The Hidden Truth About Session Work: what they don’t tell you 

The Hidden Truth About Session Work: what they don’t tell you 

Rob Chapman

5 месяцев назад

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@willturner7279 - 17.09.2024 21:00


@STLLSLW - 17.09.2024 21:02

Been loving the videos lately Rob, keep it up! Lots of great advice I’ve actually been needing to hear!

@jamesdaviesguitar - 17.09.2024 21:11

Enjoying these chats/life experience videos. Great insight!

@carlmcgregor2707 - 17.09.2024 21:13

Traditional British Music??? Oasis??

@davedavem - 17.09.2024 21:25

Omg I'm always singing "You can do it if you B&Q it!" Amongst as catchy as Dorje 🤣

@davedavem - 17.09.2024 21:28

Rob. A jar of pesto just fell on my toe. Please send help.

@DanD93 - 17.09.2024 21:30

On the subject of Christmas music inspired music - you should check out Majestica's album A Christmas Carol. It's amazing.

@davedavem - 17.09.2024 21:36

Question: now that you know now about the marketing and business world, would you feel more comfortable channeling the music for the next JD Christmas ad type job?

@lukeshawmusic - 17.09.2024 21:37

Sounds like scary stuff session work.

@MayorMcCheese2000 - 17.09.2024 21:54

Super dig this video!

@SimonStamenkovic - 17.09.2024 22:02

I'm boycotting Jack Daniels until you get whats rightfully yours. Tight arse gits.

@boddumblues - 17.09.2024 22:16

Very cool!

@chrisdaviesguitar - 17.09.2024 22:16

Knowing how to get the gig in the first place is the trick.

@gitaristmirs - 17.09.2024 22:25


@frankzappa951 - 17.09.2024 22:27

Oreet Bob, do I see the man beard coming on? Keep it coming our kid x

@muttcrewmusic - 17.09.2024 22:50

Cool and lot's of fun. Hope JD send you your well deserved thank-you box.

@PaulCooksStuff - 17.09.2024 22:57

Its the second time I've heard the "who/what do you actually want it to sound like" question for ad work... A guitar friend who also has a side hustle doing ad work said he often gets an explicit steer, eg "we want the jingle to sound like seven nation army". Its kinda funny, but tells you in a nutshell what they actually have in mind, without all the mood-board creative-speak barriers.

@spivvo - 17.09.2024 23:02

“If we all knew… how B&Q do it…. You can bet…… we’d be doing it as well!”….. or was that Do it All? 😂. You are still around but they aren’t… that’s a win in my book! Enjoyed your video and you nailed the right vibe with those Rock n Roll mouthwash ads.

@Stereostupid - 17.09.2024 23:17

I wouldn't mind hearing as much as possible about Eddie Kramer and what you picked his brain about!also more about the victory RD1

@kocinski8734 - 18.09.2024 00:01

Really interesting. Good job on the JD ads.

@mmiller6873 - 18.09.2024 00:42

Jack Daniels Honey is actually pretty damn good. Thanks for sharing your insight. It's nice to get to know all the avenues of the music world. Everyone has a tale and it's always nice to see how similar or different they are. Thanks again and until the next time, rock on 🙂

@iainMacDonald-fg2ew - 18.09.2024 01:03

bollox quality B an Q

@fento9 - 18.09.2024 01:24

These videos are so interesting and cool! Thanks for sharing Rob!!! 😊

@shanewalton8888 - 18.09.2024 02:34

Black Hand had a great groove.

@savagekitten - 18.09.2024 08:10

Wait, we need to hear the ringtone - we NEED IT ROB, do you hear us? we NEED IT !!!!!

@NickWebbSax - 18.09.2024 09:27

I'd love to hear your story about deconstructing sax parts/other instruments.

@TheDrunkenScoundrel - 18.09.2024 10:02

This isn't just good advice for session players, this is good advice for ANYONE who is doing any kind of freelance work of any kind and ALSO for ANYONE who is being recruited or headhunted for a job.
Also if you are interviewing for your career-level job you really want, this is also a good approach for talking to their HR/recruiters about the job description and responsibilities.

@MrJayscinema - 18.09.2024 10:31

Can you do a video on how to get confident turning up to music nights and just jamming with people……….asking for a friend 😂

@zitruc - 18.09.2024 11:42

Oh soo true about the chain of misinformation... been through that mill soooo often. When I took on those gigs later I always asked to talk to the final client. Didn't always happen, but at least when it worked it saved a lot of headaches and last minute re-shuffling.

@Lez325 - 18.09.2024 11:59

As a gigging guitarist I love your video's I have never done session work - not sure I'd want to to be honest

@ShadwComnder - 18.09.2024 15:05

I really enjoy Rob's storytelling ability. I will never be a professional musician but I enjoy these kinds of stories. I think they are full of good advise for young musicians and sometimes the advise is universal no matter what field you work in.

@simonwilliams9916 - 18.09.2024 17:12

Love these chats about your experiences and passing on the knowledge & learning from them. 🎸👍🤘🏻

@alanmcdonald7390 - 18.09.2024 17:22

Rob Chapman does sessions for Jack, Homer Simpson voices Poochie. And in both cases, "I forgot to ask for any money".

@GypsyLane - 18.09.2024 22:25

Howdy Rob, a fan from the Andertons videos…My wife and I will be in Malta on or around October 17…any suggestions as to a great place to eat, and hang out, on our only night there? Thanks and cheers…

@BeatleJWOL - 19.09.2024 00:01

The one-two punch of Rob describing what it's like to play Telephone with brand reps and then the first of those ads using That Rob Chapman Riff to great holiday effect, well, it had me rolling. Well explained, sir.

@JamesMears76 - 19.09.2024 01:09

Very interesting, thanks Rob. Shame about forgetting to ask for payment for doing the JD adverts!

@javi5810 - 19.09.2024 01:23

So ironic to stumble on this. I plan on learning more music theory so i can teach guitar before the summer and work with artists in my area

@danyavilaoficial - 19.09.2024 17:43

I do a lot of work for songwriters and no to big artists from USA. The budgets are limited. I usually hire excellent musicians from Argentina. Prices and quality are amazing. They’re very receptive and open minded.
Usually I pay from as low as U$20 to U$70 if the hired person is very known. They have their owned studio with good equipment.
I recommend it 👍👍👍

@nickw1284 - 20.09.2024 07:44

When Rob's ego shrinks as he matures, he'll feel a lot better for it.

@algarvemike - 20.09.2024 12:57

Nice video

@CommissarBooks - 20.09.2024 19:19

Brian Johnson did hoovers... dont knock it.

@AL_1991 - 21.09.2024 20:33

rob scammerrrr!

@gryzman - 28.09.2024 19:42

"chap is out" , looks like dude from red dwarf ;)

@carloswhomusic - 28.09.2024 19:53

That Jack Daniels bit was awesome, Rob! You could have been Steve Lukather! 😋

@bronconv - 29.09.2024 11:32

These videos you’ve been putting out recently have been great. Super interesting stories. Thx for sharing them!

@RobChappers - 17.09.2024 22:39

This doesn’t seem like a very popular video. Give me some feedback please, is this kind of subject not something you guys are interested in particularly?
