Solar Yacht: Silent Yachts 55 Technical Tour

Solar Yacht: Silent Yachts 55 Technical Tour

Electric Future

4 года назад

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@solexxx8588 - 27.08.2021 20:43

I don't like the front master. I would prefer larger windows and a larger main deck cabin. Otherwise the boat is amazing.

@nickthequick - 01.09.2021 20:09

At 6 knots you go 60 miles on the batteries. So no crossing oceans with this boat ... But I am sure that will come one day

@theweatherisaokay4964 - 02.09.2021 19:03

Ok, I hope in my dreams I own one of these majestic, I'm so in love with it, especially the huge solar and those batteries. 🥰

@johndancelpernes4955 - 09.09.2021 22:49

this guy obviously knows his stuff

@Manitou1967 - 12.09.2021 17:14

Approximately $1.5 million USD

@apb71 - 13.09.2021 09:29

Only 500-1000L water storage?Desalination equipment?

@RandyBrady2024 - 18.09.2021 09:50

I want one

@MW_Builds - 21.09.2021 02:45

Amazing yacht. It's my dream. I will have one. peace

@byromtaylor6482 - 23.09.2021 22:38

missing those new potable covered vertial access pod wind generators to be fully off grid n ditch the generator all together

@johnmcclain2848 - 25.09.2021 22:56

So bottom line? You need fossil fuels to use this yacht unless you want it to be an expensive vanity purchase.

@crazzylee - 26.09.2021 06:38

Should have wind turbines

@catcat7835 - 26.09.2021 12:31

And how much will it cost to change dead batteries and PVs after 15 years? Price tag is too high, while compared to 800000$ Leopard 50.

@thezerastora - 26.09.2021 20:00

So where is the sail?

@akheeboss2726 - 27.09.2021 22:40

This EV catamaran is fantastic.

@redinabloogs8477 - 28.09.2021 01:55

I want one but 1/4 of the size

@stevenf927 - 29.09.2021 08:26

Looks like a complete disaster. Solar panels would take at least 3 days to recharge the battery bank. And the battery bank would be exhausted after running the engines a few hours or less. So you end up running the diesel generator using more fuel than a cat with conventional diesel propulsion. The battery bank will probably be replaced more often than reasonably maintained diesel propulsion making it a less cost effective option. Sailing? These condo - cats are pretty slow - my wife was interested in them until I pointed out how often we pass them in our monohull. Performance cats are fast - these aren't performance cats.

@hrishikeshpatel8244 - 07.10.2021 00:13


@arturocuevas4306 - 10.10.2021 08:39

I will order my and pay it with XRP

@deltafunction0 - 22.10.2021 09:19

"At 6 knots you can go 60 miles under electric power." So you can go 7 mph for an hour under absolutely ideal conditions with 100% battery. Then that's it. Relatively impressive actually if true, but it seems to me it would be more eco-friendly to just not buy a multi-million dollar yacht and use diesel to go everywhere after the first 7 miles.

6 knots is good headway for sailing, but this boat sacrifices sailing efficiency to make a political statement about solar that one day may work, but as of today doesn't work. Or else it's just a brilliant product that takes advantage of stupid socialites that pretend to care about the environment.

Why is everybody else worshipping this boat like it's a solution to the world's energy crisis like these are off-the-grid nomads? This is a rich person's yacht, without sails, that at absolutely best under ideal conditions can go 7 mph for an hour under its own power. After that it runs on diesel just like every other non-sailing yacht. The effort to make it more fuel efficient than purely diesel is notable. But ultimately, sailing is more efficient.

"That's why we have the range extender" and shows a diesel motor.

This is a great way for LA plutocrats to pretend they give a shit about the environment. Meanwhile, there is a drought, they continue to water their 4 acre lawns, and motor under diesel energy from LA to Catalina every time to make better time for your guests, while pretending they're doing it under sail or solar. But we all hear the motors. Just use sails.

Sails are more efficient than solar.

@PostTVNews - 15.11.2021 19:26

The biggest improvement for Americans when going electric is you're finally switching from imperial (gallons) to metric (kWh).

@niio111 - 07.12.2021 20:26

Please find a camera operator that doesn't have epilepsy, or maybe get a gimbal.

@NMIBUBBLE - 10.12.2021 17:23

Why not try the small wind turbines to collect the wind energy and transfer that energy back into the batteries. Look for small turbines that are around European roads they stay in the middle of the divider in the roads and collect the wind from cars passing on opposite sides of the road but if the wind is blowing on the sea I think it will pick up enough energy to produce for the batteries.

@Houseforasong - 11.01.2022 07:27

Who makes the engines?

