Premium Gift Picks | Cycling and Running Gift Guides | Sigma Sports

Premium Gift Picks | Cycling and Running Gift Guides | Sigma Sports

Sigma Sports

4 года назад

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@lee1987923 - 11.12.2020 02:42

Varia connects to all wahoo computers and some other ones too

@MrBJPitt - 11.12.2020 08:31

Assioma duos are my favourite all time cycling purchase, far better than the stages/4iiii/quarq power meters I've tried.

And for those worrying about pedal strikes. I literally grounded down part of my pedal in a crash that broke my collar bone and knocked me out cold - pedal bodies are replaceable, but I'm still running the pedal - the Assiomas haven't missed a beat after checking with dual recording to my kickr post crash after multiple rides back on the trainer.
