I’m actually glad you moved away from Canon cameras. Canon has screwed me over twice now by refusing to service my cameras which just need some light maintenance (lens gears issue in one, problem with the contacts in the articulating screen in the other). Both times they tried to get me to upgrade to a new camera, and therefore more expensive camera, when aside from those minor issues my current cameras work perfectly fine. Screw them, the next time I need a new camera I’m switching to Sony. I’d buy a Pentax before I’d buy another Canon.
ОтветитьI went exactly the same way - Nikon for 30 years and now XTs and GFX 50. For anyone who likes having old school dials on their cameras, the 50S is the best of the Fuji MF bodies ergonomically. The combination of sensor and lenses gives a look that is totally different to any of the high MP 35mm cameras - in the best possible way.
ОтветитьSeems like Pentax doesn't exist in people's minds any more.
ОтветитьIt's interesting... the "tech backlash" seems to be happening on multiple fronts at the moment. One that I'm involved with is electronic music: there's been a huge resurgence of analogue synths recently and a lot more people getting into modular synths as well. I think we all just got fed up with digital menus, pointing and clicking with the mouse and not having knobs to turn – and a few enterprising companies saw that gap and filled it.
By the way... I think you need to have ELEVEN Fuji cameras so that "F11" takes on a double meaning :)
I actually have a lot of cameras myself. So why do I feel like I have none?
ОтветитьI don't get why 4x5 is considered large format but 645, 6x6 and/or 67 somehow are not. I don't get it.
ОтветитьThat thing about film photography boost your creativity is totally TRUE!! My father in law gave me his old Fujica AX-3 as a gift and mate... I'm flipping!!
ОтветитьYou call 19 cameras many? Pff... amateur!
ОтветитьYou can "donate" the limiting large format to me. I'm dreaming about it for awhile.
ОтветитьPlease more videos with the GX
ОтветитьSome years ago my father in law kindly gave me his Pentax Spotmatic film camera and some Asahi Pentax lenses. I kept the camera with the 50mm 1.4 lens under my bed. Anyway I found out the lens under my bed probably a foot away from my family jewels was quite radioactive! Ironically the other lenses I placed in a drawer quite some distance away weren't radioactive! The radioactive lens lived under my bed for 2 years so I was quite worried to the point that I bought flipping Geiger counter to do a risk assessment. An erm? the 50mm 1.4 was giving out around a 1000 counts per minute when the background count was just 20. Thankfully the lens was kept on the camera body, in a camera bag, under a thick mattress which meant I was only getting 25-30cpm when I was asleep on top of the bed, so barely more than background radiation. As a massive hypochondriac I was worried for a while but we did have twins soon after that so maybe I should thank the good old Thorium doped vintage lens for my beautiful girls? :) Anyway, I've just discovered your channel recently and have just subbed. I also want to try putting some actual film in my father in laws Spotmatic camera after watching one or two of your vids, so will be looking into how all that works :)
ОтветитьHey Thomas, Welcome to the FUJI Fold - From an early Canon shooter using Fuji emulsions - and now only shooting with Fuji's since they introduced there 1st mirrorless film simulations cameras.
ОтветитьUntil you get more GFX glass, why not adapt your Hasselblad lenses? Careful though, it's another gear rabbit hole
ОтветитьLike watching your videos and the beautiful places you visit. I have several cameras as well. 5 digital(Sony, Nikon, Canon, Olympus and GoPro 7). Also have a few film cameras I like to take out and use(shoot with from time to time). I live in SE AZ(not far from Tombstone). I also like watching your channel because you shoot(photograph) a lot of your local area. We have a couple National Parks near here(Saguaro National Park and Chiricahua National Monument.) Thanks for sharing. : )
ОтветитьAdam Gibbs was given that 50R as a gift from a follower, I do hope he cleared it with that person before he profited from it and sold it to you?
Anyway, why anyone would need 100mp is beyond me, you'll notice a difference if you print the size of a billboard and look at it from two feet.
I admire anyone who can handle this much gear. It makes me feel anxious just listening....
ОтветитьSurprised they haven't reached out and asked you to be a Fuji X Ambassador. Maybe in due time.
ОтветитьPlease please please lose the background music. It is absolutely not needed and is extremely distracting.
ОтветитьGood idea to get Fuji gfx 50r so the lenses will match the next upgrade the compact gfx 100s
ОтветитьThat looks like barely enough cameras.
ОтветитьI know what you mean about being in love with the Hasselblad... i have a similar feeling for my Rolleiflex SL66 😁
ОтветитьSecondhand cameras ... love 'em. I have been away from photography for many years (basically since it went digital as I preferred film, especially b&w) and am looking to get back into it and in particular landscapes as I travel around. I have no particular brand loyalty since I sold all my film cameras and am now looking for two secondhand digital cameras - one a convenient travelling camera (thinking mirrorless) and another suited to landscapes for prints. What do you recommend as cameras for starting out?