@HopeOfJoe - 14.01.2022 06:49

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice 👍

@tonysanders5721 - 03.02.2022 20:05

Can’t wait to get my own

@roslolian11 - 19.02.2022 18:23

My main complaint about this is the windows up front are small AF. During bad weather you prob wont even see anything with how small those windows are.

@jamesfreach1022 - 22.02.2022 20:09

Unfortunately what is isn't telling you is that you can only travel 60 miles on a full charge.

@iruwenevillan - 04.03.2022 12:03

Does it automatically compensate a single engine failure on auto pilot?

@fibber2u - 06.03.2022 20:10

Idiotically babbling narrator (dose calm down as video progresses) but added valueless irritating background noise is continuous (why?).

@jasongooden917 - 15.03.2022 19:20

I can't afford the model of the yacht

@bugsternc - 20.03.2022 08:16

hello, would it be possible to know the voltage of the motors? 5000Nm seems huge to me, the amperage must be phenomenal, thank you and have a nice day

@l... - 21.03.2022 10:58

Thank you for chapters
Thank you for 60FPS

@aurematic - 23.03.2022 16:10

still horrible cameraman 👎

@michaelotoo5543 - 02.04.2022 11:58

How long would it take to ship this overseas to Turkey Antalya

@takealeftatthelight5284 - 08.04.2022 04:23

I prefer this to the noisy, self serving, video someone else posted. I just want the facts, not someone's maybe give me something for free holiday.

@theamici - 11.04.2022 18:15

If only some of these were actually affordable to normal people, instead of only upper income class people. The one's that are actually affordable for normal people are so small they verge into claustrophobic, and lack several utilities for living well on the seas.

@joseeudesbarrospinto7878 - 23.04.2022 03:44

Horrível! 👎👎😎🇧🇷

@jossecienfuegos1318 - 07.05.2022 19:42

I was planning to buy a 65 , until you went crazy on pricing , you blew it .

@nekite1 - 10.05.2022 21:40

As somebody who used to kitebuggy, I can confirm how much power a good aerofoil kite can produce in the right conditions. Highly efficient, as I could regularly achieve speeds at least 1.5 to 2x more than the actual wind speed. Speeds in excess of 80kph easily achieveable with a little 2.5 metre kite! I would suggest that the kites on these boats should be repositioned to be flown beam on, ie 90 degrees to the yacht's direction of travel, as that is where these kites generate the most power, rather than from the bow. They are generally much easier to control when used like this and require a lot less input into controlling them.

@ihsanyesil2810 - 06.06.2022 20:44

Jeneratör bekadan zamanda bataryaları doldurabiliyor. Jenatörün ürettiği elektrik yatı götürebiliyormu. Silene yatların üretim yeri hangi ülkedir. 55 lerin sergileneceği fuar hangi ülkede ve tarihte yapılacak.

@ZebraActual - 04.07.2022 02:33

So does the a/c run off solar too?

@caoyi9691 - 05.08.2022 10:54

why you did not install extra wind turbine?

@rmar7081 - 17.08.2022 19:45

I would love to sell these beautiful Yachts. I looks like a ton of fun.

@scottvanheulen8338 - 24.08.2022 16:36

My question is directly to Mr. Zanni. Has any research been done into Perovskite/Silicon solar panels which produce a much greater efficiency? Perovskites collect energy from all spectrums of light and are much more efficient and have greater flexibility as they can be us in flexible materials, curved features and even in paint. higher output?

@fabianscalia6194 - 26.02.2023 23:54


@ronrico2620 - 05.04.2023 03:10

Let's be real comparing the fuel economy of a 55' monohull to a catamaran is kinda deceptive

@TakenPilot - 12.04.2023 09:21

Imagine adding a sail and then charging the batteries while you sail most of the day, like regenerative braking. The aft propeller would drag and be spun as the wind carries you.

@donparkison4617 - 22.08.2023 05:55

It needs to be combined with a sailing rigging. On their Atlantic crossing they still burned hundreds of gallons of diesel to run the generators when the cloud cover ran the batteries down, and I would be willing to bet that during that time there was plenty of wind. This boat with sails on it could travel the world without a drop of fuel.

@robertfrederick9061 - 04.08.2024 08:41

I have not seen any pure solar powered to electric drive motor catamarans that travel off shore(I am excluding Coastal cruisers) that do not need to have ICE "range extenders". Solar panels with 23% efficiency cannot populate a craft's surfaces sufficiently to collect sufficient PV energy to store in LiFePO4 battery banks for both propulsion & "house" energy bank needs. If a craft travels at 6 knots under "ideal" sea conditions then it can achieve self sufficiency but given the enormous "slab sided" windage surfaces any interaction with10 -20 knot breezes would create challenging navigation efforts without energizing the ICE "range extenders" so the conundrum is is this really a Hybrid" craft or a technology demonstrator.
