Crystal Meth is a Wonder Drug-Ronnie

Crystal Meth is a Wonder Drug-Ronnie

Soft White Underbelly

2 года назад

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@mikeg6541 - 16.09.2024 01:00

The fact that there may be many homicides covered as fent over doses is wild. 61 billion to Ukrane, a pat on the back for drug and crime cities 😐

@J3MOdh3NOWX3S - 17.09.2024 08:44

people judging this man, while popping adderal lol

@WarayWarayDrilla - 20.09.2024 09:57

One week sober right now and still trying to recover here, I lost my friends recently due to my unacceptable behavior.

@sonichuizcool7445 - 26.09.2024 05:47

I'm an opiate user. Always had a rule "stay in your own lane" aka don't try other stuff... One addiction is bad enough. Never like speedy drugs. I just want to turn the light switch off and sleep that's my goal.

Anyways after 30 years of opiates last night I unwittingly experienced meth. Stopped at my dealers house to pick up my daily 1.5-2 grams. It looked a little different but I could see the tan heroin in it. I get home cook it and do the dirty deed and immediately it hit. Wasn't like an intense thing but I clearly felt something. I thought it was just the opiate itself so I made up 2 more shots and then I realized my heart was beating fast.. thought I accidently ended up with a classic speed ball. Took some smeared it on my lip, gums and tongue and no numbness just bitterness.

Stayed up all night tweaking our talking to myself. It's embarrassing to say but it's what I did and for some stupid reason it was fun. Then 6am hits it's time for work. No sleep but I feel ready to hit it so I wash up shave and go.

Worked from 8am to 9pm I usually do 1 shot of opiate and then do my day once evening hits I come home doab bunch and fall sleep.

Well all day I felt off. Not dope sick but slightly nervous and energetic. I go to my dealer to pick up tonight's and I tell him about it. I'm still high and can't sleep. I'm starting to relax but damnit I'm actually kinda angry about this. I'm all messed up from last night.

@Shalom388 - 30.09.2024 13:16

So he's still a drug addict I don't feel sorry for him he's demonic and got legions of demons on him

@trivediatul4225 - 12.10.2024 15:46

Of the all hard drugs crystal meth is the most dangerous drug i know

@eightOeightenthusiast - 14.10.2024 00:20

thank you for everything you do ronnie.

@KevinGarcia-y7p - 15.10.2024 12:14

Beautifull, anybody can say the opposite but we can learn from little things ❤

@emilyangel2824 - 17.10.2024 08:40

Real asf for this

@soundslikesteveo - 22.10.2024 20:58

I've been off ice scream since 8-15-2022 and I miss it but I'm back to my old alcoholism, cig use, and cannabis dependency. Meth with my adult ADHD really helped me straighten up but having schizoaffective bipolar type with adult ADHD and social anxiety the meth started to induce a psychosis in me and a personality of the 1990s when I was younger now as a current adult. I hate to admit it but meth saved my life........

@soundslikesteveo - 22.10.2024 21:07

When i take a shit i prolly smell like Ted Bundy id def have a cell by myself lol

@soundslikesteveo - 22.10.2024 21:16

They steal my weed all the time Ronnie!!! I got to put my wireless headset with the microphone going to my headset my laptop microphone so when I piss I can hear them talking about running my treez. i swear man. My biggest fear is losing my house or being homeless, I don't need drugs, just my house, food, water, dabs, coffee, booze, lol.

@soundslikesteveo - 22.10.2024 21:19

i almost let my mom down before she died age 60 when I was 37 10 months ago 12/15/2023. i didn't help her at all made her do everything for me and my handicapped dad. i regret that.

@soundslikesteveo - 22.10.2024 21:23


@dillmoorcroft7560 - 03.11.2024 14:09

Hey where u by any chance on a documentary called crackheads gon wild are u missing half a foot run-over by a back hoe

@DWANE80 - 04.11.2024 11:14

The interviewer is definitely gay…asking him questions like if he has any kids or if he’s been in love. What does that have to do with his addiction? He is lowkey trying to hit on him

@chris5483 - 12.11.2024 04:45

Yea the reason crystal meth will replace crack/coke is it releases more dopamine. In fact, meth releases more dopamine than anything known to humans.

@alanratay4583 - 15.11.2024 12:20

This guy has a good heart. He’s just made bad decisions. A father figure is a big deal.