ОтветитьMine XT4 was overheating like crazy hot! I took it back and went for a Canon eos R
Ответить😂😂🤣🤣 I thought I had more cameras than anyone in the world until I met you! I have 5, including my iPhone. Two are older point and shoots. One is a 6 year old DSLR. And I recently bought a Nikon Coolpix B500 because it was cheap and I wanted to shoot the moon! Now I’m thinking of buying the Nikon Coolpix p900 or p1000. The way I’m going I’ll soon end up with 19 cameras too! 😂😂🤣🤣 Can’t possibly use them all! It’s madness! It’s obsessive! Help!
ОтветитьI like your process...wish I could be this clear.!!..LOVE /confusion...
ОтветитьJust imagine charging all the batteries for all these digital cameras makes me feel satisfying , having only one Hasselblad , two Leica Ms , all mechanical
Ответить£30k worth of gear just slipped into your life ,lucky man .
ОтветитьAnd all we get from 19 cameras is milky water. MILKY Water. Don’t we all love candy floss oceans,waterfalls,streams...( milky ) . I want to see milky oak trees , milky mountains, milky wedding photos. Milky race horses. Go and look for a milky camera. ( for milky waterfalls ) .
ОтветитьNice to see you're doing film photography now!
ОтветитьI totally understand your reasoning behind Hasselblad 501CM and honestly it touched me. I'm not a professional photographer, always used my phone to shoot photos. Photography never interested me much. I just got into film photography and I have a feeling that it changed my whole life, my view on so many things. Not to sound cheesy, it showed me that sometimes you need to stop. Look around you and think. The manual usage of this camera is so satisfying. I've got a few cameras, some older like Lubitel 166 and Zenit E, and some newer like canon T70 and EOS 300 and the most satisfying for me is the Lubitel. 12 frames, whole manual settings. You can't just shoot it. You must stop, choose correct film, meter the light, set correct exposure, think twice before shooting. It is so awesome in a completely new way for me. That waiting for a developement and that satisfaction every good photo gives! I just started watching your channel and I love it. It gives me great motivation and whole new ideas. Thank you for your work and keep doing it!
Ответитьi would gladly receive the old gears please :D
ОтветитьWhat problems are there with the XT4 AF?
I've got an XT3 and Xpro3. No problem most of the time.
I was all Canon full frame for years. But I switched to Fuji for the compact size, and amazing quality.
Also, I feel Fuji lenses (except for XC) are on par with the best of Canon, without the massive prices. Though some Fuji lenses are pricey.
50R is a great camera, but I hate that on a body so big there is no ISO dial?
I love my Intrepid but I can see the difficulties with it 😁
ОтветитьThomas, I watch many many of your videos (and those of just two other photographers as well). I am always impressed and have learned a lot. However, can you perhaps say something in one of your videos to those of us who do not use post-shooting (e.g., "light box") editing. I do everything in camera and perhaps adjust the light or colours. I like to be in the outdoors and take simple landscape shots but not have to spend time on the computer adjusting, removing, touching up here and there and so on. Cheers to you for your inspiration.
ОтветитьDear Thomas, make a review and make a real shoot with the Nikon D4 DSLR... i would like to see it on u next videos how u manage to use it since i had view and subscribe u utube.... hope to see it soon
ОтветитьYes I really fancy buying ether a Horsman 6x9 field camera with its many movements or a Bronica S2A with tilt/shift bellows to re-kindle my photographic juices :)
ОтветитьNice video, hate the elevator music
ОтветитьIf you scratch lenses, try doing what I do: Keep a UV filter on your lenses at all times. Replacing a filter is less expensive than replacing a front element. I've never scratched an element or a filter, but it's good insurance. So are lens hoods. * I'd still shoot film for some back and white if I had room for a darkroom, which I don't.
ОтветитьI just bought another 1Ds Mk2, that makes 5 of them plus two 1D Mk2 bodies as well. $8500 cameras in their day you can get for $600 now. I feel a bit like a middle-aged bloke buying the MG-B sports car he couldn't afford when they were new 😁
Ответитьif u don't need one of them I would like to buy :)
ОтветитьAmen for second hand gear.
Ответитьawesome idea for a video Tom, I think I'm always going to keep my 2000d just for nostalgia.
Ответить2 scratched lenses and a body thats getting on a bit... describes me to a tee
ОтветитьSunglasses :)
ОтветитьThe GFX 50R has a much more sensible form factor than the S models. Why the hell do mirrorless cameras have to replicate the pentaprism hump of the SLRs when they have neither mirrors nor prisms? It serves no purpose besides taking up more space in the bag. It also puts your nose against the screen, which means it gets covered in snot in cold weather, which is the perfect time to be out shooting.
ОтветитьInspiring as always Thomas. Question, since you like to crop to a 1:1 or 4:5 format, how do you know, in the viewfinder, or screen, where the crops will be to achieve a precise composition? Do you just estimate or do you have another process?
ОтветитьThe first half of my photography career was with a 5x4 Linhof and ‘blads 15 years worth. Now that I am retired I have a strong desire to get a 5x4 again..