Star Trek: Enterprise - The Speeches of Jonathan Archer

Star Trek: Enterprise - The Speeches of Jonathan Archer


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@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 - 14.12.2017 18:07

Damn you gotta respect Captain Archer

@MISANTHROPE00 - 19.12.2017 15:16

What? TRIP DIED???

@Aidanhatesyouall - 03.07.2018 11:49

Trip didnt actually die :)

@lorenzorossi9093 - 05.09.2018 14:19

Well i have to say that my favourite speech was when archer had to choose between saving an underdeveloped specie or letting nature take his course and that has references to the prime directive. There he siad that he has to remind himself tha humanity is no God. It is a master piece

@bennettosasconx-1555 - 27.10.2018 20:11

Saudações Shin aqui é o Capt Bennett da nave estelar Osasco NX-15 SP Brazil gostei dos vídeos que vc está apresentando da star Trek Enterprise eu sou fã dessa franquia MT obrigado Todos a bordo Capt Bennett desligando

@dereklaw5612 - 25.11.2018 05:55


@collinsdarkwa281 - 28.11.2018 17:21

I remember this part

@HanginWithSnakes - 21.12.2018 02:45

Should have ended the show with the Final Frontier speech. The series finale totally blew.

@miguelparra9997 - 24.02.2019 10:41

Es una verdadera pena que esta hermosa serie no culmininara su ciclo completo como en el caso de TNG, DS9 y VOY. Pero para mi ese discurso de la última frontera nos demostró cual es el verdadero sentido de la franquicia, que es el de explorarnos a nosotros mismos y nuestras decisiones, es algo que yo no había analizado hasta ese momento. Una verdadera pena sin lugar a dudas.

@GoodVideos4 - 03.04.2019 23:27

Yeah, and at the end of Star Trek: Enterprise they exclude the UFP speech that he was supposed to have given. Troi might have known it from the Academy, but we didn't. That would probably have been his best speech.

@MuruganNarayanan - 15.04.2019 12:43

I really liked Archer's Prime Directive speech from "Dear Doctor." Even though it was a controversial decision, it formed the basis and set a precedent for one of the Federation's founding principles.

@rodrigotorre6936 - 27.05.2019 02:53

Incredible 😦

@edka1031 - 01.07.2019 00:47

A reat tribute to Gene Roddenberry spirit!!

@neilsanghvi5229 - 03.08.2019 23:28

There are times when Archer bring's the show to new lows, such as through regular alien fisticuffs, and times when he brings it to the highest of all the Star Trek series, through speeches that explain the inherent need for space exploration in the human soul, sometimes in ways I never realised existed.

@Redshirt434 - 09.09.2019 18:51

As awful as that gazelle speech was, that final frontier speech was amazing.

@Wave8Form - 30.12.2019 02:09

Dec 2019 Great show !! Wish it was still around. Think I will watch the series, again.

@SheonEver - 12.01.2020 08:53

It really was an underrated Star Trek, and a part of me will always be sad that we didn't get to see the entire journey from Humanity's first trek through the stars to the founding of the Federation and the values it was built on.

@cobyvandrongelen331 - 09.02.2020 23:02

I loved Star Trek: Enterprise with Captain Jonathan Archer💖🌹🌹🌹🌹

@xyzxyz1017 - 14.06.2020 07:34

Thats the EnterpriseChair!!!!! :-)

@fedezzefelbudapestet - 09.09.2020 20:47

I don't know why people hated on this show,i loved the enterprise

@TheGlobalNetworkOfficial - 05.10.2020 14:54

Archer can really give Picard a run for his money

@SgtxAnus - 19.11.2020 12:18

I wish this show had more seasons i hated that people hated this show cos ALL that did was affirm the corporations that their idea of mixing action films with Star Trek would work and thus we get shows like Picard where people solve their problem with violence YAY EXPLOSION!

@edharris2395 - 04.12.2020 16:03

can't imagine Saru doing any of this

@hawkstringfellow - 17.02.2021 06:48

This is star TREK STD!!! Learn feel the emotion even years after the end of the series the quality of the writting not always pew pew pew that is fun indeed but this is trek!!!! Philosophy truth with a fiction back drop this is trek STD!!!!! You are not

@RHTeebs - 24.02.2021 05:22

Even though Enterprise didn't get the chance it should have gotten, Captain Archer is one of my favorite captains.

