That's why you take the source out 1st, then eject by racking slide several times and/or lock back and inspect. Without a source you can't release the slide and chamber a round. 1st step is make sure finger not on trigger, release mag and store it then rack back 2 time possibly 3 to insure there is no live ammo in firearm then lock back and inspect. The 1st finger is called the index finger
ОтветитьGood instructor Mike. Humble
ОтветитьIn competition after three point check we doing the dry fire safe direction to make the gun completely safe.
ОтветитьAs you load the mag and let the slide forward, I would visually look into the chamber to ensure it strips a round forward, that would be my press check during an admin load.
ОтветитьI usually just hit the slide release during admin reload. Not pull it back then release. Anything wrong with this method?
ОтветитьWho's here because of Russian Ukrainian war?
ОтветитьNice student btw … :-)
Ответить"Gun fighting" fundamentals, and halfway through the video the only thing covered is intro and how to make sure a handgun is cleared?
ОтветитьAnyone else pause to admire at 16.51?
ОтветитьGood job mike I watch you and GBRS group all the time great advice
ОтветитьAs a armed civi, I appreciate this video
ОтветитьIndex finger!
ОтветитьBefore u watch, they never actually do anything. They just talk.
ОтветитьHello Hannah how are you.😘
ОтветитьGod bless America 🇺🇲✝️🌈
ОтветитьSuch a great teacher, Mike I can't thank you enough for what you have done, doing and going to do!! The FBI has picked on the wrong man, mop the floor with those dirtbags homie👊
ОтветитьIs it just me or does the camera angle in relation to the barrel give anyone else stress
ОтветитьI am curious about the percentage of people taught to do an administrative load while holstered versus out of the holster.
Me, taught to be holstered. The chamber would be empty.
That woman is hot as hell
ОтветитьHe just had to say erect ...
Ответить& I fingered that girl in the video and he knows it. 2018 northern Georgia finger all the way to the knuckle in them guts. I'm just waiting on my day to get one of these slippery guys 👆 in him. He hates me even tho I didn't boink her
ОтветитьThanks! What’s the point of “free presentation”?
ОтветитьGood stuff
ОтветитьWell done. I especially like to see a young woman interested in this subject.
ОтветитьGreat video!
ОтветитьMike Glover's the best. No ego. No attitude. Just wants to share his knowledge to make us all better.
ОтветитьThat fuckin intro🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьPicker or pointer
ОтветитьIt’s always nice to re-visit the fundamentals 😮💨
ОтветитьThis dude right here!! Squared away! Mike and Travis Haley are the two I’d love to take classes with!! Both guys extremely professional and not haughty in teaching.
ОтветитьGood advices
ОтветитьGreat information. One thing I would add that was missed (probably because this is for intermediate shooters) is to keep the finger off the trigger at all times when doing your check. Obvious, I know, but worth mentioning, in case someone watches this and doesn’t know better.
ОтветитьThe cameraman deserves a raise 🤭Love your content. I've learned a lot watching your videos.
ОтветитьI am no expert, I have training from my father who was an Phoenix PD officer. Usually we drop the mag to take the point of feed out of the equation completely before racking the slide back. Not saying he's wrong, obviously he's got a different level of experience that my father couldn't match. Just seemed like a simpler process to teach me as a very young child and has stuck with me since.
ОтветитьWish I could get Mike to instruct my wife! I've tried many times and with much patience. Cannot seem to get her over the "flinch factor", and because of that, she cannot hit a target!
ОтветитьIndex finger
ОтветитьThis is my second time I have seen this! Mike Glover you were born to teach! I really appreciate the detailed explanation!!! Thank you!
Ответить"Gravity's gonna feed the magazine into the dirt" - dope-ass cool science dude. You're the new Bill Nye, man!
Great vid though, appreciate it.
The flaw / and I don’t know shit from wild honey 🍯
Is if you treat you weapon system as if it’s always loaded. If you need it loaded and it’s not , maybe too much no good.
Possibly knowing the status of your weapon system at all time would be better ?
If you keep putting your hand 🤚 on her your wife is going to kick your ass after you get done filming this video ! Lmao
ОтветитьThis is basic safety. Nothing to do with gun fight surviving. Lame...
ОтветитьSuggested retitle: Gun handling fundamentals.