What traders must know about supply and demand · John Grady

What traders must know about supply and demand · John Grady

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@bangkokskater - 03.09.2018 12:02

great questions, gj

@fosterchild4523 - 07.10.2018 09:25

Great questions Aaron. You were asking the questions that I was thinking. Thanks.

@aLittlePal - 22.02.2019 23:45

good point on treasury futures.

@410nikko6 - 21.03.2019 14:42

Just wanted to say thanks for this show Aaron ...it has helped tremendously..🔥👍👃

@Muskiehunter4841 - 26.03.2019 04:51

great info.

@babasabbirajdar3138 - 14.04.2019 06:11

If he is scalper he should know supply demand will not work on lower time frame that can be CONS trading

@jasonjohnson6216 - 14.04.2019 19:36

This was the best quality trading video ever

@wntu4 - 01.05.2019 05:25

Aaron are you really as dumb as the questions you ask or are you assuming your audience is? Is he speaking about volume before it's actually traded? Really? Come on, dude. Smh.

@quasars6365 - 19.08.2019 03:10

Great interview but platform biaised... Sierra chart has a way more powerful dom than those mentioned for a much much cheaper price, and that was already the case at the time of recording ...

@ethanrichards8434 - 23.08.2019 08:30

Sierra chart DOM does the up/down tick splits now just like jigsaw for any readers who were thinking about switching for that reason. I personally use jigsaw but Sierra chart is a great second option if your broker doesn't use jigsaw etc

@pranjayarora8115 - 05.12.2019 03:22

order book has manipulated even 1000$ trader can manipulate i did it in andhrabank at lower bid from rtp

@andym5663 - 10.12.2019 16:57

Real great interview

@dezzihotep3768 - 15.12.2019 07:00

Just what I was looking for !!!!!!!!!!

@fishpiana890 - 18.12.2019 04:59

Was hard to determine if he would say good bye or not.... he did not

@IRAKAZ - 04.02.2020 02:36

In my opinion the best way to eliminate spoofing is chargin fees to canceled orders with a certin rules like : distance to the actual price, ration between canceled orders and filled orders (for example). If the exchanges want to do it, they can do, but it seems that they are confortable with that ...

@danman2070 - 08.04.2020 23:09

Excellent podcast. Great questions. One of your top interviews!

@motojc - 18.05.2020 08:08

Excellent chat. I would not have understood much of it a few months ago. Recently I’ve been trading 4am opens. The low vol and slow pace really gave me the opp to study how supply and demand interact with price

@machotoejam - 25.05.2020 21:06

You’re a great interviewer Aaron. Thanks!!

@markettechniques - 09.06.2020 14:32

I trade in a similar fashion including HTF with pairing of the trading lower timeframes using fresh supply and demand being read through the candle stick breakouts. It's possible in forex.

I'm amazed this guy has spelled out the ethos behind my trading methodology on the trading the lower timeframes, the fact that swing has a lot of information entering the market that can affect positions and if there not a very high probability it will cause thc chain reaction and change your swing position idea quite quickly.

I dont trade stocks but this guys ethos in the short term is 100% profitable way to think as I use it myself from experience. Listen to the fundamental ideas of how the market works in probabilities.

Key thing is working out what scenario your in on the lower timeframes compared to the higher timeframes.

Very good interview got a lot of confirmation from this. Thanks

@chrisbranton73 - 23.06.2020 18:40

He knows the order book, but he doesn't know other niches of trading. His talk of swing trading was biased. He says you can't know where the market is going in a few hours (should be days), but he's wrong. It's just like his scalping method--you don't have to know, it can go up or down. You just have to be in a good r/r situation and be right roughly half the time. And also, knowing how to read the order book is great for swing trading. It helps me enter positions and exit my positions with discretion. I'm not all-in all-out trader either, buys and sells don't have to be so rigid. It's limiting in my opinion...