@Infern0121 - 13.03.2021 14:21

I liked Archer a lot, he upheld all the values of a star fleet captain but at the same time was a bit of an everyman, he was a regular guy who had the ability to step up, he was, no insult to spock, very human

@MattJohno2 - 15.03.2021 17:24

IMO Enterprise is my favourite Star Trek series, followed by Voyager and DS9. That's what I like about Star Trek - Everyone has their own preferences, but what I like about Enterprise, is that the crew seem more "human". I love TNG but I've always felt some kind of distance from the characters, except for maybe Barclay, they seem almost like robots. In Voyager and DS9, because of the extraordinary circumstances, the characters also embrace more of their humanity to cope with their situation, but what I like about Enterprise, is that the technology, except for warp drives, transporters, and(nearly) phasers, exists today. If we REALLY wanted to, we could probably make an NX-01 in orbit today, although it wouldn't have any real-world use(It'd probably serve as a proof of concept), it's still very possible. I feel as though humanity would react the same as the crew of Enterprise, every new discovery would be exciting. And although I enjoyed DIS, and PIC, I would probably put them in their own universe, because they don't exactly feel like Trek.

Apologies for the text wall, but it's just my opinion.

@xXxLegolas007xXx - 19.10.2021 16:54

And we didnt even heared his biggest one in the Season 4 final :( so sad.

@senseweaver01 - 28.10.2021 03:27

That last one wasn't even a speech. It was a brief, consoling sentence

@cssgthoel - 02.11.2021 12:37

I think the Terra prime one was my favorite speech of his

@virginiaconnor8350 - 01.12.2021 22:49

In the novel, "The Good That Men Do", Archer leaves T'Pol to finish packing. She lies down on Trip's pillow and cries. Later, during the speech, she's below the steps talking to Trip-who she thinks is disguised as a Vulcan. It's not til he tells her his true reason for his faked death and new mission and then leaves, that she realises that he's disguised as a Romulan. She gazes at their dead baby Elizabeth's bracelet, returns it to her pocket, and cries again for both. That would've been a better end than that "last goodbye" by Riker and Troi.

@JelaniWood - 11.03.2022 00:19

I'll just say it Star Trek Enterprise is my favorite Star Trek

@Aidanhatesyouall - 18.03.2022 10:46

Next gen didn’t get good until season three with the borg and all that. But they got a fair shake. I think every season of enterprise was good, though some would say season 3-4 like next gen we’re really when it got good. But they didn’t get a fair shake.

@brandybasham9095 - 24.04.2022 01:24

They all cried tears of joy as I sweetly fucked them all.

@hmmmmm6056 - 30.06.2022 04:44

Of all the Captains that will sit in this chair ...dammit Jonathan! You had 2 go there...who keeps cutting onions!!!

@Dimmary - 02.07.2022 10:09

Star trek Enterprise is my favorite star trek show of all time. In fact I planned to make projects about it.

@Delightfully_Witchy - 31.07.2022 15:44

There's a difference between "bad" and "easy to make fun of", and despite the wtf factor of the beginning of that gazelle speech, I thought it was pretty good.

@andrewbeez8119 - 11.08.2022 10:02

How could u not include his speech from in a mirror darkly part 2

@volconis - 17.10.2022 06:22

Ziggy, something is wrong!

@myfavoritemartian1 - 18.10.2022 19:41

And that boys and girls was why he was Captain.

@tmnt2105 - 11.11.2022 14:49

Archer was a great captain!

@victorethridge5796 - 02.07.2023 22:32

Bring this show back

@_trudge - 24.10.2023 19:58

fuck it , give this crew a movie !!

@ZephyrBW - 12.05.2024 07:22

How many season do you think they could've gone for here?

@kevinholliday8675 - 25.08.2024 08:56

Archers Romulan war speeches would’ve been so fire if they kept it going

@EdiaStanfordBruce - 01.09.2024 06:52

Enterprise was among the not highly valued in the ST universe jewel box. However, each facet of the gemstone tells a different aspect of the greater story. No matter which single plane is anyone's favorite, they all are part of the same lovely gem called Star Trek.

@BorderlineEnlightenment - 01.01.2025 06:20

The alien ambassadors must be looking at each other like “What the hell is a gazelle?”
