Star Trek TNG - Armus having a bad day

Star Trek TNG - Armus having a bad day


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@Glitcher2000 - 14.12.2006 04:26

Skin of Evil probably looked a lot better on paper. If this episode had the advantage of elaborate digital effects instead of a campy blob monster costume, it could have been a corker.

@sausageslaps - 18.01.2007 04:25

ya that talking oil slick thought he had things wrapped up, now hes stuck in his penzoil hell for an eternity to get even more angry. priceless

@CaptainTrekkie - 13.12.2007 03:20

Haha, reminds me of the classic "NOOOOOOOOOO!" from Vader.

@Annexloop - 29.01.2008 05:16

I love the "Shitman" nickname! XD

@vividesigner - 03.04.2008 21:32

Reminds me of a sketch on creepshow

@FacultyFan - 27.09.2008 07:11

This episode was creepy for a star trek ep.

@philipbabb - 27.10.2008 02:26

Best Star Trek Next Generation villian ever.

@SeanMaccaUK - 26.11.2008 04:48

This video could quite easily be called: 'Picard PWNS Armus' Lol.

@girlgarde - 08.01.2009 09:27

Agreed. When I first saw this episode, I wanted Armus to die horribly. Leaving him on the planet alone for eternity though is a better punishment for him as it's a personal hell for Armus as he has no one to torment. R.I.P Tasha and R.I.H (rot in hell) Armus.

@girlgarde - 08.01.2009 09:29

He clearly thought that as long as he held the shuttle crew hostage that he had a bargaining chip in which to get what he wanted. Still, Armus DID have quite a bit of nerve to demand passage on board the Enterprise after the horrible things that he did.

@ArmusIctus - 24.02.2009 00:19


@srvfan454 - 08.03.2009 08:24

I think Tasha deserved a better death, i can see her heroically leaping from a burning enterprise with 4 or 5 bat'tleth's stuck in her back yelling "is that the best you can do?!?" ( i love tasha and have and might have an overinflated view of her abilities)

@palehorse864 - 31.07.2009 16:05

A creature created from the negative qualities of another race. Armus was such a TOS style creature. And poor Tasha wound up being a red shirt who managed to survive long enough by making it onto the bridge crew. She was a great character, but she was nearly killed more than once I believe, once in the first episode by Q, and then gets killed by Armus, gets revived later, and then gets killed again. I wonder what the show would have been like with her past season 1. Sela was great.

@Joyleaf84 - 13.10.2009 00:48

Oh my god that thing used to give me nightmares

@benvolio15 - 11.12.2009 06:47

According to Jonathan Frakes, Armus was made of 40 lbs. of Metamucil mixed with printer ink. After they finished shooting the scene where Armus swallowed up Riker and later spit him out, LeVar Burton (Geordi) said, "Frakes...I never would have done that!"

@CodeguruX - 07.02.2010 14:31

Yeah, he also doesn't exist.

@ArmusIctus - 16.06.2010 22:34

@armusisag No my name is Armus. Don't be dumb.

@NorthrendProductions - 10.11.2010 20:10

A freaky episode.

@marktsheppard - 22.04.2011 02:41

...hmmm... in real life... this is a pissed off Couger cow AAA member that tried to threaten my employment... and by giving me a bullshit AAA card... and this was so I will NOT steal her identity or her real membership card... ...koo-koo cougers!

@marktsheppard - 22.04.2011 02:49

seriously... because even though most of the AAA calls are fool proof and automatic... the are also those HOT calls in the parking lot... where I had to drop what I was doing and respond... and when I got there... and I was there in minutes... the stupid cougar cow was on her cell phone... and she is supposedly talking to her husband... and then I had wait and then ask her for her membership card... so this way... the tow company will get paid for the service call... yet I was paid by the hour!

@marktsheppard - 22.04.2011 03:15

...and the games and the hypocrisy... and the hypocritical hypocrisy that was stacked high with hypocritical nonsense... of how I am supposed to treat those members with respect and compassion and understanding... while they... the old cougar cows would try to rip off the company or to save money or etc. ...hmmm..I think that AAA messed me up in the head... and I am still trying to recover and to hold back my own anger of how my job was always on the line... and that those cougars loved to argue

@marktsheppard - 22.04.2011 03:21

...and I was just their emotional punching bag... HA?! ...the bad and the potential rapist AAA driver that might rape them... and that I just can't weight to get them alone with me in the tow truck... hmmm... and it's as if I lost all hope for older women... since they are all wired the same... and 99% of them do NOT care who is running the world... HA?! ...just as long as we all just kill one another... because cougar cows are untouchable... hmmm... and they are always the victims... and etc.

