Best Delays in the Helix - Criss Cross Delay

Best Delays in the Helix - Criss Cross Delay

John Nathan Cordy

2 года назад

9,645 Просмотров

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@PuRe_AdDicT - 23.08.2022 20:39

Prolific Cordy, I always have something new to listen to, thanks!

@jackprice7828 - 23.08.2022 20:49

I love this delay. It's become a staple on all my amp presets. I like to stack delays usually 3. My final delay is the Criss-Cross for maximum ambient.

@jbonillaguitar - 23.08.2022 20:58

that strat colour and scratchguard combo is gorgeous

@BobPaulGuitar - 23.08.2022 21:07

Love the Crisscross, I use it in most of my ambient presets and for rythmic cleans, even for soloing. Thanks for the tips, man!

@rocket_appliances - 23.08.2022 21:10

excellent tip on using the bitrate for hiss. i thought my unit was defective for a while because the bitrate on vintage digital was throwing out crackles. nice to see the bitrate can be used creatively. that drive sounds super warm and woolly too.

@bleigh6562 - 23.08.2022 21:31

Great tutorial and examples on this delay. This saves / stops me from GAS. Again thank you for the wonderful videos, not to mention your melodic playing.

@tomashuszanik - 23.08.2022 21:39

Well timed. Just today I discovered this delay. Definitely my new favorite.

@Tree_Strings - 23.08.2022 22:17

Great episode. Do you know if there is a way to replicate the legendary boss slicer pedal in the helix?

@pradeeplald - 23.08.2022 22:37

I was always using the transistor tape earlier, but started using this now. Sounds cool

@sboy1955 - 23.08.2022 22:57

Pretty cool delay. I’m curious how many folks actually build Helix patches for stereo? I love to play around in stereo in the cave but always default to mono with the band.

@frankschrodinger1424 - 23.08.2022 23:16

You don't have to shake the neck like a dickhead, it makes no difference to the sound

@redaben9936 - 23.08.2022 23:42

Beautiful playing as usual and this guitar looks and sounds insane ! John I noticed I cant see any of your new presets for the pod go on the folder since march (Eric lead Gary), after that no new presets for me, is there a new link ? cheers

@andsoistopped - 24.08.2022 00:56

I think you’ll find it’ll make you jump.

@CMHobbies - 24.08.2022 01:26

Man, loving that strat the Hope I can find one to try out at some point.

@grade43podcast - 24.08.2022 01:31

Should there ever be the question of dropping in the folder? The answer is obviously yes ;)

@jimmyjams1974 - 24.08.2022 01:32

Really like how you are listing the presets you use for each sound.

@lawboss - 24.08.2022 04:47

yes, please put the preset in the folder. Thank you, John!

@john808welk - 24.08.2022 09:40

Lovely stuff!

@martinscriven3894 - 24.08.2022 09:44

This in-depth stuff is so useful, I’m not necessarily copying every parameter but most of my presets have been improved by applying the knowledge. Many thanks.

@KRHGuitar - 24.08.2022 10:13

Lovely playing brother! Love the natural Allan Holdsworth fusion feel that you have.

@Tremonti78 - 24.08.2022 12:38

Great feel and note choice. Also you used space well. Kudos!

@avinashgautam3081 - 24.08.2022 15:06

Lovely playing! Can we create these sounds in the Pod Go?

@post-man23 - 24.08.2022 15:28

Dude, you should peel off that sticker from the screen, apply a screen protector and be done with it 😂

@marvinjilimin8290 - 24.08.2022 18:38

amen. We need this in the folder. Would love some more of this side of hx stomp exploration, sir. Cheers

@mrfender5001 - 27.08.2022 21:33

So you have a white stomp and a black stomp too?

@Homer_Guitar - 23.09.2022 14:00

It seems perfect to me to the Andy Timmon's HALO staff

@boimesa8190 - 02.10.2022 03:01

This preset sounds amazing!

@danieljbdj - 17.12.2022 17:58

Does this setup work with two delay pedals???

@danieljbdj - 17.12.2022 18:06

make some settings for erick jonhson's delay
