I could only find 3! One on chin and one on each cheek
ОтветитьI love Dakota and Asa’s bond and friendship it’s SO CUTE
ОтветитьAs I said before and I will say it again
ОтветитьBrooklyn and Dakota are my favourite couple and I mean it
ОтветитьGood lis🎉Ice to power you you were gayMarried at how you talk to you to cuddle❤Isa Isa how old are you marry hey Siri🎉
ОтветитьOh my gosh this theme is my dream wedding!
I’m hoping I find friends like yours and husband that will allow me to do this 🩷
They say jealous goddesses created the consolations. Deep secrets of ф. Gizza Death Star. Thanks . Joel 2
ОтветитьI found all of them so one of them on one of your cheeks that are one of your energy and then I don’t want is on the end not on your nose but the side of your nose and then one is on your chin
ОтветитьGod loves u all so much1 God bless any prayer requests or any questions? God sent his only son to die for u so live for Him (not trying to force) Gods got u and is in ur corner always, fighting for u, and the best way for u to fight is on your knees, praying. Start with journaling, prayer, worship, turn off bad music, verses, living like the fruit of the spirit each day. Nobody is perfect except Jesus. It’s okay to make mistakes, we all do. Feel free to reach out and talk for anything. ask God for wisdom in every situation. God loves u and so do i. Have a blessed day friend. Some of my fav verses: Matthew 19:26, John 3:16, Isaiah 30:21. Pick 1 fruit of the spirit today, and practice and live by it in all areas. Invite God into your life, every aspect and area. Trust the story because you know the author. If there is any prayers I can pray for y'all pls lmk!
Jesus loves y'all all! I’m here if anyone has any prayer requests!
He will shine His light on you and your path and guide you and show you the way in His perfect plan and timing so trust Him and His good faithfulness, He and His love, mercy, and grace never fail! Amen surround us Lord!
Be authentic!! Gods got you and this! God is with u! And He wants u as u r! He’s the reason for the season! Praise God forever and ALWAYS!! NEVER STOP PRAYING AND PRAISING Don't compare, Gods got you and there's a reason for ur season! pray and go to Him as u are! He loves and wants you! praise God amen! Be humble! Only Jesus deserves and can handle the glory and honor! “I couldn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it, still You give Yourself away, oh the overwhelming never ending, reckless LOVE OF GOD!” “AS LONG AS IM BREATHING, IVE GOT A REASON TO PRAISEEEE THE LORD OH MY SOUL… PRAISE IS THE WATER MY ENEMIES DROWN IN!”- PRAISE Gods fighting for u!!!!Gods creation is amazing! The same God who created the stars, flowers, and seas createdwdd YOU and called you beautiful! He cares for you, lay it all on Him! it took Him only 6 days to create the WORLD, but it took Him 9 MONTHS to create YOU! That’s how much you mean to Him!Don’t take for granted any opportunity to talk, invest, or impact anyone! Its never to late to embark on Gods journey for u!
I swear if my future husband isn’t even somewhat like asa and Dakota then I’m not marrying him💍😝
ОтветитьBrooklyn the blemish patches are on your cheeks
ОтветитьRapunzel would be so happy if she sees this!
Ответитьwow they all look like babies
ОтветитьI have. A wedding. To. Go. To. On saturday
ОтветитьHere after the news❤ beyond excited for you both! Been here since the cgh days! Congratulations🎉
ОтветитьWho’s here after Brooklyn announced her pregnancy????
ОтветитьWho's here after Brooklyn and Dakota's pregnancy announcement ?
ОтветитьHere after they announced their pregnancy!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
ОтветитьYour patches are on both cheeks one nose and one on your forehead
ОтветитьThers one on your right check
ОтветитьOurs was $90
ОтветитьI’ll be back on whenever is the day I get married this is so informative Brooklyn !
Ответитьi love that yours and baileys wedding anniversary is only one day apart 🤍
ОтветитьThey got married on my birthday
ОтветитьYou have patches on one of your lips to your cheek one on your chin and nose am I right or wrong?
ОтветитьThe blemish patches are on her lip, nose, cheek and chin
Ответитьlove Sara smmm
ОтветитьSo, this is way after the fact, so hopefully you figured this out by now... but in order to get married in California, you have to get a California marriage license. You do not get a marriage license for the place you currently live--you get a marriage license for the place you plan to get married.
ОтветитьWho is here in 2024
ОтветитьI found five blemish patches
ОтветитьCongratulations 🎊 👏 to both of you ❤️
ОтветитьRewatching this as Brooklyn just posted that she gave birth to
ОтветитьAnd now she’s a mom! It is crazy watching this right after she announced the baby was born.
ОтветитьHere after Brooklyn gave birth!!❤😊
ОтветитьHere after Brooklyn gave birth!!❤😊
ОтветитьWhy do girls get married so young … aren’t they only like 20?
ОтветитьAnd now they have BABY ARCHER LEWIS! THATS wild
ОтветитьWho watching this after she had archer
ОтветитьOmg here after Archer is born this is so surreal
ОтветитьJust curious, did you live together before you married???
ОтветитьBlemish patches =upper nose you’re right cheek above your lip and your Chin
ОтветитьCongratulations Brooklyn I hope you have a lovely day with Dakota and Bailey well done for blogging that was so cute I loved it now I’m going to watch and I’m going to comment on Bailey’s wedding video and by the way my name is Kezley