Dope video.
ОтветитьDr Mike why you letting these fools lock out
ОтветитьPractice sucking now so you can suck more later! Love this channel Keep Jiu jitsu Gay😂
ОтветитьDr mike let him up and didnt take the guard pass
ОтветитьI'm one minute into the video and I love the content. Lfg
ОтветитьHIT Training the 72 hours rest > anything mike waffles on about lol 🤣 bollocks to his “bodybuilding” shill method!
ОтветитьIs Ethan tall or is Dr Mike build like a dwarfish warriors
ОтветитьI see Dr. Mike lifting videos, I click on them. I’m a simple man.
ОтветитьDr mike was promised that weight stack 3000 years ago
ОтветитьAt first I was like "oh man rolling with Dr Mike seems scary". Then watching him roll has me like "I'd love to roll with the homie. Seems like a technical roll."
ОтветитьFantastic collab
ОтветитьHow are you not getting copyright strikes on the gym music?
ОтветитьHow good is Mike at bjj? Looks like he could have gotten a fireman when he grabbed the leg and had the other guys arm around his head
ОтветитьAw man Dr. Mike is so strong he rolls like a statue, every next move just feels super definitive as long as he has solid grips.
ОтветитьFrom this roll, I can see NO evidence that Mike is a credible black belt.
ОтветитьSong play a minute 8.50?
ОтветитьHow much weight is Dr. Mike?
ОтветитьThis is the part where I break FREE
ОтветитьWe need the Dr. Mike stack for Gordons next ADCC run.
ОтветитьDr. Mike puts the cream in cream cheese.
ОтветитьMore with Dr Mike, he is awesome x3 !
ОтветитьMikes grappling is shit
ОтветитьJRod is my favorite mid grappler
ОтветитьIt is a skeletal sport; the rest is just ego.
Ответитьhe has the perfect mix..
ОтветитьThe Collab we've all been waiting for
ОтветитьThe thing with strength is at a point in jits it becomes counter intuitive
But great vid and Mike is a unit and top guy
Damn, Mike’s head and neck got a whole maze on it
ОтветитьNicky Ryan lookin more like Thicky Ryan
ОтветитьNo matter what anyone says being strong will make you better at jits just a fact! The stance some people take against it is just bizzare, technique is a given but a weak man with good technique will lose 100% of the time against a man with good technique who’s strong
ОтветитьMike could’ve prevented that mount if he had the proper tan.
ОтветитьIt's fun to see Dr. Mike getting good enough that he can go train with the Bteam. I know it's open to everyone, but like, you gotta be a certain level to make the best in the world work a little for it.
ОтветитьGreat job the both of you
ОтветитьYeah mike sucks ass at jiu jitsu
ОтветитьReminder that "Doctor" Mike is a failure, an anti-white r-cist and Jewish cu-khold who has delusional fantasies about black people. And despite his "Dr." title, gets completely embarrassed by other creators with less credentials than him yet are obviously smarter, like Greg etc.
Down BAD 💀
Dr Mike is The Thing!
Ответить5 minutes into the video and Dr. Mike just taking about stretching and managing loads
ОтветитьThis was too long in the making
Ответитьpretty impressive that you managed to choke a guy who doesn't have a neck (mike going for the massive traps defense)!
ОтветитьLil Rod: "does that sound gay"
"Well, no, but..."
"I'll feel him soon. He's massive."
Dana White is awesome!
ОтветитьProbably the worst tattoos I've ever seen Mike 😂
ОтветитьSick collab!! Need more!
ОтветитьMike Israetel looks like congestive heart failure
ОтветитьDr. Mike and B team in 2025 is the best thing that could’ve happened