LFG. Best WL content is content of the champions. Lalayan, Adiletuly, Karlos, Nurudinov, Antropov. Keep them coming 🙏
ОтветитьWow I didn't know that story about Atanas Litkov, big respect for that guy, Karlos is very young and needs humble and focused people that give him good guidance! Also, Karlos has had a difficult relationship with his father in the past, I hope things are better now.
ОтветитьThat is the video I want❤❤
ОтветитьSo jumping forward is not that big of a deal so it seems?
ОтветитьThe new klokov?
ОтветитьHe’s only 20?
Ответитьhe can do 190kg.
ОтветитьI'd love to know what steroids he's using to stay so lean but at the same ti e be so strong
ОтветитьNever skip a Karlos Nasar video. It's free masterclass!
ОтветитьWhat a monster
ОтветитьHe's 2.2x stronger than I.
ОтветитьBulgarian Power!!!
ОтветитьTime for NIKE or PUMA to sponsor this guy! Nike shoes, PUMA socks.. Cmon! I saw guys in the division one being sponsored by the biggest brands and no one knows their name.. We're talking about the No1 in the world!
ОтветитьSeeing international recognition for Carlos just fills my heart with joy as a Bulgarian
ОтветитьNice editing :) I liked when you match the music with the last snatch attempt :)
ОтветитьFantastic Power Tech ! ✌️ 👏 for Nasar
ОтветитьNASAR 💪
ОтветитьDamnnn what an absolute beast. Monster man
ОтветитьWould someone tell me where Li Dayin is in all of this? Still trying to fill out the weight class?
ОтветитьThat guy is insane, I can hardly deadlift that weight. On top his physique is great too!
ОтветитьI bet he's the 'snatch king' in more ways than one
Ответитьi want nasar vs tiantao
ОтветитьHang on, does he lift 170 on the platform, then go backstage and lift 140, 150? Or is the video not chronological?
ОтветитьDamn he must be on some serious sauce.
ОтветитьИзцапа шейха :D
Ответитьne var ben onu tek kolumla kaldırırım...183 neki
ОтветитьHe has even hit GROWN man strength yet!! Wow!!
ОтветитьBulgarian genetics got him looking 10 years older than me at the same age
ОтветитьPlow me 🥵
ОтветитьBest weightlifter on the planet? Get serious lol
ОтветитьШапки долу!!!Големец!Браво!!!!!
ОтветитьEs muy fuerte ❤🔥💪
ОтветитьLow start position with hips
Ответить183? KING??? Vardanian did in snatch 183 in 1985
ОтветитьCrazy that Lu snatched 175
ОтветитьDude belongs on stage at Mr Olympia
ОтветитьInsane athlete, who should be better known!
ОтветитьAnd he is not pushing himself to 100% bro is living legend wish him healthy future he got the strength and motivation
ОтветитьIf the stars line up for Nino, they could have at least one more duel for the ages 😊
ОтветитьSnatch king can clean and jerk world record, that's incredible.