do you plan or have you played any of the devil may cry games?
ОтветитьI ended up installing a Raspberry Picoboot into my gamecube, so I can just install gamecube games for free
Pokemon box and pokemon colosseum is now within my grasp
Matty, if you ever need someone to talk Scooby Doo with you, I'm your guy. I don't think a childhood show has made such an impact on someone like Scooby Doo did for me.
ОтветитьI intend to get one for my Wii🤔 hopefully you can help me out with suggestions 😅 I’m VERY NEW to gamecube games!
that yugioh game is so fkn fun, dont listen to the negative comments
ОтветитьWhen you start buying games for the manuals only 😄
ОтветитьDude, you need to play and review star fox adventures right now!
ОтветитьFACTS OG Naruto >>>
ОтветитьYou got some good ones there! Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for CustomRobo. If you haven’t played it before, you’re welcome! Great video!!
ОтветитьGlad that you like Star Fox Adventures!
In the last few years, the reviews have shifted and people are finally appreciating this fantastic game!
My first console was the GameCube luckily I never fell into the trap of trading to GameStop even though I wanted the new console the GameCube really stole my heart it will always be my favorite console with all the amazing games it came out for my 2 holy grails I’m trying to get is cubivore and Pokémon box but jeez they way prices are now who the hell knows maybe one day they’ll drop in price
ОтветитьThese game cube games are going to the mooooooooooon broooooo 🚀 🌘
ОтветитьThey should make gamecube on nintendo online. It’s so stupid nintendo doesn’t do this. Some scalpers like spawnwave keep pushing against it for no reason. Stop supporting greed and tell nintendo to bring it to online!
ОтветитьI picked up star wars bounty hunter cib even came with the promo card
ОтветитьI don't really understand the GCHD product. I don't think it's doing any upscaling and still outputting at 480i. $160 dollars for that seems way overpriced. I bought a composite to HDMI converter for my PS2 and it was like $7.
ОтветитьI remember the Disney Skate game from a PS2 demo disc as a kid, I played it a bit just never owned it
ОтветитьLol $30 USD for resident evil 4?
I wish, $80 AUD at minimum in Australia
Kinda hoping re4 gets a bit devalued by the remake’s release.
ОтветитьFalsebound kingdom ❤️❤️
ОтветитьExtreme skate adventure is my favorite from the GameCube
ОтветитьEw projared, we don't talk about that thing.
ОтветитьOmg Pokemon Colosseum was my JAM. Totally forgot about this game
ОтветитьGamecube games have been £25 for years in CEX. I used to see them a lot when I was a wee fella, but I would rather emulate them.
ОтветитьI bought the GameCube with luigis mansion when it came out after a year I had like 30 plus games had all the resident evil games, sonic the hedgehog games, Pokemon, Zelda, donkey Konga with bongos the wavebird controller but I sold it all to a guy from work years ago and I wish I hadn't
Ответитьim very very want a gamecube definitely, but its too expensive for me
ОтветитьI’m sure you’re aware. But it’s false bound kingdom not king
ОтветитьArghhhh youre absolutely annoying me grabbing the manual like you are, anyone touches my games manuals like that get a punch and never to look at my games again 😳🤪😡🤪😳
ОтветитьResident Evil 4 Wii Edition is best girl.
ОтветитьTrying to get almost anything Nintendo, but ESP Gamecube games these days is just depressing. Would love to have Double Dash, Colosseum, Luigi's Mansion, and Smash Melee(Smash was stolen). Prob never gonna' happen for those prices. So glad I still have the Mario Partys, Windwaker, and LoZ Collectors, at least.
ОтветитьI love your videos but I think you should tell people that you have have Digital port on your GameCube for the EON adaptor. It's hard to find those GameCubes.
ОтветитьThe Hex Girls are responsible for my current attractions to goth girls thank you scooby doo
ОтветитьResellers have ruined retro collecting
ОтветитьStar Fox adventures holds a special place in my heart
ОтветитьBig fan of the fact that you included a Naruto game 🔥🔥🔥 You rarely ever see that one on peoples top lists 🤞🏼
Ответитьfalsebound kingdom is one of my favourite all time yugioh games its so great
ОтветитьWhen they say shout out u now they brought it £120 😂 am saving for one myself I mean they sending me a free one for shout out 😂
ОтветитьI've had the same GameCube since childhood. It came packaged with Melee!
ОтветитьI remember that Yu Gi Oh game. I remember when I played it I was extremely confused about the gameplay. I didn't understand why it was so different from the actual card game and show.
ОтветитьThe retro game market is bloated, but gamecube game prices are especially high simply because most of the disks were destroyed by the 7 year olds who owned them back in 2003.
ОтветитьJust curious do you play any of these?
ОтветитьI’m thinking of buying a Nintendo game cube in 2024, because I never had one of these as a kid & it looks awesome!!!
ОтветитьGameCube collector here! Actually I’ve been collecting video games my entire life but I never got to own a GameCube as a child so I just started my collection. I’m going CIB full North America. Since I started 3 weeks ago I have found 16 cib in excellent condition games that has set me back roughly $1,400 thus far.
ОтветитьSucks I got priced out of my childhood by collectors. Gonna have to mod a Wii just to get that GameCube experience inexpensively
ОтветитьComplains about retro game prices then proceeds to show rare they are 😅😅. Who you think is the cause of prices going up?