VOX - VOXverse Interview with Will Wright and Gala Games

VOX - VOXverse Interview with Will Wright and Gala Games

Gala Games

2 года назад

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@jonnyp613 - 17.03.2022 22:51


@crystalswaggerstick890 - 18.03.2022 00:55

2 or more founders nodes because if you only have 1 you're not important

@codefoxgaming3552 - 18.03.2022 08:17

*sigh*… This is really bad for people with 1 Founders Nodes. Like seriously guys... where is the love for each and every player who have been here and believed in the project since the beginning of time and especially those who are in it for the long haul for the Gala community? can we get a WL so that we can purchase JUST one box ATLEAST , rather than rewarding those buying BUCKETS of BOX's and selling them higher on secondary market... Guys... Wake Up!!!!!! Keep ALL Your Original Founders Nodes Happy.. even if he or she could afford only ONE and LIMIT TO ONE PURCHASE EACH ONLY (Per Account) .

@investgeek.crypto - 19.03.2022 00:54

Finally something for Founders Node owners! I'm very happy to hear that from the Vox team. I feel like Founders Node owners should of always been whitelisted and gotten discounts etc but I'm glad that we are finally getting a hat tip from one of the projects on Gala.

@randomz5641 - 17.04.2022 10:53

