Yamaha Live Custom Hybrid Oak Drum Set - In Depth Review

Yamaha Live Custom Hybrid Oak Drum Set - In Depth Review

Drum Center of Portsmouth

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@thewheelofhc - 16.01.2020 23:47

If anyone wondering the difference between this and the live custom. I have both. Same size. Same heads. The toms and the floor sound exactly the same. The reason they came up with the hybrid was that yamaha needed a reason to raise the price on the kit because their where losing money....And thats from yamaha themself.

Theres a difference in the low end of the bass drum. But common yamaha, put the weights for the lugs available for the live custom

@robertocalderonabogado1427 - 19.01.2020 10:01

This kit sounds good; almost like Mapex drums.

@jordanyoung8703 - 07.02.2020 06:51

THANK YOU FOR USING UFIP it's so good to finally see someone using UFIP cymbals. There is no better Bell sound than a UFIP cymbal.
And this set at a low thuddy setting.... wow... and the bass. Best set.

@acesimmons7705 - 24.02.2020 17:41

I don't even play the drums lmao but still cool

@CraigFlowersMusic - 04.03.2020 08:24

Why do you guys do the room mics and overheads? I don't understand what purpose that could possibly serve better than the full mix. I have always fast forwarded through those parts, and I always will. Just curious.

@carloscrosara6931 - 15.07.2020 01:54

Great sound

@carloscrosara6931 - 23.08.2020 21:31

Gourgeous kit. Great sound.

@LeviBlessBand - 07.09.2020 21:59

Beautiful kit. Is it a drum kit fit for live show touring?

@joeywaters7927 - 17.09.2020 05:24

My next kit is going to be these or the Recording Customs. Can anyone give me an idea of the difference in sound between the two kits? From the videos I've seen, it seems that the Live Custom Hybrid Oak kick is going to be have more punch and low end than the Recording Customs. Regarding the toms, the Hybrids seem to have a little less warmth, but more articulation and clarity than the Recording Customs. Any insight here would be greatly appreciated!

@DirtyJobsGuy1 - 29.09.2020 18:31

Might be one of the best sounding kits I’ve ever heard! Now about that price!
Hold on, let me ask my wife!

@gregseverance870 - 20.10.2020 14:17

How heavy are the weights?

@SuperBab21 - 21.10.2020 01:16

Great videos guys ,i subscribed to your channel.just would like to ask if the bass drum on this video is empty or if you have put any pillow etc? thank you

@boonfire3714 - 07.11.2020 00:50

Holy shit, that kick really does thump. Wow!

@danielmorales6151 - 09.12.2020 11:18

Uh oh someone didn’t tune them right this time.

@marcuslindstrom2217 - 06.01.2021 18:45

Love it. Does it come as a 4 pice?🙂

@raulmaradiaga4033 - 07.03.2021 18:16

Estos vende Drums , están pasadas , ya vencido el material de madera y con mal Tono, estafadores ha prisión...

@raulmaradiaga4033 - 07.03.2021 18:16

Estos vende Drums , están pasadas , ya vencido el material de madera y con mal Tono, estafadores ha prisión...

@bradanderson1442 - 31.03.2021 07:11

"These were meant to played Live" Is probably true.. but Holy Cow do they ever mic up badass for recording! Just listened with headset. I'm in love. very impressive... Higher register AND lower.

@MrPentre - 05.05.2021 00:08

My dream kit! Might be I sell all my 3 drum sets to get one of these beauties

@venteach.6289 - 01.06.2021 01:26

I wish I could afford this kit! For now I’ll get for a stage custom cuz that’s the only kit within my price range 🥲

@jeffahearn - 15.07.2021 14:57

Are you sure they're not trying to emulate a kick drum with 22' by 14'?

@giuseppecasa3574 - 17.07.2021 17:27

wonderful drums with really nice sound and great drummer

@RachelAKelsey - 09.08.2021 12:11

I love how the toms are very punchy without too much ring to them. Also, the bass drum is superb. However, I’m not too crazy about all the ringing coming from that snare because it makes it sound cheap as shit! A decent snare needs to have a sharp CRACK with NO RINGING to it! This is super important because the snare is the centerpiece of sound for any set of drums you might buy.

@jettsom - 11.08.2021 04:31

The bass drum kick is unreal! The best I’ve heard yet.

@jamesjackson5418 - 09.09.2021 19:41

Love that bell 🔔 on the UFIP ride; and emojis

@matthewcordeiro2073 - 22.11.2021 22:53

Now know why Paul bostaph left Tama for the Yamaha oak kit. Sounds great.

