That essential swimming trick... the handstand! ‍️

That essential swimming trick... the handstand! ‍️

Global Triathlon Network

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@LuqmanUAE - 23.08.2024 21:40

I'm 27 yo. I learn now

@jimvandam123 - 25.08.2024 04:33

It is the shame and embarrassment of not swimming as good as the younger generations. Fear of 06 feet water is a no. I want to practice and eventually go to the ocean.

@arvindbhaishah7476 - 25.08.2024 08:33

Bubble from mouth or nose ????

@midnightstar1996 - 25.08.2024 20:29

I did do swimming lessons in primary school and secondary school but I didn't have the best swimming coaches cos they were a bit too strict and demanding so I never learned how to swim properly. This is on my bucket list. Definitely.

@Scutum-ky2fx - 27.08.2024 17:21

This is very inspiring to watch. I have swam most of my young life and love it so seeing people do it for the first time is so good. NEVER be embarrassed, we are all at our own levels and its easy to say that but keep it in your mind. Swimming is almost like meditation for me and I would recommend it for anyone.

@null8fuffzn199 - 05.09.2024 13:45

It might seem silly to some people but if you are someone who had a traumatic experience as a child with water, that shit sticks with you. The important thing is overcoming the fear, not having the fear in itself.

@h3arty - 06.09.2024 00:56

Omg the ending brought tears to my eyes. 😢 I'm 34 and have my first lesson tomorrow and you have given me hope. 😢❤ I'm SO excited and ready!!! It's going to be such a HUGE relief and confidence boost to learn this life skill I always missed out on.

@kyleislonely - 11.09.2024 07:46

When I was 6 I fell in a really deep pool but I turned 12 and after 6 years later I conquered my fear and started swimming again now I am swimming everyday

@ynahadventurervlogs9147 - 12.09.2024 07:44

now I have lessons for swimming my 44 age hahaha

@evasalazar3011 - 13.09.2024 03:33


@popvoice4417 - 16.09.2024 09:02

I am dead and I am floating in and out

@JosephMusembi-l1b - 29.09.2024 10:45


@acidcookiegirl - 30.09.2024 19:56

I'm taking swim lessons at 44 with a similar fear and story. I've floated, backstroked and floated with my face in the water over the last month. I cried at the end of every milestone and totally feel Harry's overwhelming emotions.

@Bishopk60 - 01.10.2024 21:43

28 can’t swim, watching this, I can feel every bit of his anxiety

@surjitkalair8371 - 12.10.2024 12:36

Well done! 👍

@minnienhle21 - 20.10.2024 14:28

I am starting my swimming lessons next week Tuesday and I am nervous. I almost drowned at a friend's pool party when I was a kid, and I have been terrified of water ever since. But I can't run at the moment because of an injury. So, I decided to take up swimming.

@yihan4485 - 27.10.2024 04:04

I want to a compilation today 🎉🎉🎉

@HYUHE - 28.10.2024 17:59

Awesome Harry, great success high five!

@AlHaitham77 - 05.11.2024 16:01

I am 99 learning to swim for my last few years 😢

@natalieitliongfechter6073 - 06.11.2024 10:22

I love this! I never learned how to swim as a kid. I did some lessons in college and learned to float but that was as far as I got. I have a kid now and I want him to learn how to swim. My husband is a good swimmer so we've been going to pool once a week. This is so encouraging!

@meenashah2197 - 06.11.2024 20:51

I. Started. Swimm at. Age. 65. Very difficult. For. Me

@shatter22 - 14.11.2024 21:17

I am 49 years old. At the end of summer, I decided to finally learn to swim—a goal I’d been putting off for years. I started three weeks ago.

After my sixth session, here’s what I’ve noticed: I’m most motivated to freestyle swimming, but the breathing is definitely the hardest part. I’ve never felt this motivated before. Finally, I actually enjoy going to the pool and don’t get a knot in my stomach. The swimming lessons I had as a child, 30-40 years ago, were terrible. Now, I’m happy to see I’m not alone, and we’re all motivating each other.

@Iloveamerica999 - 19.11.2024 23:13

Where’s all my black people

@mirriamstraveldiary9109 - 24.11.2024 22:36

Am 29 and have done 6 lessons 30 minutes each and I can do basic swim and star fish float comfortably. Am soo proud of myself ❤

@janetwong9081 - 08.12.2024 00:26

I feel so much with him during my process of learning right now

@susanhobster6729 - 09.12.2024 00:17

I can swim but can't put my face under. I'd love to be able to go under, but I've got too many memories of trying and choking when I was a kid.

@tnsh3 - 17.12.2024 21:39

I'm 36 and I started swimming lessons about 6 weeks ago. Now I'm able to swim at least 25m. It's never too late to learn to swim.
My teacher recently tried to teach me the butterfly stroke 🤯

@Bobasoffical. - 19.12.2024 03:37

wth bro you drowned a little??? i drowned alot twice

@YY-bp2rq - 20.12.2024 04:10

Watching Harry at the beginning of the video putting his face in the water, I felt so anxious. I can’t imagine how challenging it must have been, and I hope he’s proud of himself for overcoming his fear 💪🏼 Inspirational.

@robharris5245 - 27.12.2024 19:25

What percentage of those 56% don't want to swim. I'm one of them I not interested neither are two sons

@sheezy2526 - 30.12.2024 04:02

44% of the world's population can swim? Whaaaat?

