Bryann T - Glorious Love Ft. Young Bro & Brandon Trejo

Bryann T - Glorious Love Ft. Young Bro & Brandon Trejo

Bryann T

2 года назад

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@johnweller1500 - 29.10.2024 23:29


@ChristonBethune-zq7nt - 30.10.2024 04:53

❤❤❤ This song jam better than the original, all glory to the Most High.

@Edward-h2q9k - 02.11.2024 05:04

Awesome song. I love how they used bone thugs and biggies music. Amen

@HappyP08 - 06.11.2024 14:48

😂.... 👍..... Glory.... Hallelujah

@HappyP08 - 06.11.2024 14:48

Death 2Life

@geraldmanzanaresjr2561 - 12.11.2024 05:00

Messed me all up! POWERFUL!!!

@geraldmanzanaresjr2561 - 12.11.2024 05:48

Maaan these dudes did a gooood job man!

@damiansailas6296 - 12.11.2024 08:26

That's coo

@CarlosPerez-me9qr - 12.11.2024 09:26

Got love for you

@forlovessakeministries9247 - 15.11.2024 00:23

Goosebumps everywhere lol

@CherrillCamp-c6f - 16.11.2024 19:54

Brian t I just want to let you know that I've been to prison five times yes I understand it's a lot but I didn't want to change until now I didn't really get a real relationship with God but until now but now I am out of incarceration and I'm constantly listening to your music and Kingdom music so I just want to thank you and all the people who are provided with that but most of all give God the glory that he can use people l like us to change this world

@lorriechicamarti1370 - 18.11.2024 01:37

New to the christian world love this song

@ErickkMorenoo - 20.11.2024 04:41

Since prison i started watching, cristian music and here i am in the free world still listening💯

@Michaeljoseph-u7r2p - 23.11.2024 08:12

Dizzam I didn't know yall did this oh my God Jesus loves yall

@SmokeTheReaper - 25.11.2024 08:08

Killed it!!🔥🔥🙏

@roxanneseiter1950 - 02.12.2024 06:42

Need to find this song as a ringtone. ✔️

@juanguerrero9743 - 12.12.2024 00:02

Straight 🔥

@bagaca687 - 13.12.2024 23:27

If I didn't have God's spirit in me I'd say the whole song is good except the 2nd to last guy. He ain't with us.

@jaysontahmalwash6041 - 22.12.2024 06:39

That’s awesome thank you 🙏 finally got to jam out heck yeah CASTING OUT DEVILS ain’t strange to us felt that ❤heck yeah CHRIST RULE EVERYTHING AROUND ME 🔥

@marcusdaugherty1209 - 31.12.2024 06:13

I took my first bump of tina at 11 with my mom. Blow, boy, speed,and pot and liquor was a given. Like it was normal to weigh put a pack for someone in my house when mom was busy servin it up ..Im 45 now. Ran across this video. This is the closest iv heard anyone paint the picture of my life. I flat lined Dec of 23. I hot railed 7 gs of girl in a very stort time. And it killed me. God sent me back to testify. Ivspent 200 plus days in the hospital. So im gonna testify as im instructed. These brothers right here. Are testimony that uou can come back from hell and the chains wont hold when the Lord is involved. Great song its top on my playlist. Yall rawk. God Bless Y'all.

@VincentHonahni-vo7or - 02.01.2025 19:30

I LOVE IT!!!!! Man how Bone was a big influence in my life of iniquity. Now I'm change because of Christ in my life. I love this song. I want to do a song with the instrumental from Bones No surrender. But call it Lord I surrender. If God wills it then it will be . I love this song.

@raycontreras16 - 04.01.2025 00:00

That’s. Hard. Okay. I can roll with that. 🎶

@ErikaGarcia-nn2kw - 09.01.2025 02:11

🔥 🔥 ❤

@john-i2v7j - 09.01.2025 07:37

Been listening to bone since thuggish ruggish..after turning my life over and was struggling with addiction (that im fighting like jet li now) woman sent me this song and i teared up..Bryan T and young bro up there like krazie bone to me now..god bless it..

