Sherp VS Lesnik - $100,000 vs $50,000

Sherp VS Lesnik - $100,000 vs $50,000

Amazing Machines

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@zackbonnell5468 - 08.02.2021 00:36

The sheep is just along to haul them back when they have to leave the other vehicle stuck

@dangiroux7065 - 08.02.2021 03:46

Tires tires tires???

@mikecrystalrobert7898 - 08.02.2021 20:35

The lesnik needs skid steering like the sherp to have 360 degrees of turning radius

@jasonsmith5077 - 09.02.2021 06:43

Hell I’d take my samurai through that and it only cost me 2grand, and gets 30 mpg

@jimboneutron8399 - 10.02.2021 04:16

Can you imagine being in Vietnam during the war and you think you are safe deep in the forest and a herd of sherps just come barreling through the trees so u run to the beach and you see another herd of sherps literally driving through the ocean in your direction so u run to the river only to find a whole line of sherps coming up stream. Its like a nightmare 😂😂

@2Morrowisnt - 10.02.2021 19:23

Not a VS video and why would anyone put those tires on that type of machine??? Makes not sense! Also, I hate to say it but it looks like the driver has never been off road. Besides all that... I did enjoy the video and thank you for posting your videos. Keep up the good work

@briancandreva521 - 12.02.2021 18:40

So which one did better worth the extra money and the tires do play a big part in performance the tractor type win!

@Axis_Of_Evil - 13.02.2021 03:14

The Lesnik is definitely a capable vehicle but the Sherp is obviously better for more extreme conditions. If I had the money for one or the other, it would be the Sherp, 100%

@grim6980 - 17.02.2021 10:04

I wonder how much they cost to make.

@dacartrainguy - 18.02.2021 13:16

Sherp is way better

@lucywucyyy - 16.05.2021 20:42

twice as big and half the price?

@lucywucyyy - 16.05.2021 20:42

those tyres

@menteanimal5390 - 26.07.2021 04:06

Sherp best, Sherp very, very best, good...

@EronIler - 12.08.2021 14:41

Where can I buy one in the US for $50k?

@InertiaCreeps - 07.09.2021 03:48

This lesson in this video is that you get what you pay for. You can pay more and get Sherp or you can pay half as much and get half a Sherp in the Lesnik.

@АртемКотельников-г6э - 23.09.2021 21:25

Это Андрей Базин?

@LombaxGod - 24.09.2021 09:32

So when do they compare? Its just being followed

@M3231-s3v - 21.12.2021 23:40

two fancy vehicles, $150,000.00. Couple guys walking faster than them while carrying cameras, priceless :D

@ДмитрийЖура-н4о - 28.12.2021 11:24

Ещё скажите, что Лесник ни где не прилип?! Такого просто не бывает никогда.
Едет нормально, если за рулём голова а не грейдерист. Но там где на Леснике надо вертеть головой и рулём, на Шерпе едешь , пьёшь кофе и снимаешь видео.
Каждому своё, по надобности и размеру кошелька.

@prestonthomas9406 - 20.01.2022 07:47

The Lesnik is my choice for looks, price and size, but the tires would need changing. It’s very quiet also, almost sounds electric.

@lenshorten2021 - 11.04.2022 22:58

I like it better than the sherp

@ronniewalters4084 - 16.04.2022 09:42

There's no comparison? It's got slick tires on it. But just off of what I've seen that sherp ain't worth $20,000 if you ask me. It's built cheezy af man. If all you care about is never getting stuck then it's cool.. I've operated skid steers that were built better.

@dailydoseofrandomvideos5482 - 15.05.2022 10:13

Both made it

@Extrasailor - 20.05.2022 17:14

This is better than the Sharp.

@Cetok01 - 29.05.2022 15:30

It looks good. I'd prefer Sherp/Atlas-style tire treads, with the full-width thick ridges for better traction.

@warthogA10 - 22.06.2022 06:09

Them tires do be sucking

@marcelooliveirasoares3430 - 13.10.2022 20:14

I think this is just a handmade production or a proof of concept. I looked for a Lesnik sales site and couldn't find one.

@brianturner733 - 20.02.2023 22:38

When u do two things against each other u should at least see something happen not just one thing doing everything wow that was a very stupid video didn't prove anything of witch craft was better very sucky

@stasares4500 - 12.06.2023 10:17


@soulofnature6537 - 27.08.2023 07:27

🤣😂Обажаю когда дурачки непонимают что нужна резина с зацепами как у шерпа для внедорожья тут даже двоешнику понятно в болоте эти шары как лысые писец ))))

@brianschryver8314 - 20.12.2023 04:17

I’m more curious about the atlas and shatun to be honest.

@damnu8089 - 09.01.2024 16:36

to much money for what it is ! you could sale more for less , i'll make one $8000.oo

@JackDogSteve-jr9js - 12.01.2024 02:06

What about Bigfoot hanging w/ the Sherp!?

@chrispeede3479 - 22.01.2024 06:25

Not impressed

@shotgon5458 - 26.01.2024 21:34

Obviously you guys were trying to make the Sherp look better just due to the tires you put on the other. Put the same damn tires on both if you're gonna try to put one against the other. There's absolutely no reason the tires should be slicks on off road!!!

@ludicrous7044 - 03.07.2024 07:55

Which is better:
Front steer
All steer
Or side to side
It would seem in side steer you lose half your traction when you turn??

@timothy1837 - 17.09.2024 03:39

i wonder how many critters this things kill?

@Hicks2fix - 19.09.2024 02:48

Your video work Is shit bro.

@VHGbham - 20.09.2024 00:02

I always go muddin' with slicks and use paddle tires on the strip. Oh. Wait.

@joesshop3622 - 23.09.2024 03:10

No 4 wheel steering? WTF Who does the design of these things a 1st time engineer?

@lawrencehockett8179 - 24.09.2024 01:41

Put some real tires on that thing. Golf course tires aren’t going to work.

@joey-cn6mt - 11.10.2024 07:39

Those are some slick ass tires on that thing

@livingeveryday777 - 16.10.2024 06:04

If you want to skip to the Sherp, find another video, this is Lesnik vs Lesnik

@gavinboot4810 - 20.11.2024 00:20

A comparison on rocky terrain would be more interesting,,those lesnik tyres would then shine,,😊

@darrenwerner1829 - 26.11.2024 18:42

If their tires were close to the same i wouldn't have to much doubt these two would be very equal off road.

@johnmattos1475 - 10.12.2024 02:53

Get rid of the all terrain tires on the Lesnik put some Sherp mudders on.

@kurtreynolds1589 - 14.12.2024 06:27

The Sherp is there to pull the Lesnik out of the mud when it gets stuck 😂.

@ВалентинЧепиль-э2г - 26.01.2025 16:19

lesnik is suks - bad copy of Sherp

@Pylyp_Orlyk - 30.01.2025 23:10

Sherp never comes with TIRES LIKE THIS? What kind of slicks are these? Stupid Russian crap