@okaytobehuman - 30.12.2024 23:56

I'm turning 40 in a few months and I'm learning to swim right now as one of my goals for my bday. I hope to get comfortable enough I can surf some day :)

@maryjermany8840 - 02.01.2025 02:02

I’m 68 and decided to learn to swim

@Ibrahimlol111 - 03.01.2025 01:47

I am 100 years old and today is my frist swimming leson 😭😭

@datajunky2303 - 16.01.2025 21:26

Dont try to float, just float!

@dsfsdad4727 - 17.01.2025 15:59

I am 3 years old and these videos have been paramount in increasing my confidence within the water

@morzonthereplicator - 19.01.2025 14:51

It becomes easier and easier with layered experience if you just #1...RELAX!

@askatraveller - 22.01.2025 14:23

I've just enrolled for swimming lessons. I've drowned when I was about 10 y/o and 17 y/o (almost died). My kids are currently enrolled too but I always have this emptiness with me that I do not know how to swim... I guess it's never too late at 38! Just finished week 1 so wish me luck!

@marianoblas3608 - 29.01.2025 02:06

I’m 44 and started lessons 1 year ago. Very similar case of a blocking due to an incident in my teens

@thomasrobertfitness - 30.01.2025 13:32

I thought that I fear from water but now I can see what is like to be really scared. I’m learning now how to swim at 34 years old. Struggling with the start fish at the moment, but my legs and also my torso are pretty muscular.

@robharris5245 - 02.02.2025 00:28

Why do we NEED to learn to swim? It seems like its an absolute necessity in life. I am in my 70s and cant swim. As i live in the middle of England I have never found a need to. None of my children ever showed an interest in swimming either.
Dont tell me its never too late to learn as its good exercise. My nearest pool is a 30 minute bus ride away then a 10 minute walk. On top of that the maximum time you are allowed in the pool is one hour and that will cost £6.50. Hardly an incentive to take lessons. In addition you are advised to take someone with you who is a competent swimmer. No one in family are interested.

@colorfulchaotic1720 - 07.02.2025 22:27

I just turned 32 and beginning my swimming lessons and now at my 5th session earlier today. I am still learning to breath in and out properly, get air while using the kickboard, I was just disappointed with myself earlier cause I wanted to do it so badly but I'm unable to. I can get air on the first try, then once I dip my head again my lower body just don't float as it is. Or maybe I'm not just relax.

@NehaSinghCC - 13.02.2025 22:10

I am 34 have fear of water and decided to learn swimming this year. Took 5 classes till now and now I can kick slide and do some arms movement as well. Good going harry and what an amazing instructor

@listenerjoyce1651 - 20.02.2025 01:00

Thank you Harry and GTN! I just started taking lessons now, and I’m over 60. I’ve been weight training and riding bikes for many years, but I felt the desire to learn to swim this year after watching Eddie Redmayne swimming in a tv series.😂 Many of the folks who are in my lessons seem to be more comfortable in the water than I, and I feel like the only absolute beginner. I’m starting to feel more comfortable in the water, but it really helped me now seeing Harry’s beginning journey. Since my lessons aren’t private/one-on-one, it was really nice seeing the patient interactions. Bravo Harry!🏊‍♂️👏🏾

@DecoyLaVague - 21.02.2025 20:49

I recently took on the same challenge and can relate to this episode so much, thanks for sharing!

@etherealmeals - 23.02.2025 23:59

I won't recommend my beginners swimming experience. My father is from a fishing village and a strong experienced swimmer. He did aclimatize us to wayer by the bubble exercises in the shallow part of the beach. Alwaus reminding us that in order to float we need to fill our lungs with air. Then he brought me and my brother to the deep end in a boat, about 10 m deep, then he threw me in the water. It was me coz he knew, I trusted him a lot. He told me to take deep breath, reminded me that if I needed air to come up to the surface and breathe through my mouth like we practised at the beach. Everytime I was getting under he would pull me up to get some air and truly, I floated until I felt confident enough to do it on my own. When my bbrother saw how I succeded, he voluntarily jumped himeself. To this day, I closey eyes to envision that day and it calms me down and feel safe. Being pulled out of the water when I raise my arm. I sent my sons to swimming lessons as kids coz we live in Denmark now. They can't be Filipinos who don't know how to swim. When we yravel home and visit the islands, they enjoy it a lot because they know how to swim. We have 2 grandchildren who need to learn how to swim. The ocean has been my happy place since. I almost all our vacations involve water activities. Summers in Copenhagen are awesome as we can swinm in the canals which are 10 m deep. Well we do that in winters too but as healthy as it might be, Im not a fan of swimming in frozen water. During The feast of Santa Lucia, people wear waterproof lights on their head and swim in the frozen water at Nordhavn. I'm old now so I'll be forever a sectator than a participant.

@ITstartslife - 02.03.2025 18:26

My mom is 48 and she is scared of swimming

@kornival117 - 03.03.2025 15:31

thats a good teacher. most swimming instructors dont realize the fear of someone who cant swim getting drowned. He took his time to let Harry overcome his anxiety and fear. Instructors just let you into the pool and tell you, ok this is how you float not even thinking we are literally scared to death

@gtn - 10.05.2024 12:03

Share your beginner swimming tips in the comments 🏊
