Essence's perspective is PURE GOLD!! Watching this video again..she's PREACHING some gems!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾💎💎💎💯
Ответить52 WHERE???????????
ОтветитьListen to the OG, that mileage shows later in life 🤔
ОтветитьSmart lady. Being used for someone else's pleasure and giving your dignity away to someone who does not care about you is not worth it.
ОтветитьShe’s glowing more than I’ve ever seen of her before.
ОтветитьYesssss!! Your obedience will yield a harvest. I receive this. I've been celibate for 13 years and the peace and blessings I've experienced, is unmatched! I know God has a plan and purpose for this journey I am on. I am trusting God and the process.
ОтветитьI agree with Essence. My husband of 42 years passed away in 2021. I will not be intimate with another man unless I am married to him.
Ответить"Can you speak in English" 😂😂😂
Ответить❤Essence...I am also abstinent so I agree with everything she said. God bless her.🙏🏽
ОтветитьLadies I agree with Essence, she is absolutely correct when you're abstaining from sex or sexual desires it's bring so much clarity to your mind, and helps weed out those who are not supposed to be apart your life and journey! Following God and being obedient leads to a more fulfilling life and an abundance of overflow. I've been celibate almost 2 years, it's been a struggle, but as several mention in comment section it's the right way to go, because I have done it my way and it has not gotten me anywhere, but back to, I should has listened and not fell into those temptation, lustful desires and soul ties.
ОтветитьLove this sister!
ОтветитьPreach That Word, Essence💖💖💖💖💖
ОтветитьKudos Essence for your abstinence journey. As a beautiful, talented, and woman who publicly acknowledges God, I thank you for raising the bar and setting a standard of respect for self to our women of all ages. Keep standing on principles, and I'll keep praying for you a d rock'in with you. 🎉
ОтветитьVery shocked she's 52, thought was early 40s.
ОтветитьHas she been abstinent since she divorced her husband? I just remember that she got married and had a baby in her 40's.
ОтветитьCool video. My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her
ОтветитьThe scary part seems that the show host speaks out of both sides of her mouth
ОтветитьLove ❤️ her
ОтветитьThanks Essence for sharing your beautiful message. I'd prefer that over "WAP" any day.
ОтветитьYall abstaining from sex in yall menopausal stage..foh.....why not in yall 20s...yall full of shit.
ОтветитьAbstinence is not new… It’s biblical … abstain from fornication. Sex is for✝️✝️ marriage that’s the word of the Lord .
ОтветитьThe audience is crazy 😂😭😭
ОтветитьSherri crazy
ОтветитьLove her!! ❤. All the BEST to Essence!
ОтветитьI want to watch that "Black Don't Crack" pilot!
ОтветитьCHOOSE JESUS!!!!!
ОтветитьI love Essence but I hate that when celebrities are asked what they are doing to look the way the look at their age that they all lie or withhold the fact that they are doing cosmetic procedures to look that way. Botox in the forehead, laser treatment in the face and whatever else. They never want to admit that. They do agree. They just have the money to maintain their looks better than the average person out here. With that being said, Essence looks great and has found whatever is making her look younger through cosmetic procedure because at one point she did look older.
ОтветитьBrooklyns in the house ❤ ESSENCE AKINS😊😅 FINE ASS WINE
ОтветитьEssence looks and sounds like Tia and Tamera. I pray that you will continue your abstinence journey. God bless you.
ОтветитьI am about that it5 the way too go
ОтветитьLove this❤
ОтветитьI’ve loved every role Essence has been in!
ОтветитьSherri and her audience were very disrespectful to Essence during this interview. And I applaud Ms. Atkins' strength and conviction in standing her grand. Sherri should stop the thirsty woman dialogue.
ОтветитьThis was too short!!
ОтветитьAll women are abstinent when the men you like don't like you!!!!
Ответить4 years Welcome to the Club 👑Essence 👑God Is Forever Good Strength Through his Grace
ОтветитьCongratulations Essence on 4 years. 🎉🎉🎉 I have 16 years & you look amazing 😍✨
ОтветитьBefore the ‘sexual revolution’ this was called common sense. Wake up people!!
ОтветитьShe's definitely right regarding the "Fountain of Peace". It's paramount to protect your mental health. It's your responsibility to create those boundaries and limits that protect you. Takers don't have limits. So you must choose the role that you will play in others lives. Don't allow them to define the role that you'll play. I will adjust my life for your absence before I adjust my boundaries for your disrespect.
Ответить❤❤❤❤ right on Essence. Don’t allow your body to be a dumping ground. Meaningless.
ОтветитьI’m not knocking it because god wants is to wait till marriage but he also wants us to do a lot of other things we don’t do consistently, I’m not knocking it but you may miss out a person by waiting as well after the wait yall wait and get married and then the sex is bad then what now you married to the mf lol
ОтветитьLove her!
ОтветитьWhen you have sex with a person you are becoming one. So imagine a stick glued together and when you break apart a piece remains on both ends. Now imagine how many times you have had sex. A part of that person occupies your time whether you realize it or not. Now when you remain without sex each piece begins to fall off but it takes years and years so with time your mind can think clearly because sex is not occupying it. The scent on your body becomes sweeter, you feel lighter and now you can tune in to that intuition called GOD/Jesus. You can hear, smell, and taste everything better. Two wise men Solomon and David both lost their way through Lust and Sex. Solomon talks about it in the bible Ecclesiastics. I would also like to say when you do not forgive someone you only hurt yourself because the other person is carrying on like nothing. But the final piece is forgiving yourself. Then you revert back to thinking logically because we have lost the gift of logical thinking.
ОтветитьHer parents won't let her have sex till she get married
Ответитьshe's a pretty little powe
ОтветитьYyyeeesss!! Abstinence is a blessing & shows how beautiful u feel 4 urself. I've been Abstinent 4 6yrs & have no desire 2 change it til God finds me the right person. Life is about u living ur best..💯👏💖💃🙌🙏