How I Beat Pokémon's "HARDEST" Challenge

How I Beat Pokémon's "HARDEST" Challenge

Captain Kidd

4 месяца назад

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@emanuelcohen2556 - 13.10.2024 13:23


@cullenlatham2366 - 13.10.2024 14:47

there is some skill in execution and adaptability, but that is also me giving the "challenge" far more credit than it deserves. You nailed most of the issues in the rant vid, but i am not so stubborn to insist a casual could beat a run without at least one higher tier of skill; damage calcs, good item use in battle, and risk management. That last one is the embodiment of the singular challenging element: when is a mon good enough to push the run past the first rival, how early should you cut your losses, and when do you get the most benefit from an item?

All that said, it is JUST me trying to be as fair as possible. I still entirely agree about the central premise of the challenge, and the only ones i bother watching are for the stories that come out the other end and not the challenge itself. "hardest" isnt entirely inaccurate, but the gap between expectation (skill based) and reality (RNG fest only testing endurance through tedium) is where the inaccuracies come in. Anyone who markets it as "hardest" unironically (do they include the quotation marks?) is being disingenuous and click-bait-y. Ironmon is the most punishing of mistakes, but the number of times a success or failure is defined by mistakes is too low for that to be an accurate result of the sample size.

@1Henrink - 13.10.2024 15:02

It's ok to keep with the complaints , this challenge sucks.

@Kereea - 13.10.2024 15:20

Bravo on winning the slot machine at last. Also, I LOVE the new manic!Squirtle sprites, they really added to it.

@shikai42 - 13.10.2024 18:19

What setup did you use to get hidden ground items to appear as the little x as well as the pokemon stat hud you had?

@koraboinaneelaveni7147 - 13.10.2024 20:35

This is just rng based I don't really think it's hardest challenge

@chuckles_chuckles_chuckles1019 - 13.10.2024 21:52

Hardest challenge for a pokemon fan is enjoying the game

@Thefrogking15 - 13.10.2024 22:42

I still think most of the kaizo rules are just children playground rules to make it so you can't win

@sansael6760 - 13.10.2024 23:04

I was there during the Porygod run and this one. It was so awesome seeing the fall and the rise!

@melissam6931 - 14.10.2024 01:16

I'm wondering why you didnt use your lava cookie!! Was it your only status heal item and healing items are just more likely to be found,m thus making them the more expendable resource?

@FidoriaSky - 14.10.2024 01:44

Little correction for ironmons it dosent randomise total base stat but the distribution of the bst

@XxViwerxX - 14.10.2024 01:45

That aereodactill came from the last moment of the dino era ... After the rage of disappearing came to sweep the pokemon kanto time

@lemonke8132 - 14.10.2024 04:43

How did you leave the SS anne while poisoned to heal up? It's a dungeon, you can't leave until you've defeated the captain, and after that you can't fight any trainers.

@that.guy.1208 - 14.10.2024 06:51

Never said bye to mom so this run DOES NOT COUNT!!!!

@jumpinjeff1709 - 14.10.2024 09:10

I will say, the most skilled imo is speedrun. A mix of high varience with top tier execution and game knowledge while making on the fly decisions. Now if you want the biggest challenge of patience that puts soul-like games to shame, you play pokemon like this.

@arrowsecho5779 - 14.10.2024 09:51

i love captainkidd

@nintendoswitchbrit4201 - 14.10.2024 14:06

This just seems like take away as much skill based choices you can make and leave as much to random chance as possible

@grappino_ - 14.10.2024 14:30

So you beat the classic ironmon kaizo I see... what about the improved ironmon kaizo with 5 generations and split special/physical moves? That one is really difficult

@MyChicken78 - 14.10.2024 20:03

What was the ost of the champion battle?

@demidemonym - 14.10.2024 20:41

Was Swift so important that you didn't want to drop Dig for *that*, or was there a rule preventing you from doing so about when Swift ran out of PP?, or was it just that it's got low PP

@גיאשפירא-ט2ר - 14.10.2024 22:41

Can someone explain why he didn’t replace swift with dig when he got it in Blane’s gym?

@awes5893 - 14.10.2024 22:52

Using Ringabell's theme for the final fight was beautiful!

@EvilMyself - 15.10.2024 00:33

Kidd: Kaizo Ironmon is a terrible challenge.

Also Kidd: Keeps playing it

@yessir2456 - 15.10.2024 01:17

Trainer classes are randomized to mix up the amount of money you get throughout the run that being said it typically just makes the early game easier as a result

@amayesing1612 - 15.10.2024 01:19

You can't pick the best mon on the table in the lab and get a legitimate win.......

@yessir2456 - 15.10.2024 01:33

You are entering and remind me a lot of a good friend of mine which makes your content that much more entertaining

@ninjatom9 - 15.10.2024 09:46

How come every time someone explains an ironmon challenge, it looks even less appealing?

@brix1094fuckhandles - 15.10.2024 16:31

Man why you gotta make us nuzlockers who like kaizo look bad. I hope you get constant diarrhea

@BluDino129 - 15.10.2024 20:28

969 nice

@ItsMePichu - 15.10.2024 20:44

If only he knew about pokemon run & bun, then he wouldn't be calling this the hardest challenge

@altariamotives16 - 16.10.2024 14:15

I love when you can tell how hard it was to come up with a happy outro line

@jb90467 - 16.10.2024 23:01

everyone has beaten kaizo already, it's easy as hell
the hardest challenge is now pivoting halfway through the run, nobody has beaten it yet

@TheStoneTargaryen - 19.10.2024 07:47

969? cenice 😉

@ivanisco32 - 19.10.2024 13:28

why not make a tournament in a random starter style everyone gets a random pokemon every round of a random typing and then after winning your opponent instead of choosing randomly you can tkae his pokemon if you want... ohh and a with each round being given a limited amoun of rare candies to either share with your pokemons or just spam on one dude and maybe a level cap..

@Siinory - 24.10.2024 17:55

Come to think of it, a Kaizo Ironman is just a massive roguelike, new randomized run everytime and you pray to get a good build to finish the run

@NightmaresLPs - 27.10.2024 10:48

The NICE run ;)

@NightmaresLPs - 27.10.2024 11:16

whats the music name from the final battle?

@MrMuschiato - 04.11.2024 19:38

Half of this video is filled with stuff you explained in the video where you criticize this mod. This is useless.

@AriaCorvus - 08.12.2024 19:49

.... this is such a shit challenge


@Devilke0 - 12.12.2024 21:11

how to download and play?

@stephengleason3059 - 17.12.2024 22:02

Insert pointcrow comment here

@czarnemo5195 - 27.01.2025 13:28

CrawdauntCory beat kaizo ironmon on his 57th attempt so idk seems pretty skill based to me

@wabdyli - 28.01.2025 13:25

22 heals in bag

@ItsBadRat - 07.02.2025 03:26

yeah. ironmon is wack.
