TTArtisan 50mm f2, $70 Happiness - RED35 Review

TTArtisan 50mm f2, $70 Happiness - RED35 Review


1 год назад

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@benclarke8500 - 07.05.2023 14:12

It's a beautiful looking lens, especially at that price. I think this will look great on my Pen-F. I'm sorely tempted even though I already own the 45mm f1.8.

@MichaelGerrard - 07.05.2023 14:27

Thanks for the review, great job as always. The lens looks excellent. But I have the legendary Oly 45mm F1.8. Next I want TTArtisan to make a 70 or 80mm lens to rival the Oly 70mm f1.8. That would be a true alternative because the Oly is expensive, especially for that occasional focal length.

@billycheng2800 - 07.05.2023 14:32

What's the point of having this if I've already got a 45mm f1.8?

@robertdavidson7242 - 07.05.2023 14:49

What happened to the camera you bought that isn't MFT?

@caw25sha - 07.05.2023 15:14

This lens would be good for retro style black and white street photography. The flare would give it a mid 20th century feel.
I wonder whether this lens cost less than Jimmy's Timberland hat 😆

@ggwildlife - 07.05.2023 15:26

love your reviews as always but im a little confused in the intro you said this cost 70 dollars, in your description title you have it as 70 pounds, converted dollars to pound this is 55 pounds, so what is it i cant find it for this price and you dont have a link anywhere??? its just so frustrating.

@williammoskovitz7772 - 07.05.2023 15:33

Good video on an affordable lens. Just a bit confused here however. If I can pick up something like a Chinon 50mm F 1.9 Vintage lens or a similar Konica 50mm F 1.7 or F 1.8 in excellent condition for cheap and use and adapter I'm not sure why one would need this ? Just help me wrap my head around this.

@peteryungcp - 07.05.2023 15:58

Yeah. I agree it looks nice and cheap. However, 50mm I think is a bit too "tele" in m4/3 world...if this metal "bad boy" is 17mm or 25mm, I will go and buy it immediately! By the way Jimmy, I had a silver Olympus Pen-F body and I will definitely buy silver one to match with the body. 🤣

@corykphotography - 07.05.2023 18:02

I am going to have to get one now. Thanks

@gpciceri - 07.05.2023 20:02

the TTArtisan's idea to build relatively fast, compact body and retro style lens is pretty nice.
at f/2.0 speed today the best is the 25mm, 50mm is almost too long for my needs. I'd like to see both 17mm/2.0 and 12mm/2.0 in a near future.

excellent review, BTW. thanks a lot.

@StrangelyIronic - 07.05.2023 21:51

These are the types of lenses I give as gift ideas for people that pester me for birthdays and holidays when I tell them not to worry about a gift (I'm of the mindset that if I need/want something, I'll just buy it; a nice inexpensive lunch at a dinner or something is more than good enough a gift TBH). I like these simple lenses that have been popping up because it gives me a similar appearance/experience as my vintage glass without dealing with the bulk of adapters and weight if I want to use something like a tiny E-PL8/E-P5 over something like my Pentax KP or K-1.II for K-mount/M42 lenses from over the decades.

@WhoIsSerafin - 08.05.2023 00:30

So is it actually a 50mm equivalent field of view or a 100mm equivalent?

@highwayman1224 - 08.05.2023 01:42

I've got the 17mm 1.4 and the 35mm 1.4 and I love them both!

@tangwong2312 - 08.05.2023 17:44

I have the TTArtisan 50 f/1.2, which is fantastic and also so inexpensive that it is almost free. How does this f/2 compare to the f/1.2.

@d30gaijin - 09.05.2023 05:28

I bought both the TT Artisan 25mm f/2 and the 50mm f/2 lenses. Both are rather impressive simply as good imaging, good looking, and very functional lenses. The price is very much a bonus. The 25/2 stays on my GX85 and the 50/2 on my Pen F. Thank you for your review of both lenses. Your review of the 25/2 compelled me to buy the 25 and the 25 compelled me to buy the 50/2.😎

@25palex - 09.05.2023 07:49


@productguru8323 - 09.05.2023 11:30

This silver lens looks pretty! The IQ may be great as well. But its equvalent focus length of 100mm is hard to work with for casual street photography. I would love them to offer a 35mm F2 in a similar form factor!

@tedphillips2951 - 11.05.2023 03:40

I love my TTArtisan 50mm f1.2

@OutRAjious - 12.05.2023 22:48

DM me if interested in an 8mm fisheye in london … excuse my post!

@TITAOSTEIN - 17.05.2023 01:19

Pretty Lens!! Great pictures!!!

@parranoic - 18.05.2023 01:12

For me this lens is a miss, the design is amazing, looks and feels great on my x-t4 but the quality of image is just not there. If you want to do some portraits it's soft and has a glow if the subject is backlit. Yet it might be my copy as they really do a poor job in the QC department. I had 3 35 1.4, one was sharper than the two others and had a nicer focus ring, their 27mm 2.8 af came with the rear glass block misaligned and didn't focus at all until I manually unblocked it. For the price there's nothing that can beat them, vintage lenses with adapters are annoying to use and main brand lenses are too expensive

@funkmon - 19.05.2023 03:07

Now do more Leica

@az5745 - 19.05.2023 05:06

Ha ha..."unless you haven't eaten for 3 days..." 😂

@klausschwabbler - 31.05.2023 20:09

alas, the lenses dont focus to infinity, you have to adjust them yourself, loosening 3 screws and try and error

@Jarrych83 - 05.07.2023 01:24

Great review. I bought the black copy shortly after it was released and am absolutely kicking myself for not having a silver version on my silver em10. I already had a good 25mm manual lens it's I'd have both because they do just work well and are very consistent. Minor aberration, vignette, etc are super easy to adjust in post and I feel like a lot of reviews forget that most of the auto lenses are pretty bad about that without the automatic software corrections. I personally use this with a 1/8 black diffusion filter on the front and keep the white balance slightly warm and it just makes for stellar street shots and impromptu portraits. And "despite" the f2 aperture, it doesn't feel lacking in that area until you get into highly specialized situations.

@vladnickul - 07.10.2023 09:54

Not really a bad lens as chineese lens go. but compared with any old 50mm from any ussr rangefinder , or anything elese.... old.
Good lens just no. just a nicer CCTV lens converion.
