If Jesus is God, what is the purpose of what he said in his prayer for us, that we may know the Father as the only true God?-John17:1-3
ОтветитьI don't get the big hang up here. Just as we are body, mind, and Spirit, God occupies these three realms as well. If they get hung up on Jesus being part of that "God trinity" then how can they ever come to accept that THEY are part of it as well? Just as God did the work of advancing his spiritual domain here on earth through Jesus when he was here, so too does he do it through us now. Jesus was just the first of these God/Man "hybrids", we are to be the current manifestations of that "Holy Spirit" part of the Trinity advancing the supernatural kingdom into this fallen world.
ОтветитьThe trinity is not in the Bible. Get ready for some plagues.
Revelation 22:18-19
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,
Get - it.
The Trinity is a misinterpreted ideology by the early church post the nicean Creed! Our early church fathers themselves were rooted in ideologies different from the current accepted Trinitarianism! Our current translations are biased to the Trinitarian view...and sadly the Church has promoted this starting from the Catholics to Protestants who just followed through on the ideology established by the Catholic Church!
Biblical Unitarianism makes better sense and looks to be in line with the Holy Scriptures!
The Word of God is pure but the translations have been made with a bias! Trinitarianism has many red flags! There is no mutual respect to both sides of the isle! Anyone opposing Trinitarianism has been opposed with such hatred and vitriol that questions the very nature we are called to reflect & mold every moment!
Passages that are not clear have been made to lean into the bias rather than leaving them as they are...
The Bible makes clear sense and is clearer apart from the Trinity!
Also, to be noted in Christian history even before the 1st Crusade occurred! Trinitarians persecuted and eliminated anyone presenting reasons that opposed this ideology! Sad!
ОтветитьDr. Sanders thesis at times is just illogical..
ОтветитьThe Son of God is not God Himself! He is representative of The Father! The son did not pre-exist but was in the thought & plan of God! We in our Finite minds equate the Son of God to be God when he is not according to our Infinite God!
The 1st Adam failed and the 2nd Adam fulfilled and was successful unto Glory!
There is only one God, our Father, His Son who is our mediator & Savior is a representation of the Father unto whom all authority, honor & Glory are bestowed...and The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of God empowered for us! More or less The Spirit of God at work with us!
So it's God The Father, His Son who is the 2nd in Command powerful enough to be as God but not God and then The Holy Spirit who is The empowerment of God in action for us!
The Athanasian Creed truly messed up understanding The Holy Scriptures!
ОтветитьChrist was born of The Spirit which is The Spirit of God! Which is why Christ was the very representation of The word of God in flesh! Not that The Word was another God who was Christ and came into being as the man Christ!
Christ is our Lord, our Savior, our King demanding our Obedience and allegiance to him to glorify The Father!
Because finally we are entrusted by Christ to The Father!
If Christ is God! Why would there be a need for him to entrust his supposed creation back to The Father!
The Early Church fathers were influenced by the prevalent culture and mythologies that strongly influenced their ideologies...
They believed in a different ideology associated to a triad with a different meaning than the current day Trinitarianism! But current day Trinitarians try to guise that into early form or examples of The Trinity while in reality and actuality it is not!
The Trinitarians deemed every thought outside of the Trinity and Deity of Christ as heresy! While the Scriptures do not!
ОтветитьHe said don't expect to understand what God has said in the old and new testament. These guys are just catholic light.
ОтветитьThere is 1 God and there is no one equal to him. The son IS the spirit. He told it when he said he would come back and live in us forever. God is not an essence nor a substance. God the father god the Son and god the holy gost have no relationship with one another because there are no three gods. The father sent jesus to save mankind "for this is eternal life that they may KNOW YOU the only true God and jesus Christ whom you have SENT". If you are told you can't understand the nature of God then this goes against the word of God
ОтветитьI want to thank you for driving people to Islam.
ОтветитьWhat is begotten son..he was created??
ОтветитьHow could Jesus lay aside his godness
ОтветитьAlso Jesus submitted to the Father? How did that work? He seems so separate
ОтветитьBut you can grieve the h.s.
ОтветитьI think I iwould fail your class! Lol but would love to audit
ОтветитьI do apologize, but if Jesus’ ministry was meant to be THIS confusing, there is no way he could have gotten as far with the simpleminded and basic belief Jews, that were following him and throughout, he too being a devout Jew. The “angel of God” in Old Testament gave God’s presence before them, basically, a talking box for God because no one can see God’s actual presence and be alive. Throughout Scripture “voice box” entities were used throughout. “God with us” as in Emmanuel is and can be taken just the same way. God’s infused presence and or oneness in spirit does not mean God Almighty. Jesus served ONE Almighty God and made it clear as a Jew that our purpose, as well as his, was to exult and give praise to that Father’s glorious name. Jesus does nothing on his own because of that very same “voice box” with autonomy, position, but there is no need to come to a religious mandate of worshipping a triune nature God, as the pagans of Babylon and “of old” did.
ОтветитьKind Sir Sean McDowell"..."Fred Sanders" one NEEDS "Trinity" to understand; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And sadly, most Christian do not believe it! But I believe: Holy Spirit comes out of the womb! And he doesn't never stop; until you die! Oh Yes
Now God chose: to have 3 Entities in Him: "the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit". But God also: has 3 entities; in an "Image: Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy "heart", and with all thy "Soul", and with all thy "Mind".
And God uses: Communications from Heaven; between to the Father; and the Mind, between to the Son and Heart and between to the Spirit and Soul! And it NEVER stops; until we Die, 24 days always, Regardless!
