How I Learned to Love My Body (Even When It Felt Impossible) | Jennifer Jiménez-Health & Well-Being

How I Learned to Love My Body (Even When It Felt Impossible) | Jennifer Jiménez-Health & Well-Being

Brave Thinking Institute

4 месяца назад

268 Просмотров

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@CorinneMoody-w6o - 08.10.2024 01:26

I love the way you present a very simple set of tools that in practice will make (so I believe) such a massive difference. I will keep you posted.

@RevSandi - 08.10.2024 18:31

Thank you Jennifer

@magnuslindblom3864 - 08.10.2024 20:51

I saw you on DBL and I thought you were about 35 years old, not 50! Amazing.

@Bidhanym - 18.10.2024 07:39

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