Addressing the backlash

Addressing the backlash

Honest Vlog

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@joanborrelli8307 - 15.08.2024 05:21

In your original vlog about moving and showing us the caravan, we saw Uncle Albert, Liz's brother doing work on the caravan. So, I'm sure that he would not be helping if you were taking advantage of Liz. But I am wondering about where Simon's sister is in all of this. And I know that it's none of my business, but just wondering.

@alissastedman4163 - 15.08.2024 06:41

You are a class act to even reply to someone so quick to judge or disapprove of you over antiques in your shop. As if s/he pays your bills or deserves a say in your personal endeavors. Absolutely ridiculous!

@martyn9323 - 15.08.2024 08:07

I really don’t know what’s wrong with people! What you are all doing is great, I am in a similar position, I live with my partner and mother in law, saves her being on her own somewhere and we all help each other, costs are tough at the moment so why not do what you can to help eachother and just enjoy life! It’s an exciting time for you and looking forward to the videos showing the house renovations!

@ruthcollett399 - 15.08.2024 08:27

My Dad worked away in my childhood and would come back every Friday evening and leave again on a Monday morning. He would live in a caravan on a farm and my siblings and my Mum would go and have summer holidays with him. The caravan was lovely and I have great memories. They now live in a canal boat. Not everyone has to live and do things the same way. Ignore the haters. Not sure why they think that their opinion matters. It's your life do what makes you happy x

@aylasstuff06 - 15.08.2024 09:04

Hiii Georgina❣, you owe this person and us nothing, this person should be far more consumed with the government and corporate corruption if they are really concerned about such sort of corrupt behaviour that would affect the larger economy. Most of us here are small grains of sand and our small lives have very little impacts on others. Do whatever you must to block them, your valuable time on this earth should not get wasted on this random that means nothing

@michelle_mitch_p - 15.08.2024 09:16

Head high and 2 or 1 finger up to the ridiculous people. You and Simon are the loveliest kindest people ever. As my mum used to say “pay no mind” ❤

@creepy5766 - 15.08.2024 09:34

Please please please do not spend another second of your time responding to these horrific online trolls. Firstly, It has absolutely nothing to do with them what happens in your personal life, and secondly this troll is most probably a very very sad and lonely person so upset with their own life that they spend their time bringing other people down rather than picking them up. Keep doing what you're doing and please just stay off that site.

@christopherglover4784 - 15.08.2024 09:35

Your life …unless someone walks in your shoes they have no place in commenting on what you choose to do! 🫶

@ohbutthejoy - 15.08.2024 09:45

Here for you Georgina. It makes me sad that you have been made to feel this way. You have been through so much and deserve some tlc. Take care and remember, most people are able to see things for what they are and what kind of person you are x

@CellarDoor1970 - 15.08.2024 10:10

Tattle is a toxic echo chamber that you need to ignore and never address.

@EuropopTop - 15.08.2024 10:54

I can’t believe how people can be so cruel and ignorant. Unfortunately you have felt the need to defend yourself . It is a side effect of being so open with the videos, I guess.

@jxb7309 - 15.08.2024 11:34

These people need to get a life. They need to learn the basic rule of Nunya as in Nun-ya fucking business. 🙄 you didn’t ask for their unsolicited advice - “it’s just my advice” - nobody fucking asked! I can’t stand these sorts of people! Hope you’re ok - you’re making the best choice for your family. 💜

@xanderd3717 - 15.08.2024 11:59

It actually upset me to see that you were pushed by cowardly drama queens into having explain yourself. You are such an open person and some of the things you have chosen to share shows just what a brave and remarkable person you are. Without a doubt there is not a bad bone in your body and it's a joy to see the relationship you share with Simon and Liz. Wish you so much happiness you deserve it big time. Xx (If there's any justice there will be quite a few wasting police time punishments doled out to sad sacks with too much time on their hands.)

@davidostrowski679 - 15.08.2024 13:00

I used to be a content creator and this is why I stopped. Subscribers or followers are just strangers on the Internet. You owe them nothing and certainly do not need to explain anything to them. When you feel the need to do that, that's when it's gone too far. These people will drop you in a second regardless or continue their bizarre and intrusive parasocial relationship with you because they are unable to develop real relationships in their own lives.

@EmmaLou8424 - 15.08.2024 13:07

Good god. Please ignore these people. Dont waste your energy on this BS ❤

@emilyrobinson1327 - 15.08.2024 13:55

This is so sad to hear u explaining an act of kindness. She's lucky to have you. People do this all the time when renovating.