@crowtservo - 31.08.2011 19:27

I was 6 years old when this episode aired. At that time I thought Armus was very scary.

@Traip20 - 17.12.2011 23:25

@crowtservo He is still very scary! The only creature in Star Trek that scared me...

@Christopher0184 - 13.06.2012 10:04

You and me both. Armus gave me nightmares ther first time I saw him...

@TheNiceJackass - 31.08.2012 09:00

No wonder Paramount were spending millions per episode, they used Epson pinter ink! :D

@hypnozzz - 18.11.2012 22:33

Is the name Armus a joke because there was a producer Burton Armus for some TNG episodes?

@Glitcher2000 - 06.01.2013 13:41

What an asinine reply. If you think all digital effects are bad for film, you must have flicks like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, or basically ANYTHING with CGI.

@Glitcher2000 - 21.01.2013 05:29

Did you even WATCH the movies? Star Wars and LOTR are gushing CGI at every orifice. Characters like Jar-Jar Binks and Gollum are completely CGI, and let's not forget space battles and 'MASSIVE' armies. Heck, The Return of the King alone had over 1400 effects shots. How does that qualify as "barely any CGI"? At least do some research before you answer.

@philipbabb - 21.01.2013 05:56

Some empire like the Romulans, Ferengi, or Cardasians would make sense. Some one who attributes value to the pursuit of revenge. That would work. They'd be piloting the spaceships and Armus would be making so many explosions, the perfect revenge seeking team. Worst of all, us humans would be high on their hit-list.

@Mechaghostman2 - 13.04.2013 10:11

I liked that they gave her a proper death later, after captured by Romulans in battle to prevent a war between the Federation and the Klingons.

@davidsheets8932 - 15.10.2013 21:58

You're thinking of Starbuck (non-Dirk Benedict version). Tasha was basically that girl who played softball and basketball in school.

@Escara1 - 08.03.2016 02:58


@xxlCortez - 12.04.2016 20:18

My reaction on the ending of Star Trek Nemesis.

@sisterulicia9492 - 05.07.2016 16:35

I fucking love Armus so much. lol

@chrispeplinski7306 - 12.03.2017 20:20

armus being left alone was the best punishment for him.

@ZuluRomeo - 24.06.2018 19:18

They should bring him back in Star Trek Online. Perhaps have some careless sod happen upon him and unleash him back into the galaxy.

@MatthewSmith-to1hz - 04.08.2019 07:05

Armus's appearance is just pure creepiness. It looks fake yet real at the same time. That and combined with its haunting voice you just feel his presents.

@adriand817 - 14.12.2019 08:47

The reaction of single mom Tinder chick when she doesn’t a get a free dinner date

@erentheca - 28.03.2020 22:59

Take him to the Founder's homeworld. Dominion war over.

@angellosstarot5798 - 29.07.2020 23:46

I wonder how long he was there screaming lmao

@ThePhychoHero - 17.12.2020 00:55

I pity him in a way. He didn’t choose to be this thing. He is pure evil by no fault of his own. He was made this way. Evil and hate are all he knows and is capable of knowing. He was doomed to languish in his own misery long before the Enterprise came, and he will be doomed to be so again now that they’ve left him.

@alimahh1 - 31.03.2021 16:16

Fact: Armus is still alive today.

@Mongler37 - 04.12.2021 05:43

Well at least I won't have some twentysomethings prank call me.

@ShadeMeadows - 07.12.2021 05:05

Poor Armus

@tsartodd - 01.02.2023 04:08

Captain Picard is like a father reprimanding a naughty child here.

@tsartodd - 15.02.2023 23:53

Armus reminds me of internet trolls.

@Angelsky213 - 17.10.2023 20:00

I wonder how long he just stood there screaming 😆

@Razorgeist - 25.12.2023 22:52

Honestly what sells it is Ron Ganz vocal performance.

@oye6124 - 11.03.2024 20:06

some guy who was mad at me used this as a reaction video to me and i thought that was really funny
