The Time i Got Scammed by a Modeling Agency....... Twice

The Time i Got Scammed by a Modeling Agency....... Twice

Irene Rudnyk

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@zixzizia1066 - 09.07.2018 04:40

Numa seems fishy. Their models don’t really look like models. Not trying to be mean.

@fendz00 - 03.08.2018 02:41

next time bring flamethrowersp

@finallyanime - 19.08.2018 02:09

Thanks for saying you got scammed.....but don’t even say the name to help others not get hurt by them...

@Jack_Danyo - 27.08.2018 06:20

Such a sad story. Heart breaking to hear his story. This is the importance of having a contract. They took advantage of your generous nature.

@artmaltman - 02.09.2018 01:37

Thank you for sharing about this. Very important.

@jamilor - 02.09.2018 06:28

Never work for free.

@chapoguzman8627 - 12.09.2018 21:38

So besides being scammed, she doesn't want to photograph ugly girls? Got it.

@brent847 - 22.09.2018 21:10

I hope you reported them to the police and possibly FTC or FBI.

@SilverMysticWolf - 25.09.2018 17:39

What was the name of the company please ?

@MattBlytheTheOne - 27.09.2018 07:16

Did you get signed releases from all the models? Sell the photos as stock. I wouldn't shoot anything for "free" without a model or property release !

@anirbanroy2870 - 27.09.2018 19:09

Ive faced that few days ago

@AJ-lk2iv - 03.11.2018 18:35

They are all scammers, unless the top, reputable, known agencies.

@vegetalover1009 - 12.11.2018 23:54

so youre not going to name the agency to make sure they dont do this to someone else again because you dont want problems? talk about being selfish hell now im glad you were scammed this whole videos pointless youre not helping anyone because you care more about yourself than saving others.

@remixstorytamil3780 - 13.11.2018 12:32

How to joint modelling photoshoot job

@liliannaradu6011 - 25.11.2018 01:02

Is visual studios fake

@emilierobert138 - 14.12.2018 04:24

wich agency?

@sweetgirl62 - 07.01.2019 00:34

Is numa agency scamm??

@coupleofbeers31 - 21.01.2019 02:15

I remember when I first moved to NYC back in 2002 I encountered a lot of scam artists. I first went to a "modeling" agency downtown and there were so many people there. I had to fill out a form and then went into this older man's office who said that I was good-looking and that I had potential. I was so excited, until he told me that I had to pay something like $250 for head shots. I went back out to the waiting area and just walked out of the door because I knew it was a scam. Then there was an ad for adult films that I answered and I called them. The lady whom I spoke to told me that she was happy I called and that all I had to do was to pay $800 for an STD and HIV test and that she would get me jobs with very beautiful girls. LOL. Another scam, I hung up on her. Then I went to a "job fair" that was nothing more than a pyramid scheme. Be careful out there. Sorry I had to mention the adult film one, I just think it's a good example of how some people think others are so stupid.

@giftpatrick6930 - 27.01.2019 00:23

what is the name of this agency

@Ahmedali-co5jz - 14.02.2019 00:54

These companies are horrible

@michaelg6641 - 12.03.2019 15:51

I hate to say it but probably 90% of modeling is a joke, and at worst a scam. Lame agencies use their hopeful models images to look professional and act like they have some control over anything, but they don't. Anyone can say we're doing editorial modeling. Any so called agency can say or act like pictures are going to be in a magazine. So what? The only ones that have any say or any money to pay anybody are the ad agencies for commercial modeling, that trickles in from the actual advertiser (like Coke or whoever) and finally to an actual legit model agency that hopefully will actually pay the model, or magazine or media for editorial modeling, which doesn't pay that much anyway. Top US magazine covers can pay $200. Yea, that low. Runway can pay zero, because you 'need exposure'. Designer Marc Jacobs doesn't pay his models. I don't know the details of Canada, but I know the US ad industry (the highest paying modeling) is much larger than Canada, and that Ford Models closed in TO for what ever reason. I lived on the border of Ca and the US, and was always interested in it myself, and have a degree in marketing, so I always looked at places with a a skeptical eye. Every summer, another supposed modeling company would come in town and get the young girls to show up at the mall and walk the runway and sign them up for classes then expensive pictures.

@michaelg6641 - 12.03.2019 16:01

And the other poster was right, tell them to take your pictures down from their site, you have the copyright to them immediately, nothing needs to be registered, they are YOUR created images, especially since they did not pay you. They can't say, well we paid for them, no you didn't! And even worse, they probably charged those girls for the pictures too. You should file in small clams court, (its called it in the US) to recover from however they profited from your pictures. (probably did it to others too) In the future just ask someone to build your book, you're a sensible looking person, make a card, anybody would probably be flattered. Do some at a park. You don't need 'model' looking people anyway. And put some sort of price on your work, (not free) that gives it value, and make sure anything is in writing, to your satisfaction, before you EVER release any pictures to any agencies, or just don't bother with them, they're the worst. I feel bad they used you, if I was there I'd be YOUR agent!

