“iconic abby lee moments” aka abby lee being a horrible person
ОтветитьMe too mi eating
ОтветитьI saw somewhere that Maddie and Melissa actually didn’t lie but miscommunication was created on purpose to start drama by the producers
Edit: Maddie and Brooke sobbing broke my heart :/
2 sapphires is so haunting because we know whats coming....
ОтветитьAbby Lee Miller is an awful human who caused and causes detrimental harm children with her “techniques”. She has produced nobody of note in her entire career. Maddie was a born star ⭐️ Sia made her famous. Not Abby. And Jojo made herself famous. All she says of her past students is how much money they should pay her. She’s disgusting.
ОтветитьPpl who think holly was always right can comment:
ОтветитьJill saying Kendall isn't a brat was laughable. Sooo many people have said she is one of the rudest kids... Also, for Abby to say parents should drop their kids off is ridiculous. Didn't she chew out Holly.and Nia because Holly works and would miss class?
ОтветитьKalanis Afro got on my nerves in stomp the yard
ОтветитьEating while at work right now 😂
ОтветитьI think we can agree that eating while watching dance moms hits different 😊😂
ОтветитьHolly is the realest one 😭 I love how she got Kelly out before the police got her
ОтветитьAbby doesn’t know that it’s ok to cry istg
Ответить❤I'm Sorry but she should not call her a brat even if she was crying at a older age no offense❤
ОтветитьCan we all agree Chloe is way better then Maddie but she got put aside because Maddie is the candy Apple of Abby
ОтветитьThe fact that it is "i just wanna stay at home and eat chips"
ОтветитьChristy and Kelly owe Melissa an apology because she did ask Abby not to let them be scored. Now they made Maddie cry thinking Chloe wasn't her friend anymore for no reason. The fighting in the show is absolutely ridiculous but I like to watch the girls dance that's the only reason I watched the show.
ОтветитьStomp the yard will always be my favourite group routine idk why it’s just so good
ОтветитьThey way maddie is crying! I am feeling bad for her. i don't know why they blame the kid. Poor maddie.,,😢
ОтветитьThe “see how she talks to me” after she just told Brooke to “grow the h*** up” had me rolling!
ОтветитьHonestly, i dont understtand why the moms are always so jealous of Maddie! and always take it out on Melissa. I understand like they want their kid to be the best of the team, but its not Maddie's fault that Abby thinks Maddie is the best. That's just my opinion
ОтветитьAbsolutely uncalled for for Abby to call Mackenzie a disappointment. Those words can leave a lasting impact on someone. I thought Mackenzie was fabulous and always fun to watch. Abby will never learn from her mistakes of emotionally abusing children. Even after all she’s been through with jail and cancer. She hasn’t changed for the better one bit.
ОтветитьIm eating bAnAnA and watching😂😂
Ответитьin my opinion Wish Bone was so much better than Two Sapphires
ОтветитьAll I could think of during the drama was Jojo saying “cAn I gEt SoMe PoPcOrN oVeR hErE?” During an interview once
ОтветитьI feel bad for Melissa because she got blamed for the duet when it was actually abbys fault😢
ОтветитьWho’s eating and watching and what are you eating
ОтветитьI sometimes wonder if Melissa turned Abby in
ОтветитьI would bet all the money Abby was hiding that Melissa was texting her rich husband and his lawyers after Abby made the comment about the moms coming to jail with her. Melissa said in the clip before she knows all her secrets so I'm sure Melissa helped her hide money or just knew about it. She was working her front desk for a good while too.
ОтветитьNow abby is the baby crying waa waa shut up
ОтветитьMelissa really did ask Abby for the duet to be ejudicated but since she has been known to lie, it's unfortunate that Christi and Kelly didnt believe her and it turned to that. Almost like the boy who cried wolf...
ОтветитьShe got what she deserved 😂😂😂😂😂😂hahaha