@MicheleChadwick - 12.01.2025 05:44

I totally agree 😮

@joelnettle5058 - 13.01.2025 19:00


@jennines1491 - 17.01.2025 16:43

I love this version. ❤

@manuelvargas-qj3en - 18.01.2025 05:17

My lil carnalito just called me from from the joint while I was in the ambulance, getting moved from another hospital to another hospital right now because I found out I’m a diabetic and my pancreas and if I would’ve never came in yesterday, I would’ve died. My little brother is locked up in the pinta in Arizona or from Albuquerque, New Mexico a.k.a.BURQUE I JUST GOT OUT MYSELF JULY 18 TOMORROW WILL BE SIX MONTHS. I’VE BEEN OUT AND I AIN’T GOING BACK. I HAVE MY THREE LITTLE BOYS. I’VE BEEN THE MOM AND DAD 7 1/2 YEARS AND EVEN THOUGH I WAS AWAY I STILL MAKE SURE THEY WERE OK TAKEN CARE OF. I STILL PAID MY RENT MY BILLS, AND BY THE GRACE OF GOD I DIDN’T LOSE MY HOUSE NOW I’M OUT BETTER THAN EVER THANK GOD I NEVER BEEN NO DRUG ADDICT OR NONE BEFORE MY KIDS DID ALL MY PRISON TIME COUNTY TIME JUVIE TIME AT THE AGE OF 10 I’VE BEEN SHOT TWICE. I’VE BEEN STABBED SIX TIMES JUMPED LEFT FOR DEAD WHEN I WAS A YOUNGSTER me and my little brother are totally different on the gangster and he’s a good one. We never expected him to be in there and our family. It’s normal. Going to prison jail living that. Mi Vida loca all the shit I’ve done and been through. I thank God I’m still here. I almost lost my life. A few times gun violence caught up in the streets. My little brother tells me tonight you’ve been through so much, brother. I was in my cell last night, just worrying about you then that’s when he tells me hey big bro you ever heard of Brian T I said. Chale carnalito and here I am listening to.homeboy! God is good. I’ve been home only going out six months didn’t lose. Nothing got me a down ride or die chick I never thought I would be a stepdad, but I’m the dad her girls never had and she’s the mom my boys never had we known each other for years, but just made it official when I was locked up as last time my kids are my life. I’ve changed for them believe it or not. God sees and knows God is good. He let me come back home and make sure I didn’t lose it all because I have he let me buy a brand new Tahoe from the dealership and pay it off less than two months and get another brand new car for the dealership financed Yeah tonight I’m here in the hospital but he sent me here if I would’ve never came last night. The doctor said I would’ve never made it. Everything happens for a reason me and so many others are walking testimonies!!!! KEEP IT UP BRIANN T!!!! MUCH LOVE FROM ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO free, my baby brother Angelo

@LubbockTexas-n8m - 18.01.2025 21:57

Put song repeat for last month

@WhitneyRaleigh - 19.01.2025 20:33

This song tho!

@joelnettle5058 - 19.01.2025 20:58


@billyd7887 - 22.01.2025 00:29

Let the song die wit Biggie. This is tacky and the reason why its hard to shake off the corny label. Not enough baritone to sound like Big and then he just straight jacked Bizzie Bone. He should be embarassed.

@ykd818 - 23.01.2025 10:07

This song is suppose to be about The God-Head. Not about 'Me' me me me me

@rongrundy7943 - 25.01.2025 11:59

Praying for you. Brother

@derrickgonzales2803 - 29.01.2025 14:50

Can't take your words seriously now

@alexisjasper6344 - 04.02.2025 00:56

Fire 🔥 I listen to this every am my husband uses it to wake me up😂 I hear it and get up Praying for you and your fam 💯‼️

@immortaltlo8330 - 04.02.2025 07:56

May God continue to use bless and protect all of kingdom music! ❤ one of the greatest godly rapper to ever exist 🎉

@JacobHernandez-t3o - 07.02.2025 20:23

We still love you Brian Kingdom music forever stay in the fight brother praying for you

@GutegangJourney - 10.02.2025 16:47

Bro this is awesome

@Brandon-su1gb - 10.02.2025 18:53


@KaelaThestregthtoendure8 - 18.02.2025 06:14


@KaelaThestregthtoendure8 - 18.02.2025 06:14


@KaelaThestregthtoendure8 - 18.02.2025 06:16


@TrulyQueenBasileia - 20.02.2025 00:38

Bless his heart 💜 The kingdom of GOD IS HERE! 🙏🏻

@SWEACK - 25.02.2025 18:59

This is fire

@PaulDennis-x4x - 27.02.2025 04:19

I need Good words coming out my mouth ❤

@AmberleighVigil - 03.03.2025 17:54

You can feel the holy Spirit preach brother.. This man's music saved me while I was homeless!!!!! Please don't give up brother Bryan 🙏

@craigewing3069 - 09.03.2025 05:06


@JesseFraime - 09.03.2025 07:41

This is a curse of Christian say I'm very sad that the people put music out like this and call it God❤ got your ass Ninja
