The most important have ever seen u do is nine in a row blind.
ОтветитьSo happy you won 🎉
ОтветитьVic, the lower bets are just as exciting and hurt you way less when Victor luck kicks in. Great to see you dude
ОтветитьYou got paid on the 3rd pair of 7s against pair of kings…
ОтветитьNever heard of you signing
ОтветитьThat was you I saw. With that tripod over the table. How the hell you get to film in casino?
ОтветитьGood luck🎰
ОтветитьKickin sum arce!!!
ОтветитьThis was so fun to watch Victor. I did not want the session to end. Nice to see you victorious.🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьDidn't get paid for the light on trip 4's
ОтветитьThe side talk really takes away from the video.
ОтветитьSomeone teach victor what “Drawing live” means please. 1 face card preflop is not drawing live to a royal Vic lol
ОтветитьAlso good sesh
ОтветитьCall me crazy but I liked the guy in the background.
ОтветитьWow! That fella talking non-stop over your shoulder ruined this video.
Ответить“Last hand if I lose” means exactly 60 minutes more
ОтветитьDrunk dude lost all his money and was just praying you’d throw him a little something 😂😂
ОтветитьMr. professional yapper back there
ОтветитьSo nice to finally see a win on UTH. Love your live table videos
ОтветитьVictors ptsd with this game is comical 😂🎉
ОтветитьNever saw him play so badly.
ОтветитьBrother is like uf thats discousting. And after he wins 4 hand in raw lucky😅😅
This season is very lucky u know that😂
$25 tip on a $2500+ win. lol. What a cheapskate.
ОтветитьThat back to back to back pocket 7s is wild
Ответитьi’m not sure if i’m right but if you had quads and the trips pay 30 to 1 your bet is 50 the pay should be 1500 if the trips bet is 25 it’s 750 i see the before the flop and on the river noted there
Ответить3k up and only tipped 25 chips abysmal!!!!!
ОтветитьBro said last hand like 5000 times 🤣🤣🤣avg gambler fr
ОтветитьThe guest commentator is still one of us.
ОтветитьLooks like 38 min in. The full house only paid u 2 to 1 not 3 to 1
ОтветитьDude thinks youre playing black jack 😅
"Gotta hit that bro!"
If you’re playing to create content, then by all means play the trips. If you’re grinding then the Trips gives the relatively fair game, a massive house advantage. 7mins in he hits a straight, and is still 25.00 in the red on Trips wagers
ОтветитьHow drunk is drunk?
ОтветитьPlease tell me … you’ve You’ve trade marked “Last hand, if I lose”
ОтветитьAnd then his heckler…was told Chairs for players! 🤣🤣😇
ОтветитьYou dont calculate correctly
Its not omly the outs with higher cards but also any pair 22 33 44 55 etc.
WOW! what a great tipper!! Kkk
ОтветитьSomebody needs to do a smack down on the idiot that keeps running his diarrhea mouth
ОтветитьGot a Royal Flush Clubs at Mohegan Sun yesterday, unfortunately not on the flop. Flop payed progressive of $280k. I had the 9 and A of clubs the rest were on the felt. Blind payed 500 to 1, I bet $15.Regardless it's a Royal so I can scratch that one the list. Best of luck to you, thanks for the work it takes to create content for us degenerates.
ОтветитьIts thanks to Vic that i dont wanna gamble anymore 😊
ОтветитьDopamine is not your friend in this endeavor
ОтветитьThis is a run no one would believe unless you filmed it.
ОтветитьSomebody give this guy a drink so he’ll shut the hell up!
ОтветитьI get your good guy and being nice I would have told him I’m making a video
ОтветитьYou should change the channel name to 'Last hand if I lose' lol