Benefits of Travelling | Why Travelling Is Important

Benefits of Travelling | Why Travelling Is Important

Social Wanderers

4 года назад

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@smoothlee64 - 27.06.2020 21:48

Thanks for sharing

@NeetoleMitra - 27.06.2020 22:19

Absolutely 👍

@TalesOfTravel - 28.06.2020 08:05

wonderful video👍🏻👍🏻.. absolutely true words and very relevant as well..😊

@amreenkhan3088 - 28.06.2020 11:59

I agree with the fact that you get creative when you’re out of your comfort zone. Good video.

@TheWanderingHermit - 28.06.2020 12:03

Yup.. these tips of traveling will help us all

@TravelSoloWithKatie - 28.06.2020 14:26

All such true points, all the reasons why I love to travel

@prashantnegi6831 - 28.06.2020 14:35

Very informative

@AprilChu - 28.06.2020 19:52

These are all very true! It’s great to disconnect and appreciate life. I can’t wait to travel again! 😊

@TulikasVibe - 29.06.2020 09:11

Very true 😇 Nice work 👌

@milestocherish7852 - 29.06.2020 19:55

I agree with your video, Travelling is like a therapy for me

@johnkarolcoaching - 02.07.2020 10:27

Great points! And nice video! Thank you! 🙏

@canceriancaptures7955 - 02.07.2020 15:29

Loved your video 🤗

@unboxedwith_atang210 - 04.07.2020 00:53

Great content!

@Exploreduocreative - 04.07.2020 20:06

Very true I advice everyone to travel

@surajsagar1209 - 05.07.2020 13:01

Nice video, agree with all reasons.

@EmpireNomads - 13.07.2020 04:33

Great advice for traveling!!

@eprohoda - 22.11.2021 04:06

Thatt's cool:)

@mikeee7425 - 16.02.2022 02:09

Material things mean nothing to me! Travel means everything.

@ires5 - 17.04.2023 12:38


@adrianakulasza4256 - 30.05.2023 17:25

Difficult to describe. In " family" Jo was My Friend but family friend too. But She knew about our problems and supported me through since teenagers. Secondly "Ralph Lauren" from that couple years ago was friend too. The only s*** was we " know who". But good to know the Major Role to play.
Which means I'm working on my own and for my own.

@revisit8480 - 24.02.2024 15:16

This comment section is full of women. I'm shocked.

@HossamAlbshiti - 19.08.2024 12:39

1Aids you get to know yourself better 2 Brings peace to your mind 3 Helps you get original and creative thoughts

@karanofficalmasti - 26.11.2024 09:44

While travelling, you might find yourself stuck in situations you won't normally experience in your daily life.

This can help you understand yourself and how you react to such circumstances, preparing you for future similar situations.

Bring peace to your mind: we all have stress and tension in our lives. Traveling forces us to disconnect from our normal routine for a while helping us appreciate the people and things we have around.

As per a famous saying
"we never knew what we have until we lose it."

Helps you get original and creative thoughts: It is believed that if someone gets out of their comfort zone, the mind gets more creative.
To develop new neural connections that trigger that creates original and creative thoughts you must explore new places and break out of your daily routine.

Boost up your confidence: Being in a place where you do not know anyone will assist you to gain confidence and presence of mind.
You will develop the ability to cope with obstacles, which will make you a confident person.

Creates memory for a lifetime: If you travel with friends and family members, travelling helps you build stronger bonds and make memories.
You can also save memories of a lifetime by creating photos albums and sharing photos in social media.
