Watch This Before You Buy Property In 2022 | City Predictions! Australian Housing Market Update

Watch This Before You Buy Property In 2022 | City Predictions! Australian Housing Market Update

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@Uppaah - 16.06.2022 10:47

Thanks mate 🙏

@bign1667 - 16.06.2022 10:59

Oh boy you're gonna regret saying that if it happens aye? 🤣

@williamcrossan9333 - 16.06.2022 11:38

Thanks for putting the video together.

@12345xfire - 16.06.2022 12:59

Bundy or Rockhampton for 400k pricepoint?

@KrisG24 - 16.06.2022 13:27

Data reads what happened already, not what going to happen. Most misleading information. You make decision on 5 day data?

@edwin5419 - 16.06.2022 13:50

Perth's finally getting our time in the sun

@dannyn6762 - 16.06.2022 14:33

Greatest bloke online I must say... Jai Hind Sir!!

@preetoberai287 - 16.06.2022 14:57

Mate why is there a rental crisis across Australia. What's driving it?

@linchendu3712 - 16.06.2022 17:01


@Beefis99 - 16.06.2022 23:56

I love you 💖thanks for putting this together!

@kiyanriahi - 17.06.2022 02:43

great video pk love the info-graphic charts.

@eugenechen8240 - 17.06.2022 04:20

PK, People are using your comment section for Scams! Please be careful. You need to block these scammer.

@weishi8620 - 17.06.2022 05:44

Great content, PK. just wondering if Perth property worth holding for long term, or you got to sell it before the next mining crash.

@malaykiri2456 - 18.06.2022 00:24

Haha, like how you dropped the line - some BA who followed “exit 9-5 strategy”. I know who you are talking about, they run this exit 9-5 program and access Ripehouse advisory reports from the backend to justify the fees they charge🤣

@d.j.z.j - 18.06.2022 06:34

Go perrrrthhhhh

@aadilraja1 - 20.06.2022 06:25

Hi pk your videos are very informative and help people like me to connect the dots in realestate market. Any suggestion for perth suburbs that are good for investment at this point of time?

@aruniperera707 - 21.06.2022 14:04

Hi pk could you please put a video on buying a property vs building property at this time 2022 ?

@gglendormi - 25.06.2022 07:57

When cheaper assets increase the most does it mean that big investor took profit on their top assets to buy cheaper one, therefore the end of a cycle for overall realestate once they sell these small assets ? In say 1 to 2 years?

@hardeepsaini3351 - 27.06.2022 16:53

Namasteji, PK.
We are pensioners in the Victorian country town of Wallan and on 10,000sqm of land that we intend to sell and go to sunny Queensland, especially the Narangba, Bhuppengary, Morayfield areas, putting us right in the middle between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. We we are looking for an established property that is about 2 acres and will probably subdivide into three lots, one lot for each of our three adult kids. Budget is in the region of about $1 to $1.2 million.
Any advice will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.

@pheonix5945 - 28.06.2022 04:10

What’s your thoughts on north eastern suburbs in Melbourne, growth in the master planned sectors

@kanikakalra85 - 18.07.2022 07:37

Great data driven insights although a few contradictions:
- first slide has an opinion in its 'title';
- Perth has been a falling market historically when you potentially got into it in the right pockets..
- its always about the pockets in each market as falling prices can give a good discounted property if fundamentals are strong.
Really appreciate the Hobart acknowledgement.. not everyone does that! Kudos.