@danlc95 - 05.12.2021 15:48

From that top view, the toms look positioned exactly how mine are.

@miguelrivera6146 - 21.12.2021 01:54

I can't wait to own a real Drumset like these all the drums I want can't afford them 😟 I hope soon. I really in love with these❤🥁🎶🎵

@stevericardo_drummer - 22.12.2021 09:07

Wow, sic sounds man. Great video.

@talkliberia812 - 23.01.2022 16:45

I’m trying to get a drum for my church. But I don’t know anything about drum.

@JakeStaffin - 20.06.2022 21:58

That high tuning sounds absolutely amazing, and I think this finish is my favorite finish in Yamaha's catalogue. For those of us that have dreams of playing stadium shows, I think the projection from this kit would do very well in that setting. But for now I think I'll stick with my Stage Custom, and maybe a Tour Custom in the future; always loving what Yamaha puts out!!

@elpmettsol - 14.12.2022 03:29

Extremely impressed! They sound amazing!👍

@Gretsch0997 - 31.12.2022 09:35

For the window-shoppers out there: and For those who lean towards a maple-gum (or birch) type of kick-drum sound , you may not like these drums. Try them at home first if you are allowed to, before committing to the full price.

@joymahiko - 04.01.2023 07:13

Suggestion: When you demo a drum set, minimize playing the cymbals and non-included snare drum so we can hear more of the ACTUAL drums that are for sale. Like Sweetwater does.

@keithpratt1849 - 15.01.2023 20:38

These sound beautiful. I hit them at a store and was blown away with the full rich sound. I have not lifted one of these bass drum. How much heavier are they with the weights. Are they feasible for a gigging drummer that does not have roadies.

@attilahajabacs6453 - 26.01.2023 18:16

That kick is just a pure cannon. Somehow I always end up playing Mapex, but on a professional level this would be what i want to put on the stage :) Great video!

@motodrummer - 09.02.2023 19:50

Sat in at a gig last week for a few songs and was blown away by this kit. I thought the BD was mic'd. Hmmm, it may be my next kit depending on how heavy that bd is. I am Not getting any younger : )

@roberttaylor1275 - 01.03.2023 23:22

Had the original OAK CUSTOMS....long story short...someone stole it on road then found on a pawn shop but before police report..they went outta business...it was Ozark blue color 12" tom....awful...news...

@PercyTP5161 - 08.05.2023 12:33

Wow, has the body of a DW and the brightness of a Sonor! And that bass drum 😍

@zerosoma33 - 07.07.2023 03:38

My dream kit now

@aimdrummer - 23.10.2023 15:02

I'm going to be taking delivery of one of these in the next couple of weeks.
I was going to get the kick reso ported but now I'm wondering if I should leave it as it is?

@maxwellaruwa492 - 14.01.2024 22:28

Hello, would you please list for me the fast crush cymbals details?

@stevenfederico2594 - 07.03.2024 01:10

These really do sound amazing, but as far as oak goes I will stick with Ludwig

@warrobotslifehacks5139 - 08.03.2024 00:41

I am a newbie drummer and this is my first kit since november 2023. I had some problem with tom tuning. I prefer low tuning as metal drumming fan. But it has a lot of distortion on low tuning on flour toms. Now I get used to medium tuning. This bass drum was scarry me at first time. It sounds like explosion. It makes me to do a room treatment. And I put there the biggest pillow, that i have. Now my taste is changed and I switched the big pillow to plaid. And I realy enjoy this huge sound. Now it's like a museum. I invite my friends drumers to demonstrate this bass drum, because I know, that they never heared nothing like this. And they said "duuuude... my breast are stressing, when you kick it".

@robertmadueno2732 - 24.08.2024 21:02

Wow those drums sound great and they're not even tuned or tuned correctly. Tuning is CRAP and they still sound that great. Dang. Especially that floor tom. Just crazy

@ericg9092 - 28.09.2024 08:50

I'm 5 years late listening to these but really like the sound. Wow.

@golferal - 01.10.2024 04:49

I have this kit in Uzu Earth and it's the real deal. It sounds miles better than my old Maple Custom Absolute kit and I can confirm the materials and craftsmanship is as good as if not better thank the old made in Japan kits!

@mjtan6787 - 18.01.2025 18:22

I just got this kit for a great deal. 20, 10, 12, 14....yes, the bass drum sounds huge!

I dont put a pillow or towels inside because of the bass enhancement weights...so what i do is just put moongels on my bass drum batter head.
