when you dont realize this kid used to cheat lol
ОтветитьI think beaulo would only have a tough time vs serenity, his aim and reactions are 100x better but serenity was the sneakiest cav player ever
ОтветитьLike in all seriousness, how do you do this ? It literally looks like hacks, not even pro players play like that.
Ответить7 seconds in and hes hitting nutty flicks
ОтветитьAin't no way this guy burned 3 and a half years of his life on a game 💀💀
Ответить32000 is 1333 days
ОтветитьFirst clip was actually insane
ОтветитьFirst clip was actually insane
Ответитьbro that first kill dude like nah fam how he know exactly where the guys head was. While he was standing on stairs and uneven surface
ОтветитьThe opponents are playing very badly. SO u are so bad
Ответитьits aim hack....
ОтветитьDefenetly Cheating
ОтветитьThe best!
ОтветитьYou've been playing a fucking video game for four years?
ОтветитьWhat the fuck
Ответитьif this guy would get reported and reviewed (overwatch cs style) he would get banned im telling you.
Ответить32000😂😂😂 sarebbero 10 ore di gioco, tuttj i giorni, dal giorno 1. Praticamente neanche uno schiavo nei campi di cotone lavora così tanto
ОтветитьThe opposition you play when it’s rank up time
ОтветитьThis version is already old, the new version of the cheat with anti-ban is already on my channel🍀🍀🍀🍀
Ответитьbro plays this game like call of duty lmao
ОтветитьEveryone on Beaulos team “WOW OMG YES NO WAY” beaulo “wooooooow”
ОтветитьBro half of these clips im just screaming HOW?!
Ответить32k hours is 3.6 YEARS this guy missed 3 and a half years of his life
Ответить"Do you guys don't watch Jon Wick"😂😂😂
ОтветитьHe might be cheating as his flicks and shooting through walls and the enemy is there is very lucky to get normally I'm not hating I'm just saying his aims a bit suspicious
Ответитьvocê faz a experiencia dos outros jogadores ruim, para
Ответить1: 24 the reason i hate this fuckin game id love ...matter o fact i challenge any one litterally any of u to tell me where the enemy was
ОтветитьI got in a game with him like 1. Hour ago
ОтветитьHoly shit first clip was of my friend getting shit on
Ответить1 333 days on pc in R6Siege . Soooo sad .
Ответить32 THOUSAND hours though?!?! 😳🤯
ОтветитьHonestly if you're not a god after 32 THOUSAND HOURS, there's something severely wrong with you 😅 bro has spent 4 mf YEARS in 1 game
ОтветитьBro has really spent 4 mf YEARS in game... insane dedication 😅
ОтветитьThose guys probably aren't even doing anything wrong play wise. He's just inhuman
Ответитьnoob im better