@charlotteannjones6566 - 03.04.2019 01:54


@alixweems627 - 11.04.2019 10:34

U should do some research to find out if the modeling and acting school and talent management that has a legitimate websites before u decide to become a model or actor. Plus look up their testimonials and be cautious about their hiddin fees, so u wont get scam next time. Getting in the entertainment business is not that dat easy to get in, they're look for ppl who are talented to represent their agency. Most important is don't get your high hopes on if you didn't get pick by an agency. U have a get accepted first, stay neutral with your feelings, and be realistic.

@roleplays04 - 18.06.2019 21:07

I went to John Roberts Power long time ago and wanted me to lay 2k!!!! Lol I left. Now I’m a professional male model for Ford Models Chicago

@andreamendes8145 - 28.06.2019 08:14

Was it NUMA Models?

@ank28mz - 11.08.2019 21:08

Irene you are not alone, I also got duped by a fake modelling agency.
There are so many quacks in the market.

@Ezfuego - 01.10.2019 03:17

Is Latitude Talent Studios recommended or reputable

@moonhousing - 11.10.2019 04:46

I wish you could tell us what the agency name is. Horrible what happened to you :(

@ajitassi7720 - 27.10.2019 15:00

Sounds like IPop

@victoriawilke2792 - 28.11.2019 22:34

Sounds like Numa Network!

@breanne892 - 03.12.2019 02:59

I googled Numa models and this is what came up. I went in to Numa in 2015 cause they had an ad looking for new girls. Went in and they had three other girls in there. Toured me around the studio. Said that they though i had a shot and that i would have to pay around 2500 for a first photo shoot. Obviously i would never do that.

@marciemryan - 12.12.2019 15:41

Wow!! How amazes me how these scammers can live with themselves. This is a great example thank you for sharing.

@sergionatali3071 - 28.12.2019 11:03

Similar things happen here in Italy too.

@_missmatcha - 31.01.2020 16:22

Can Anyone tell me what agency it was??

@Vangordx - 19.02.2020 20:10

Why wouldn’t you tell us the name the name of the company that scammed you? others would..ya know..avoid them.

@RaulSanchez-gq6pm - 02.03.2020 20:29

Your so cute.

@thtfhujtutu8807 - 12.04.2020 10:49

Models from Edmonton? This is "World Model Management". When I was applying to all agencies in Toronto I sent an application as they opened an office here, then after getting a response looked into them more and saw that their models were pretty new and not models at all, so I ignored their reply asking me schedule an appointment, figuring they won't care anyways since there's no way they aren't scamming the "models" on their site. What followed was probably 15 messaging from the agency, urging me to schedule an appointment as their agents have "flown in from Edmonton". I never responded to a single one but they just kept sending them, it was so creepy.

@shythegemini9289 - 16.04.2020 08:04

MMG... smh

@SummerWindWaves - 09.07.2020 05:39

So, we’d all appreciate knowing who the scammers are?

@romiemiller3093 - 12.11.2020 22:12

I don't know if scammable is in the dictionary, but it works OK.

@romiemiller3093 - 12.11.2020 22:16

I'd put all that on a Google rating, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., as a warning.

@rashuneknight3939 - 18.02.2021 22:39

I know this doesn't matter but at least you didn't lose any money and everyone gets scammed sometimes

@hassankonta1274 - 06.07.2021 17:19

prestige modelmanagement please make video about prestige Modelmanagement i wanna know if they are scammers please

@crizymind8925 - 23.08.2021 17:30

is numa network legit?

@caravanlifenz - 28.09.2022 07:58

When I was 19, I was in Sydney and needed summer work because I was a student. There was an advertisement for extras that said you get to act natural in the background and get paid, which sounded great because I could read my textbooks in between shoots. It was a scam. I got there and they said you have to pay for a head shot and there was some bullshit joining fee too. The guy was full of seedy fake compliments about how the studios are looking for extras like me. I walked out, but I later met a guy who had fallen for the fake compliments and paid them $250 in fees and he never heard back. Poor dude.

@dark--25--6 - 18.10.2022 18:49

Any information on Arcadian Models, is it a scam?

@grandpascuba - 04.11.2022 15:26

You should have mentioned the name of the agency. And possibly the name of the model that contacted you as well.

@the_ocean_is_a_soup8865 - 23.01.2023 21:35

Name drop them pls

@patriciamalemikia2743 - 25.01.2023 09:39

I was scammed too