@traviskessinger9822 - 19.11.2024 07:24

Being a former meth user, this guy makes a lot of sense to me. And he sure seems like with the right circumstance, he could kick the meth too! This guy represents why you don't give up on a user! Good luck and God bless! I really liked this one!

@Mr.character.shuaib2 - 19.11.2024 14:05

He is absolutely right for me Meth took the thought of opioids to a milder case but that’s because Meth makes so much dopamine

@Donovan-hr3ip - 22.11.2024 06:04


@willfoskeyjr.9260 - 27.11.2024 03:33

Amazing interview Mark! We are all here with you Ronnie, trust that.

@devilforkedentertainmentro6740 - 28.11.2024 19:07

Crystalized bath salts was the wonder drug..but chemicals are banned

@MrChub65 - 01.12.2024 09:56

There might be a legal medication to switch to, just saying

@TinaCirson-yx7ed - 03.12.2024 00:15

This is so warped.

@cornellkirk8946 - 03.12.2024 12:52

This is the most honest guy I’ve ever seen on here!

“Having the money to go into a fast food place and eat what he wants”

Makes you realise just how good we have it

@lizardking911 - 04.12.2024 19:10

I do know ronnie, I do know

@LyndaDixon-k9s - 10.12.2024 13:38


@truffleandrosalie - 13.12.2024 02:34

I wonder WTF he's doing to women that he's scared one of them will kill him in his sleep. That would have been a great question to ask, if the interviewer wasn't scared.

@pamstevens-oe7ub - 16.12.2024 03:08

Mark, how did you get off suboxone?

@KingSimonclips - 23.12.2024 10:23

Still fascinates me that people don't know how blitzkrieg was possible.
It was called a wonder drugmany years ago before this man said it😂

@samuelvasquez8323 - 24.12.2024 00:40

To people that dn5 get it i did the same shit cause I couldn't get off crack now I've been sober for 16 yrs meth helpp3d me stop everything.

@SatansSimgma - 02.01.2025 00:55

50% of the problem of addiction is the shame from society and self recrimination. It wouldn't be half the issue if the moral panic was there.

@annakourt1379 - 02.01.2025 18:59

Did this guy just say it was "females" could drop meth in his ear? Did I get this wrong?

@PeterWilcox-f3y - 03.01.2025 10:35

One of the wisest men I've heard❤

@johnnaforfreedom9389 - 04.01.2025 04:47

I enjoyed his interview 💯

@ZephorosDracus - 11.01.2025 03:16

You know....

@matthewsmith5886 - 12.01.2025 10:19

Man, I hope this guy is alright. Those last 10 mins really hit my heart. I know that exact feeling of laying awake at night just thinking on how I completely let my Dad down by acting like a fool. But he’s right, in that moment you’re not thinking straight, it does feel like you’re sterile to it all…until the years pass and you miss out on time and opportunities you’ll never get a second chance at. Real shit man….Sincerely hope Ronnie is doing well. I’d love to kick it with him and just talk. He’s got some real wisdom to bestow, he’s been through it and survived.

@whatever-pz8zy - 14.01.2025 00:38

Its total trash that destroys your health

@whatever-pz8zy - 14.01.2025 00:39

Want proof listen what it did to this mouth breather

@Adam_James-90 - 14.01.2025 19:48

another real person eatin up by drugs/society.. sucks & its sad, Let it be a life lesson you don't need to go threw yourself.

@everything777 - 15.01.2025 13:00

What a tragic story

@bradd2400 - 15.01.2025 18:23

This man make Crystal sound like its a maintenance medication 😂

@jay-sunshine2407 - 18.01.2025 12:51

I know a chick that killed a dude, said he fell asleep on top of some fenty.

@carlosbeltran2493 - 31.01.2025 20:35

Quit man drugs kills

@SamTaherian-m2f - 03.02.2025 19:04

He aint dead but … 😂😂 my man must of busted that ass so deep bro cant walk anymore

@maulcs - 14.02.2025 10:31

That ending was poignant

@AlieuJallow-c9x - 25.02.2025 05:31

Its crazy how we all wish to be rich but trust me a lot of money is your biggest enemy in life the happiest people i know personally have just enough to survive

@NaomiAshaae - 27.02.2025 20:31

Marc was very silent this interview…

@dannygeebee - 02.03.2025 22:58

He’s lucky not to have any children 🎉🎉