@Irgoe - 15.08.2024 13:59

Georgina, just mark those emails from Tattle as Spam or create a filter to go into the bin, where they belong. To email you privately and make you aware of "hate" is so odd and seems like baiting, for this very reason. Just ignore them. Trolls thrive on being called out.

@Chatt1000 - 15.08.2024 16:30

I think it was hard for people to understand your decision if it was only explained to a small group of members. The comments were extremely harsh but without context (as a vlogger) they were just jumping to conclusions.

@schneevongestern9898 - 15.08.2024 17:34

that you actually are being pushed by complete strangers from the internet to explain your private actions. incredible.

@Britishvisitor - 15.08.2024 19:58

Oh no - I didn’t realise this all stemmed from Tattle! That website is one of the most unpleasant places I’ve encountered online. It is full of the most miserable, cruel people. I fear nothing you say could ever appease them. Please try and shut them out. We’ve got your back 🙏💚

@matthewa8713 - 15.08.2024 20:31

Just delete the bad messages and emails. Pay them no mind. We can't please everyone. No matter what we do people will like or dislike. Put it out of your mind and continue doing what you like to do!😀

@LoonZoomBoo - 15.08.2024 20:45

To be honest. I enjoy your vlogs, but I'm sick of hearing about business or lack thereof. You come across as a bit beggy.

@macintyredunning - 15.08.2024 20:53

Genuinely shocked that you feel the need to have to explain or justify any of this. The keyboard warriors can go to hell!!!

@suzysnewlife - 15.08.2024 21:20

I do wonder how much of police time is wasted by people reporting influencers for nothing

@robertarthur6470 - 15.08.2024 21:37

People need to learn to mind their own business ❤

@alithevegancatlady74 - 15.08.2024 22:39

Its a good idea ..n think its given a full idea of what ur plan is ur vlog..
I know people that lived in a caravan n wasnt as bad as trolls havr put..also know people who lived on a barge.will u still do ur crystals etc on ebay..i really like ur ebay shop its nice to see ..i have my eyes on afew things a vlogger myself n find myself explaining mys4lf to people..usually over my cats..sometimes cant do right for wrong.

@jexpiperUK - 15.08.2024 23:51

Some people really need to get a life 😂.

@barbarabarbbb - 16.08.2024 01:53

Am I missing something? Why do you have to justify all these things to this person??? He really needs to get a life. It's none of his business. Hope you're okay. Xx

@lloydfloats - 16.08.2024 03:35

You are amazing. Your viewers love you. You are genuine and lovely and caring and it’s blatantly obvious ❤❤❤

@looool06 - 16.08.2024 04:24

lizz has always spent time with you guys and helped in the shop etc. liz clearly wantst to be closer to her family. my parents sold their house to live in with my grandma as do i her grandson too to help her out because she cant take care of herself anymore, its very common most families move in with the elders for many different reasons. the trolls saying this probably ship theirs off to a care home. at least geo is helping and liz is helping them.

@johnnyappleseed3875 - 16.08.2024 05:39

People are soooooooooooo dumb. You’ve always come across as a genuine person so everyone else can leave

@Pkeats817 - 16.08.2024 06:09

Oh my goodness! What a ridiculous email he sent you! That email was sent just to antagonize the situation. This person is just being manipulative. I can tell. He is pushing your buttons. I feel it’s like a fake person. Probably the same person in the feed before who was getting on like that. Georgina, we adore you. Your real supporters are your friends. We, your internet friends understand and support you. I knew exactly what was happening with your move. It makes perfect sense. I’m so mad this troll is making you feel you have to explain and defend yourself. Hugs Georgina!!!

@Pkeats817 - 16.08.2024 06:22

This person is antagonizing you because he knows you are a nice person. It doesn’t matter if you change your shop, your job, your hobbies!! You don’t owe this person an explanation. It’s your life. It’s yours to live. What a J*RK! I think it’s awfully coincidental the person who sent the email referred to the website. I think the person in your feed, in the email, and whatever the website is THE same person. The person in your feed wanted you to make an explanation and so did the person in the email. That’s proof enough for me. I would block that person if you can.

