Trump halts Ukraine aid: Is Europe ready to face Russia alone?

Trump halts Ukraine aid: Is Europe ready to face Russia alone?

The Newsmakers

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@anglosaxonbreed - 06.03.2025 19:21

What does our leader of the EU say she the boss not france or germany

@ErikA-x5p8m - 06.03.2025 19:39

Europe needs to step up with Troops under the Ukrainian uniform. Make it larger the front line.

@faithvirtue6524 - 06.03.2025 19:44

The West started this war.

@johnzarn3367 - 06.03.2025 20:28

Thank you for this report. I like your show very much. My question is this, they talk about Russian interference but isn’t there USA interference? I have seen and heard of US involvement in Ukraine before 2022. One such instance is Joe Biden’s son involvement in a Ukrainian power company. How did this come about and fast forward today and the US sent billions of dollars to Ukraine for a war with Russia. If Russia is not allowed to have influence in other countries then why is Europe and the US?

@biniamaradom6650 - 06.03.2025 21:43

I love your voice

@myo007 - 07.03.2025 00:20

British and France don't want peace, they just want wars, cause conflict and problem, and just same like colonial era since ancient, they are very aggressive even to start WWIII.

@karim3163 - 07.03.2025 00:28

Send troops. Stop the proxywar

@StoneBache - 07.03.2025 04:10

One day in future USA will be badly punished by Europe, that Trump & his publics will come to know .

@Fre-h4r - 07.03.2025 05:17

Jag anser att Europa har fått ett bryskt uppvaknande och det kan vara bra att lära sig hur diplomati och en penna kan vara världens bästa vapen och jag har en förståelse för andra och att man har en erfarenhet och gjort många misstag själv som man lärt sig utav är en början tillfreds på jorden 07

@Fre-h4r - 07.03.2025 05:23

En viktig sak man ska inte glömma sin historia för då kan framtid bli till en grav men man måste inse att man får glömma vissa saker och tänka på vad det är viktigaste här och som mr. Tram säger inga krig no Wars och även tänka på att mister Putininte haft det så lätt heller att hantera ett så stort land och man ska vara väldigt försiktig med att anklaga folk, utan att veta vad som är sant! 07

@AjmalHussain-z1o - 07.03.2025 07:24

Europe get closer to China forget america

@AjmalHussain-z1o - 07.03.2025 07:25

China is very strong

@Chet_24 - 07.03.2025 08:15

Wasnt there a peace deal in Istanbul that Borris Johnson told Zelensky to reject back in 2022? Like before 200k+ had died.

@richardchak696 - 07.03.2025 08:30

European political leaders are on a paths to self destruction to continue the war. Totally nuts. seizure of Russian Assets is declaration of war by the European madness. ONE STEP NEARER TO NUCLEAR WAR. EUROPEAN UNION and their illusion high horse of morality. Remember Korean War the country is divided N & S Korea, yet S Korea is Prosperous because there is ceasefire armistice not peace agreement. Technically N & S Korea is still at war. However, there is peace in Asia. The cruel truth is Ukraine is a buffer state of Russia. That the reality. European had destroyed themselves twice WWI WWII. Yet they still don't know how to live with thier neighbours...a tragedy in making.

The British & French still think they are in the 18 & 19 century where are the dominating the world.

@stevenhelm4607 - 07.03.2025 08:38

Ukraine president rejected trump peace deal .

@Mark_Thackeray - 07.03.2025 08:58

Why is Ukraine still wanting to sign a rare-minerals deal with the US? I don't get it. Screw the USA.

@เหงียนเกาด๊าก - 07.03.2025 09:09

🇺🇸🐃👈stop ✋️ war👎😅😅😂

@angelarogers8840 - 07.03.2025 09:29

Americans we getting to tired paying for ei to European countries

@angelarogers8840 - 07.03.2025 09:41

😂😢ewropewaan cou

@angelarogers8840 - 07.03.2025 09:45

Ejuopaan countries don't over power in usa amen

@brookekelly7164 - 07.03.2025 09:46

Someone get Zelenskyy a booster seat 😂😂

@brookekelly7164 - 07.03.2025 09:55

If Europe puts troops on the ground- Get ready for Putin to start WW 3 Is Europe ready for that ?

I’m so glad DJT pulled America out of this never ending proxy war.

As an American where has Europe been , financially?

350 billion dollars, of hard working Americans have paid !

Let Trump solve this , Zelenskyy will keep their country, Europe needs to step it up and pay their fair share.

They can say whatever they want about President Trump , he is a great leader and very smart. We Americans want something for our security and deserve to be treated better than our supposed allies have treated us. Understand Europe this is what Americans want. Peace - You better get Zelenskyy on board or clean up your own mess

This is no longer a Biden administration. Europe needs to understand

@adlerherman9388 - 07.03.2025 10:37

Are they Drunk , Insane or ? Just sociophatic Amoral psychopathes and professionnels Liars ??? UROpe is Broke... Are they proposing the suggestion that we Starve here in UROpe ??? That we have to be miserable ??? No more Healtcare, Social Services Public Éducation ??? Amoral Monsters of the uropean COMMission Dictatorship... We will Revolt !!!🤔😵‍💫🤬

@adlerherman9388 - 07.03.2025 10:43

For the Pensions ? Nothing, for Healtcare ? Nothing , For Houses energy prises ? Nothing , For Hospitals ? Nothing... For a lost War ? 850 Billions !!! If UROpets Bruxello-Natoites Ridiculous Barking Midgets Chihuahuas and Underdogs had not Pushed Ukraine to get NATO in Ukraine ??? Nothing of this would had happened... Degenerated Amoral Sociophatic Politicians...🤔😵‍💫🤬

@turningpointaustralia9531 - 07.03.2025 10:58

Macron married a man

@turningpointaustralia9531 - 07.03.2025 10:59

Nobody elected the EU leaders.... Selected not Elected
