Hunt the Front getting help, sponsors behind Kasey Kahne's changes?

Hunt the Front getting help, sponsors behind Kasey Kahne's changes?


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@TreadMotorsports - 27.01.2025 20:13

Good morning Justin!

@saltybildo9448 - 27.01.2025 20:21

Volusia on the 8th for the gator 1st outlaw show 40 mins from the house

@tv4957 - 27.01.2025 21:14


@bruces1171 - 27.01.2025 21:17

Man I want HTF to figure it out and do well. Started following them during Covid when i was still stationed in Europe. Got to meet them when I moved to FL, and our renovations company sponsored the first year of the series rookie award. Great guys, great potential.

@beaunicholls8856 - 27.01.2025 21:30

Most impressive drive I’ve ever seen in the sprint car just hammering the cushion Kasey Kane at the Skagit super dirt cup in the Durst 51 car as a young man pre NASCAR. 2002-2003

@jasonthompson8202 - 27.01.2025 21:57

20RT won't be at Needmore. They headed back north to their shop and then headed to longhorn for some repairs to their primary car after damage Friday.

@RegularJoes - 27.01.2025 22:35

Thanks as always Justin!
I remember seeing Kasey win a 360 sprint car race at Petaluma when he was 16 years old. I vaguely remember the announcer saying it was his first sprint car win, I'm not sure if that's true but I do remember thinking that was bad ass for a kid to win a sprint car race when I was a 20 something guy racing modifieds. Good to see him back full time, love to see him get a HL win

@eliewelch - 27.01.2025 23:07

HTF is going under

@Drutato - 27.01.2025 23:37

The Kahne High Limit “flip flop” sounds like he was searching for additional funding and then made an asphalt deal to secure the funding to go full time. But the crew chief situation has me a little confused: I thought Prutzman wanted off the full time grind? There must be more to the story…

@jimfeedback3996 - 27.01.2025 23:50

Kasey Kasey turned a track record at the high banked 4/10 mi. Volunteer Speedway of a 140.378 mph in 2010. One of the most balls out runs I have witnessed in 50 years of all forms of motorsports.

@timschoeff6509 - 28.01.2025 00:36

Is there any news on Zeb Wise plans for 2025?

@bobbyswain9372 - 28.01.2025 01:45

Nascar is going to let him race ohh forgot Hendricks on the car

@christopherwestbrook5549 - 28.01.2025 01:49

With all the help and resources that y’all have, you should be able to get it together if you can’t, then you just can’t perform not being mean just making a statement

@80Stamp - 28.01.2025 02:24

Kasey Kahne is still a relevant race car driver no matter what he drives.. If you’ve failed to remember, this guy has taken in some horrible crashes along with numerous injuries, not to mention, just shitty luck!.. I believe that guy has a good opportunity to tear it up in ‘25.. Now that Allen has left the HL full time, Kahne is my new underdog 👍🏻

@dlr6025 - 28.01.2025 02:29

Enterkin was a shadow pot stirrer.

@jeffperry7971 - 28.01.2025 03:09

I’m glad that Joiner got some quality help, at least for a minute. It’s be good if he could afford to keep him on. I also like to see Kasey doing well. Great info! See you tomorrow

@budammons4011 - 28.01.2025 03:27

Thrilled to see all the sponsorship on Kasey's car.

@danprothero5905 - 01.02.2025 16:19

Gotta be as good as driver as good as your car is. Put huddy or pierce n the numbr 10

@bustedknucklepulling1826 - 09.02.2025 02:56

Hunt the front needs to start making the show b main is not gonna keep sponsors on board!

@waynesmith-rl7uw - 15.02.2025 13:20

Talon with them and some testing would be beneficial