@CyberrKgaming - 05.07.2020 16:20

This podcast got VERY GOOD when Arron begin asking John about the entry and stop loss. Lot's of the things John talked about I felt that I've also seen and experienced like I knew about those events. But the problems I am still losing money, well maybe that's not the real problem (losing money), the real problem is probably I don't know what I don't know.

@andrewishaku2775 - 17.10.2020 03:26

The most fruitful decision of my existence was trading with Mr Dennis @Dennis_forex09 on Instagram, I wouldn't have a second thought of choosing him over every other trader. I started trading with just $700 and in few days I got a return of $8,500. His diligence and trustworthiness can't be compromised..

@eyeservantez - 28.11.2020 00:12

Swing traders " I never met a successful scalper". Scalpers "I've never met a successful Swing trader." Me "I trade opportunities not time frames".

@eyeservantez - 28.11.2020 00:23

Nothing really about Supply and Demand. More like level two order flow.

@walksoflifeph - 05.12.2020 08:06

Im so focused on the chart that i forget the executed trades. Learned a lot! Thanks!

@alphabeta8403 - 03.02.2021 20:17

I happen to be a successful swing trader last 5+ years

@flippantfishtaco3132 - 20.02.2021 04:14

What is an up-tick/down-tick split?

@vegitoblue4390 - 03.04.2021 19:54

Swing trading made me money, day trading is harder I lost all swing trader got me lol. Swing trading is suitable for most people than day trading is. I'm dong better day trading but it does take lots of time and losses to finally get it.

AI: I don't think AI will take out human traders out, no matter how smart algos get because their job is to trade fast, so if a trader can trade along AI just like driving behind an ambulance which opens the path for you. If trading changes because of it then traders who can easily adapt will prevail. I could be wrong but that's what I think will happen.

@georgemcduffey2622 - 07.05.2021 20:40

It's funny how a lot of traders with a "targeted" expertise think the others are fools. I've listened to my share of the podcast; Part of its beauty is the inclusion of many styles: Volume Profiling, order flow, trend following, quant trading, scalping, hft, "in-play" momentum trading, position/swing trading, CANSLIM, etc...and There's something to be taken from all of them.

@chrismoon1584 - 01.06.2021 08:17

huge waste of time listening to this turd talk. great questions. terrible answers

@tradingpoker1324 - 05.06.2021 02:36

Excellent video. Thank you both

@Death-gate - 27.06.2021 19:07

How can I watch the order book? If I can only see 10 or 15 lines and it's moving at warp speed. Grant that I'm trading in crypto not stocks. With crypto the orders are flying by so fast that you can't even read one number before it's replaced by 10 more. What say ye.

@caleb7799 - 26.07.2021 10:50

wish he would stop smacking his lips....

@TheOne_isGOD - 29.04.2022 00:20

This one was amazing. I used orderflow but never thought about volume

@MissBardoJeep - 14.01.2023 17:46

This podcast is such quality...thank you!!

@pranjayarora8115 - 28.01.2023 22:08


@paws4thought449 - 19.02.2023 22:03

He is a pit trader. Not an ex-hedge fundie. So I would say to John to stick to what you know before you start throwing rocks

@hamisintunzwenimana8083 - 17.07.2023 03:09

1. Fundamentals: Order Flow / Book / Level 2
2. General advice

@s.w.u.1972 - 30.11.2023 15:58

.... and now we re going back to the outdated mt5 platform.....good job☹

@ztee100 - 23.12.2023 18:27


@akashpantha - 15.05.2024 08:58


@druntopronto7598 - 11.06.2024 05:57

Abracadabra... instead of understanding candles.

@alansealey3899 - 15.09.2024 12:45

Just stumbled accross this. Not a scalper myself but have attempted it in the past. John's insights are so valuable. One of the best trading interviews I've ever been priviliged to see over many years.

@Tahmas_01 - 10.11.2024 20:35

Id like to talk with him today since ai and algo have taken over the market. This type of trading still works but i wonder if he thinks its easier or harder