@jannforde9553 - 16.08.2024 08:47

Make the block.button your best friend. It honestly isn't worth your effort...don't let them into your energy. X

@mikeykm1993 - 16.08.2024 10:05

Tattle is where small minded idiots go to complain. If there lives are so perfect, why are they in a random blog slagging off someone they don’t even know? 😂 most of them are no lifers so pay them no attention

@kristiansven7022 - 16.08.2024 15:37

All you had to do was say you were moving into simons mums ,You made it look like you were putting Liz into a caravan on her own drive as you save money moving into her house 😂 Which is exactly what you’re doing

@traceyraybould7148 - 16.08.2024 23:58

WHY are you even bothering? Its just so silly. Its your life, your decision. Why do you ‘play’ to these morons? Its beyond me. 🙄 just IGNORE it please. 🌼🌸🌼

@heatherhoult - 17.08.2024 12:54

You really shouldn't have to divulge so many personal reasons what you're choosing to do to Internet strangers, totally disproportionate! You have genuine reasons for doing what you're doing, which is no one else's business. Some people have been watching too much Netflix and need to understand actually realities of life, and less 'reality' tv.
Keep doing what you're doing G, ❤ the vlog!! 😃

@LeFouGallois - 17.08.2024 15:36

For those of us who grew up in a time before the internet even existed, I think that one of the biggest problems is what I would call the 'tiktok' syndrome. I think that the internet has exacerbated the shortening of the attention span in many people. In my personal opinion, this has lead to more cases of people reading a headline, or hearing a sound bite, and due to a knee-jerk reaction, they post a negative, often volatile response without doing any further research on the subject. The result is amplified when others respond in support of the knee-jerk reaction. This is being seen more and more, creating further divisons in society, when we need to come together and heal. As with any tool, the internet can be used for good, highlighting suffering around the world, but it can also be use for bad, sharing negativity and a them / us situation. It is awful that you have had to justify yourself when in fact you are simply trying to help Liz. Hang on in there, don't let'em get you down. Sending luv, hugz and healing energy as always Xx 💖 xX

@dominicwelsh2942 - 19.08.2024 13:35

What you do in your private life is nobody's damn business but your own! Don't allow others to dim your light, Georgina.

@brianonlinenl - 20.08.2024 16:32

Day one follower here! Look, there's two sides to this. You're an internet personality. You're throwing yourself out there so naturally people are going to have opinions and talk, be it positive or negative. However, Tattle is a very toxic place where insecure people go to talk down on others. It's basically a bunch of Karens who think they're superior to everyone else. That's not voicing your opinion, it's straight up cyberbullying.

To a certain extent they're doing this to hurt your feelings because they know you will have a reaction to it and that is what gives them satisfaction. Imagine being so miserable that upsetting other people is what gives you satisfaction. As much as I want to tell you to "please rise above it Georgina" I do realize that it's just not that simple. You are a human being with emotions and feelings and when someone says nasty things about you it hurts and it can be devastating. Please know that these are just random people venting their (toxic) opinion and that's what it is; THEIR opinion. Something to remind yourself of: their opinion of you is none of your business. Repeat it in your mind: "Their opinion of me is none of my business".

Do those people have an opinion about your neighbor? Do they have an opinion about the lady behind your local supermarket cash register? Ask yourself the question: Do those people have an opinion about people that are not relevant to them? If something isn't relevant to you, do you have an opinion about it that you need to voice?

In other words: You are relevant enough to them for them to form (and voice) an opinion. They follow your channels, watch your videos, only to say nasty things when in fact if they were really convinced that you were such a bad / boring / hateful / unintelligent / lame etc. person they would have simply unfollowed. But they're here. You're relevant.

@lieslwindjulie3230 - 21.08.2024 21:19

@matthewwilliams8339 - 22.08.2024 09:34

We love you ❤

@LeahBaker-o7y - 22.08.2024 20:40

Don't people have anything better to do than complain of what you sell in your shop and what you do in your life when they don't know the full story x

@Jack89uk - 27.08.2024 03:16

You shouldn’t feel the need to explain yourself to trolls on the internet. A section of people online live in a culture they’ve normalised where they spend all day obsessing over someone and being as cruel as possible. Plus also you’ll get bitter stans who aren’t happy you said a negative comment about their favourite singer for example so just want to try and grind you down. They’re the ones sitting watching hours of your content just to hate on you… it’s pretty sad and shows what sad lives they lead. My advice would be to interact but block, mute & ignore those who come to be mean.

@exceptionsounds6714 - 28.08.2024 19:00

No response is the best response Georgina

@cy8997 - 31.08.2024 16:06

I think whoever wrote the emails needs a life. They have no idea of your situation or your own families needs / wants. Liz clearly doesn't mind staying in the caravan otherwise she wouldn't, she probably also wants to help her son out during what you've said is a bit of a difficult time. You don't have to explain anything, I find it sad that you've had to go into so much detail on your personal life it's your choice what to show/tell us. Hope you're ok and remember it's your vlog channel you decide what's shared.
