I wonder if the reason you can punch Marge as Homer and Bart but not each other is because they're the current controllable characters while she's technically an NPC at the moment?
ОтветитьThat Simpsons game including a mechanic that specifically points out how generic the game is...that's an interesting choice lol
ОтветитьZero gravity space porn.
Ответитьyou would enjoy persona 1 on the PSP, it has no social aspect like 3 onwards, it's pretty much smt, but I recommend using the original ost mod of it, the ost they used for the PSP version is vastly inferior
Ответитьthe pool section was the funniest part
ОтветитьIce Road Truckers was on History Channel because ice has been around a really long time.
ОтветитьThe reason that Joel doesn't remember Spiderman 2 being like this is because this is basically just Spiderman 1 from the PS2/Xbox. I'm pretty sure this first level is literally the exact same map from the first level in Spiderman 1 just with different objectives. I didn't know that there even was a PSP version of Spiderman 2, let alone that it was pretty much Spiderman 1. Even the gun sounds, damage, and Enemy voices are the same. They did incorporate some sounds from Spiderman 2 into the game though.
ОтветитьI rented The Simpsons game from GameFly, it was the PS2 version though
ОтветитьThe John Cena baby wasn't canon.
ОтветитьI need Joey to play the whole simpsons game specifically the PSP version its has the right stank
ОтветитьToday on Joely-Joel's Soundclip Context Hoel:
"J-Just let go, Spiderman! Jesus! Ju- Stop, STOP!!!!"
the Patapon in the intro made me smile, one of my favorite childhood games :')
ОтветитьFor Spider-Man all he had to do was stop mashing forward lmao
ОтветитьI wonder if Joel has played Road Kill
ОтветитьI love how Joel pronounces Groening as Groin-ing
ОтветитьBad news Joel, Red Lobster is going out of business
ОтветитьThe Simpsons has been trash for probably at least 15 years, probably more like 20
Ответитьtypical finnish behavior
ОтветитьI love DILF fishing visual novel
ОтветитьJoel hates when ppl misapproprate his country, proceeds do to that with USA for 30+ mins lol WOW Joel lol
Ответитьgood god, in that ice trucker game you can see the edges of the speedometer jpg
ОтветитьJoel's old man/God voice is the absolute worst shit ever I skip it every time FUCK that annoying voice you're damn right nobody likes it
ОтветитьJudas Priest are death metal now I guess
ОтветитьI legitimately thought Joel was joking about John Cena giving birth to the comic book guy in the Simpsons. That's how far the series has dropped off in quality lmao
ОтветитьI think orchestral music fits some video games, just not games like The Simpsons. Shadow of the Colossus comes to mind
ОтветитьWhat a great portable console the PSP was. Too bad I destroyed mine as a child after losing to a Lili in Tekken 6 (I think) lol
ОтветитьPsp games looking exactly like switch games
Ответитьthe pool game seems actually great, is there a psp emulator for android so I can play this :)
Ответитьmommy mommy!
the yellow man is in the BROWN ZONE!
"Press X to inseminate Mary Jane with radioactive semen" I was in fucking hysterics after this, holy shit.
ОтветитьI used to watch deadliest catch religiously when i got home from school. i hated it