.

@thesilentdiva - 18.05.2021 21:59

If u can't stop, no matter how much u work, it's wage slavery

@jus3278 - 04.06.2021 10:34

There is about to be a worldwide revolution for wages, healthcare, rights to education, housing....the basics that we all have rights to as humans

@diannerussman1302 - 27.06.2021 23:14

Slavery has not ended.

@edwardteach815 - 09.08.2021 09:14

based on the miniscule amount of views this has. I'd say people don't care.

@abcdefgh-fp4ne - 16.08.2021 08:47

Basically some workers can't choose wages they get but still they want to be called as Self employed .

@slorter10 - 07.02.2022 02:09

The gig economy – a shameful failure of the neoliberal project

These workers are in a precarious position in the labour market, especially at times of heightened unemployment or under-employment. Platforms offer them valuable opportunities to earn income, but with minimal choice about their arrangements, and low-income security.

We do need the government to commit to supporting all workers who are unable to find work and wipe out practices that enable companies to short circuit traditional employer / employee relationships. and remove their neoliberal mantras from their portfolios.

@JW-rn6mx - 01.03.2022 17:50

Wage slavery

@JW-rn6mx - 01.03.2022 17:50

“Oh gawd we’re just a platform connecting our driving partners with riders” “there’s a 911 button”. Talk about lack of responsibility. F the gig economy.

@Jaiven - 03.04.2022 21:17

"Self employed", you'll be told what to wear, where to go, how to act, when you'll be paid and how much.... Not all platforms are like this... What's the deal with these food delivery apps? Why can't a rider just charge the customer 5€ minimum? Why can't he set his own price?

@KingOfTheNights - 22.06.2022 19:36

All companies participate in wage slavery. If you're ok working your entire life for someone else's dream and to keep them in luxury, you're a very good slave/servant. If you can't keep a job/call out alot you're a perfectly, mentally healthy person. Slavery and servitude SHOULD cause misery. This type of system will not last for too much longer. I promise you, things are about to get very, very wicked for the west.

@malthecpa815 - 08.08.2022 07:01

Enforcing these “rights” (they’re not rights, they’re benefits) only effects the gig workers and riders by increasing prices and, therefore, decreasing demand

@ooievaar6756 - 09.09.2022 23:12

if you use these apps - you are responsable for this platform misery (slavery). So: DONT USE THEM

@silondon9010 - 27.03.2023 20:19

Free movement from the European Union is a wetdream for big business

@game-changer-brand7252 - 24.11.2023 13:29

GIG-Specialist-Professional Wins Game of GIG-Economy with Big-Money-Profit 💵💵💵💰💰 till the Age Males, Females Wish to Earn actively in Life ! 👌👍

Regular-guy Mindset prefers Fixed-income Job = Sugar-Coated-Slavery for Stability over Flexibility

@CliqueOverAnything - 16.01.2024 19:28

Gig economy is being created because firms want to offload the responsibilities of hiring an employee. I understand money is vital, but what's the use if it limits a majority of people?