One example: you pray (Heaven opens) to Jesus and us! NO matter of the people; Jesus will Speak to You; Regardless! Wow...A precious Jesus; all from Creation! "That's impossible!" Well...Matthew 19:26 Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
In any case Brethren, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!
Ver interesting.
ОтветитьI believe we can really understand this when we ourselves have deeper personal relationship with God.This is so simple as it is.
Ответитьelphym is in the bible. let us make man in our image. bapt them in the name of the father son and spirit
ОтветитьThe trinitarian circus contort the texts to fit a preconceived idea. Jesus (not his real name) didnt know he was part of a hydra-headed dragon-like triune figure. Moses didn't know about a trinity. It took decades of human philosophy to infect the early church with the Trinitarian Mystery, as the wolves would spare not the flock.
ОтветитьMystery Babylon loves riding the trinitarian beast. "it's a mystery" .... the trinitarians worship the same trinitarian gods, in other names, as other ancient cultures.
In the beginning, after God completed the creation of Adam, Adam was not yet alive. According to Genesis 2:7, And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. The human body cannot have life if the breath of life or spirit from God does not enter at each birth in this world.
When the baby Jesus was conceived in Mary’s womb, the Spirit of God (the Word) gave Him life. As described in Luke 1:35, And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God." This signifies that Jesus' body was a human body, known as the Son of God, because His spirit was the Spirit of God. John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
This grand plan allowed God to die on the cross, and through Jesus’ human blood, humanity’s sins were cleansed, and the old laws were sealed. When humans die, their bodies remain on earth, while their spirits are brought to Abraham for salvation or to the realm of the dead for punishment if they lacked faith and righteousness in life. Similarly, when Jesus Christ surrendered the Spirit of God and His body to the Father, the Spirit of God departed from Jesus' body. This is why Jesus declared, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani," before His final breath, as His body recognized that the Spirit of God would depart upon His death.
On the third day, the Spirit of God returned to Jesus’ body. Through God’s power, Jesus was resurrected, transforming His human body into a divine one. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, glorified as King of kings and Lord of lords, and took His place beside the Father in divine authority, known as the Lord Jesus.
The Unity of the Father and the Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus and the Father are One, not three in one, nor a Trinity. The Lord Jesus continually instructs believers to live by the Spirit, not by the flesh, as the flesh cannot comprehend the Holy Spirit. In Revelation 22:12-13, Lord Jesus say, “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."
The Father = God's Divine Authority / the power of the Highest (who is Highest - GOD)
The Holy Spirit = The GOD himself without the power of the Highest
Yesus = is GOD flesh in earth so people can see him and he can die to save us all.
And That Made GOD, IS THE ONE GOD. Not 3 in 1 or Trinity. When Jesus and the Spirit of the Lord within Him returned to the Lord's heaven, He was given a new name: LORD JESUS, the Lord of all lords and the King of all kings
The Lord Yeshua (Jesus) is always with us.
Concept of the trinity cannot be explained logically and understood logically, because its theory does not make any sense, and therefore not believable nor biblical
ОтветитьThe man made doctrine of the trinity is most definitely a false doctrine that came into existence by the mixing of the way with Pagan beliefs. It's not in the word so don't believe these men. You have to be coerced to even try to comprehend this concept. Just read the word and don't listen to these men who have been confused.
ОтветитьAs a Christian, none of this makes sense. All I can hear is people explaining three people but trying to make them one. Just because multiple things are of the same essence or substance doesn't make those things one in the same. So, let me ask this question: Is believing in the trinity necessary for salvation?
ОтветитьThere is no way to explain how one being can be three separate beings or persons?
ОтветитьI really like rabbit Tobias singers explanation for the trinity
ОтветитьYou wanna say Gregory was wrong by pointing out the logical problem of trinity concept ?
ОтветитьHi Guy's. Thank you both for this great and needed discussion. I think, like most of us I struggled with this as a new Christian. But I think we can answer this from the O.T. Isaiah 9:6 for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the governments will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called " Wonderful Counselor, Highty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. :)
ОтветитьI see many preachers today are teaching that we are divine. I dont regulary listen to Brian Simmons, but I am studying this whole "I AM" fixation, so I watched a couple of Simmons video's. And he said this in regards to the Trinity ; we come to this seventh level of glory, we become one with the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, and then there is us, and we take our place in the Trinity" !!!!!!
ОтветитьBut though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8 KJV
Praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who give us Paul & No Appostle of the Lord preached about trinity.
Matthew verse is the one scholars state was an added verse. Paul would not believe this way since he was a Pharisee.
ОтветитьNo where in scripture are we to judge one’s salvation only actions. That’s to be done gently. Sounds like a cult if forcing someone to believe as a group. Church history is not full Christian history.
ОтветитьSo you are saying that if one cannot state the trinity accurately to another human, God will not save me? Cultish talk I’m afraid.
ОтветитьYou guys are just too funny! You have to twist yourself and God in to a pretzel to squeeze the trinity in. This is not complicated, all you have to do is read Jesus's word's. Remove the orthodoxy from your believes and let God speak to you through Scripture and you will see the truth. These guys are blind.
ОтветитьNo matter how you try to philosophize, trinitarianism is not monotheism. Don’t let them play you as stupid.
Colossians 2:9 For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
1 Corinthians 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
We are made in His image. God is Soul,body,Spirit and so are we. 3 parts 1 God. This is biblical. Three is persons is crazy
This is really bad
ОтветитьThe trinity is human philosophy that was mapped over the scripture, not pure doctrine arrived at from the scripture. Be wary of this false teaching!
ОтветитьAre you trying to tell me that you scholars don’t even understand that an elohim is a bonded male female deity. That is why they said like us not because they are the Trinity.