Begetter test dieter type

Begetter test dieter type

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4 года назад

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@akmalhamzah90 - 26.06.2020 01:43

Can u show ur equipment

@XXONIA_. - 26.06.2020 03:26

Best build u can think off ?

@aurellielia - 26.06.2020 04:20

Finally what everyone is waiting for! Testing the caprice using fusion

@mickeypayuran2841 - 26.06.2020 06:03

what is new meta build item for begetter pvp/pve type?

@neilverzosa9352 - 26.06.2020 07:09

I just saw the s skill of Dieter does that mean when fused with Eira, it will also acquire the s skill of Eira which is Light of Regen? If it does, how will it work since the description of it is resu the summoner

@ZephyrusRomerG - 26.06.2020 17:03

Everyone's waiting for this. Thank you admz for accepting my favor. I personally message him on FB to try this one for all the summoner build out there. Up for you bro!

@ZephyrusRomerG - 26.06.2020 17:06

For everyone's asking, ATK/MATK of Homunculus do not stack up with main char. If your homun has 50k matk, it does not add up

@PunkFiddler - 27.06.2020 09:08

How significant was the buff to homun dmg and survivability?


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