The Best Ways To Fight Body Odor

The Best Ways To Fight Body Odor

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@puzzhunters9853 - 21.07.2022 23:24


@Meghnaaad - 09.08.2022 09:35

I eat a lot of garlic, onion and spices but still I love how I smell. Its Not bad.

@EH_888 - 12.08.2022 00:25


@theQueen. - 15.08.2022 10:03

I can't tell if I actually smell bad sometimes throughout the day or if it's just my really had anxiety because I ha e very very bad anxiety about smelling bad and often wash my armpits in the shower for 20 minutes sometimes and it still smells bad and sometimes I can't smell when I smell bad (happens to everyone) but I also very often freak out and cry because of my fear of smelling. Is there anything that I can do that will help me separate my fear from the reality of how I really smell and to tell when it's just my anxiety??

@stephenokwori1882 - 29.08.2022 05:47

My heart just keeps thanking you and thanking you Dr Igudia for all you have done for me, you gave me your words that you could heal any sickness or disease, thank you for permanently curing me of my type 2 diabetes you are amazing.

@RegularHOOMAN - 08.09.2022 23:12

As a person who just realised they had bo today it’s tough. Looking around this for ages

@themuffinlab3901 - 05.11.2022 07:37

I’m still gonna eat the f&$? out of garlic

@adonaiel-rohi2460 - 21.11.2022 21:05

Kill the bacteria- apple cider vinegar or witch hazel spray/ cotton wipe

limit the sweat- cornstarch powder

cover yourself in good smells- perfume/cologne & deordant

@Lucky_ness - 11.12.2022 07:27

My friends say I don't smell but yet I constantly feel sweaty and smelly. When I'm out and about and The sun is hot I literally will be smelling my sweat

I'm so paranoid I never wear my work blouse to work. I always wear another blouse then I change when I get there because I sweat so much

Ответить - 12.02.2023 00:04

Aluminum lol yeah I’m good. Suuuure that’s inaccurate lol

@lowkeyloki5359 - 23.02.2023 19:07

Of course a gaming channel would release this video

@laladoingwhatiwanna9489 - 06.03.2023 18:57

such a crappy video

@nicolefield1539 - 01.04.2023 08:27

Honestly it is embarrassing when someone whispers behind your back “she stinks” some one did that to me and now I wear mens deodorant

@uniceholmes3740 - 19.04.2023 17:38

my body odor problem was cured with natural diet from Dr.Obaedo and his herbal supplement.

@spaideman7850 - 06.05.2023 16:22

sponsored by antiperspirant and deodorant company

@butterflyqueen9260 - 11.05.2023 15:42

I didn't see anywhere
Lather soap and wait 3 to 5 minutes before rinse. Pat dry. Spray a scent and let dry. Then.... apply your deodorant and or antiperspirant 🤦🏿‍♀️

@raravamudan4002 - 29.05.2023 16:53

Body odour simple remedy take 1 or two glasses of warm water not lukewarm in the morning empty stomach also take warm water once or twice in the day body odour will vanish.

@a.c528 - 31.05.2023 13:27

Just use bloody soda under your armpits

@damn671 - 07.06.2023 10:47

I've done 2 sessions of botox. Don't do it. It only gets rid like 25%.... maybe 50% tops on some people.... not even worth it

@Mme-q6k - 10.08.2023 12:50

Raw. Unfiltered. Apple. Cider. Vinegar.

@gsii1573 - 04.09.2023 04:44

Of course the American Cancer Society disagreed they executives get kickbacks from major corporations despite the scientific facts the prove otherwise. It’s corporate greed aluminum is a proven carcinogen and hormone/endocrine system disrultor

@AntiManlet-pp2fk - 14.09.2023 05:04

Who has the most foul body odor? Mexicans. Mexicans can smell really bad, especially after they eat spicy foods and beans. I understand they are just people, but still, you need to understand your smells emanate in public places

@Gong-u7s - 09.11.2023 17:11

Guys i am 1 yr into puberty and i smell like onions even though i shower 3 times A DAY and uses deodorants and antiperspirants.please help.i have no other options and my smell is very pungent and strong.people can smell me from 1 meter away

@tsohgallik - 03.01.2024 12:36

If you smell "like bleach" its cause you jerked a load and didnt wash up😅😅😅

@Gio-ue8ps - 20.01.2024 11:16

Vaping causes bad bo. I stopped it luckily once I figured out that was causing it. Drinking a lot of water & sweating a lot has helped me as well.

@aawasmae7643 - 29.02.2024 08:09

Clean your armpits with baking soda

@jingojingo1 - 05.03.2024 00:34

Female nose 👃 can smell anything

@michalerudster - 10.05.2024 03:20

FAKK man, just go the a store and buy deodarant for $5, problem solved !!!! Smelly People are just cheap

@SecretAluc-mh7yq - 16.05.2024 12:08

When you're friend joke about you having B O Then you started overthinking if they judge you and you can't walk in a crowded room because you don't know if you really have a bo or not

@RaRe_wubbox2862 - 24.06.2024 11:14

My family said i stink so much

@Merope4ever - 12.07.2024 03:32

Please acknowledge that what you perceive as a body odour problem, could also be a problem of the clothes and the washing machine. Especially if all (your) washes are done at 30 degrees and if you never run a drum cleaning cycle, bacteria can build up in your washing machine and your clothes can come out with more bacteria than they should have. You can test this by pouring water over the armpits of your child's (or the person's) clean shirt and then smell the shirt. Solution is to improve the hygiene of your washing machine, not force anti perspirants upon all family members. Thank you.

@patanjalijayshankarwellness - 28.07.2024 16:17


@thehappylad1701 - 14.10.2024 20:47

Well for me antiperspirant and deodorant didnt give me cancer, but it made my BO worst

@lovebugsg84 - 01.01.2025 17:48


@DarkCloudZzzz - 22.02.2025 21:56

You're not wrong because when I'm kinda smelly in the gym I get anxiety and have to go freshen up I'm the bathroom. I may be a dude but that doesn't mean you have to smell every where up bruh.

@MariaColon-o7g - 25.02.2025 19:03

Living with TMAU BODY ODOR problems was a daily struggle, but Doctor Okouromi's natural approach using herbs brought me much-needed relief and restored my well-being.🎉🎉🎉🎉
