Sonic’s Platinum Surprised Me!

Sonic’s Platinum Surprised Me!


2 года назад

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@GuyFarruski - 04.12.2022 15:00

Great video dude! Can't wait to play this!!!

@marnix87 - 04.12.2022 15:48

dude your videos are amazing i hope one day you have 100 thousand subscribers!

@MullyMessiah - 04.12.2022 17:13

I platinumed Sonic Frontiers aswell!
I thought the fishing mechanic was a bit weird for a Sonic game.😂

@Ninjago-News - 04.12.2022 18:36

Ummm... there axpctully ,,!Three isLands.

@Ninjago-News - 04.12.2022 19:03

I finished all kf my skills at the beinging of the 3 island,,

@cryarionic8321 - 05.12.2022 01:32

Nice Video! I played Frontiers as well and liked it very much. I am especially glad to see that this is finally a good sonic game after many years of disappointments.
Only trophy I miss is the 50 speed rushes because I upgraded sonics attack too soon... sucks.
But hey, I have at least another reason to play it all over again I guess.

@wolverinescratch - 05.12.2022 03:20

1.2 done fam

@jordanmcculloch1169 - 05.12.2022 07:32

Nah you don’t need to level up to much for the first boss. Just need to counter and not get hit (getting hit wastes time)

@sometf2player752 - 05.12.2022 09:25

Ok sonic lost world and sonic forces I can understand being not that liked but sonic generations? Really that game was pretty good and a lot of people like it

@Freshfromth3ast - 05.12.2022 18:55

Hit that like button faster than Sonic was able to say "Gotta go fast"

@AdamAdam-oz9hn - 05.12.2022 22:26

This was an epic vid. Kinda annoying to navigate through areas tbh

@Fbsktphoon. - 06.12.2022 10:59

Platinum Sonic Frontiers is very easy, I did it accidentally in my first game xD

@timosaurus2542 - 10.12.2022 23:50

Go for titanfall 2 plat it is one off my favorite games

@Nnamdi705 - 12.12.2022 04:00

Damn near 50 hours on the game with most of it being stuck on chaos island…

@Cleric432 - 12.12.2022 04:13

You should platinum Sonic Origins. Which are the 3 original sonic games in one. Love this channel tho!!

@evilbandar03gaming33 - 12.12.2022 12:53

Man your contents are so cool man keep the hard work

@HUYI1 - 12.12.2022 15:22

Bah, I hate fishing minigames, it's so generic 🙄🙄 and I'm glad that not all level requirements are not needed for platinum, do you know how hard sonic unleashed was with the hotdog stands? I'm guessing you never played it 😤😤 with the omittance of the level requirements it makes the trophy list much easier and that is a relief, and it's good to hear that the platinum is not too long but I guess this is dependent on your skill level and how good you are with sonic games, I'll probably pick this up down the line later next year

@noorodhali2403 - 13.12.2022 07:59

What's ur psn

@OlleWtn - 19.12.2022 00:35

They better fix that upgrade timing

@Abdullahwillanimate - 24.12.2022 21:20

Finally thank you 😊 merry Christmas! 🎅

@TheJaseDawg - 25.12.2022 19:19

Another great platinum hunting video mate!! 💪😎👌 I've only just decided to grab this game but I'm keen as regardless of it being pre easy haha 🔥

@Splatboy0612 - 08.01.2023 13:34

I watched every sub-story, but still I haven't got the achievement.

@minikyl69 - 18.01.2023 01:02

great video

@Pasthorrorgames - 19.01.2023 23:44

The worst achievement for this game is the upgrading character that took forever and it's red rings not coins

@tobleronegames2728 - 23.01.2023 02:12

This channel is so good I love ur vids and you inspired me to collect platinums so thank you

@LarryMullins - 23.01.2023 20:50

Awesome vid dude!! I’m gonna buy this game. Looks like loads of fun and it doesn’t seem to be difficult to get the platinum!

@xjaegerwulf - 02.02.2023 15:50

I obtained S rank on every level because I thought it would definitely be a requirement for a trophy. Little did I know the game was so much easier to plat. I also played on Hard mode cause someone told me that's where the true ending is and I also thought there would be another trophy for that. :P
All fairness though, the only thing that really made me miserable in this game was the last boss (the blob). I got so much frustration with the bullet patterns and I died twice on the last set. But gotta agree, the game was good! It was chill and easy, exactly what I needed after Hades :D

@greydeath4273 - 17.02.2023 14:15

Dude I also grew up playing 1999 pinball in our family computer 😂

@GamerDuoStudios - 08.03.2023 12:41

Theyy are 3 cuz the last 2 islands are kronos

@samueltreminivalle3494 - 31.03.2023 22:07

Looks like his cyberspace requirements have been updated with the new update. Really nice improvement if you ask me

@TrippleBPlays - 04.04.2023 07:27

I probably will check this game out one day. It is funny that I have played several Sonic games, but I don't have a Platinum trophy from any Sonic games.

@_Bandsx_ - 08.04.2023 18:22

Ive 100% this game in about 5 days i couldn't take it an actual good sonic game!!!! 1!1!1!1!1

@MontyMoleLoreMaster - 10.04.2023 09:38

Is this game possible to do pacifist (without killing any enemies)?

@onlyzacz7514 - 28.05.2023 06:05

lowkey gonna go back and finish this now xd

@JoshRankins-fm5ci - 12.06.2023 06:24

This plantium was to easy but I love the game

@snipz7236 - 13.07.2023 15:26

Hey,what do you record your gameplay on? I want to start making videos like these aswell but i don’t have any idea what software to use.

@killeri90 - 17.09.2023 11:45

i start this also i think i have to do every mission every portal red rings and S rank to get trophy? or it is enough you just unlock portals?

@matthewbraith0411 - 20.10.2023 04:21

Boring to play so I assume the plat is just as boring.

@jotojed1554 - 25.10.2023 16:34

Can we just appreciate how much time and effort the 3pointgaming puts into his platinums

@hunterwilliams5921 - 10.11.2023 23:34

Do the infinity thing and get infinity boosts

@MythicGecko - 29.12.2023 03:00

Sega has been making great content for years and this game is no exception😃👍

@Elycha_ - 08.01.2024 01:20

Blud called rings coins 💀

@jackwilson6903 - 08.02.2024 01:26

Looks like a good game

@aCupDude - 11.03.2024 23:10

Ive been playing this game and boy its fun to play and im trying to get the platinum on the game too

@BigPurpleGod - 05.01.2025 20:04

I kinda wish that knight’s theme had a sonic and the black knight theme
