The Ben Shapiro Interview | EP. 90

The Ben Shapiro Interview | EP. 90

George Janko

4 месяца назад

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@TheBaBaTV - 28.11.2024 07:19

An Assyrian talking with a J3W long separated Semitic cousins, never would have seen this! Glad they talked about Assyrians of Nineveh in Bible! ☦️👑

@atiikam - 30.11.2024 07:18

george janko so much more chill in this interview -- i love ur voice george - --- please keep it on this level when ur interviewing n giving lots of space

@mayralovesyu - 03.12.2024 06:48

I love Ben again

@mayralovesyu - 03.12.2024 07:00

Omg my five year old told me she wants to go to church a couple of weeks ago and I have sort of forgot about it until now. Hearing this young man talk about God on such a public platform and reminding us that there’s a god is godsend. I just spoke with my husband and we decided we’re going to church on Sunday. Thank you.

@Roeinesmati - 05.12.2024 04:08

Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

@JacobFink-bb7oy - 05.12.2024 09:59

He lost me with the Candace Owen’s thing. I think it was wrong and I hope he regrets it one day.

@Sun3589 - 05.12.2024 10:51

George, I'm not perfect ( God knows), but I would've liked to see that you didn't use Jesus's name in vain in this episode at the end.

@manueljr.5685 - 06.12.2024 14:06

Can you also bring Michael Knowles too? I just love him.

@anitajankowski1580 - 06.12.2024 18:50

George - we are SO PROUD of you for not changing yourself & staying true to your values.

@LAMeet - 07.12.2024 05:49

Imagine hearing that voice all day

@STL_Gooner - 09.12.2024 06:35

I've listened to a lot of Shapiro interviews. This might be my favorite one ever. Really well done

@joleneuccello3588 - 10.12.2024 01:34

Ben... come on please do cuss .. nor necessary at all

@joleneuccello3588 - 10.12.2024 01:44

Really George... come on so the cussing

@anotherchannel9928 - 10.12.2024 11:56

master debater lol he knew

@mikepadilla6890 - 11.12.2024 02:40

The only bad thing this guys do is say bad words then say they follow God have to be more pure

@hannahbanana2375 - 13.12.2024 06:29

I disagree about debating on social media. It should always be respectful. But sometimes it’s the only way to reach some people, it’s where they spend all of their time. One of my now closest friends was someone I debated on a social media thread years ago, had never met him before. He was an atheist and we had a debate on a public random Facebook post about our beliefs. It eventually turned to direct messaging, then phone calls, then him visiting me and going to church. He’s been saved 5 years now and is one of my closest Christian friends and walking powerfully with the Lord. There should be respect sure, but I’m sick of people trying to silence online debate. God can use ANY platform to reach people.

@cr-iv1el - 15.12.2024 08:46

George, if Candace were not a liability, they may have kept her.

@christinemoussa612 - 17.12.2024 20:11

Interview Candace Owens!!!

@ShalaJC - 18.12.2024 21:18

15 years of being not just an atheist but an Anti-Theist.
I was intentionally trying to disprove the Bible, read it over and over, for months working out the contradictions.
And then.
I can't explain truly why or how, but one day after 15 years or half my life trying to disprove the existence of God...
I dropped to my knees and asked the Lord to forgive me, forgive my wretched self, forgive my internal thought that I am just as unique and special as God.
It's hard to explain, but read the Bible gentleman
Try and disprove it.
Study the Historicity of Jesus, see that he was a real person, see that the Bible is an impossible book.
Every psalm leads like a hyperlink into the gospel, every verse is a hyperlink.
It's insane.
And it is true.

@MonsterSpecialistTed - 25.12.2024 01:46

It’s really unfortunate when you see people with only good information but no good heart. Whomever should read this I want you to know that I’m trying my best to do something about that. Spreading awareness is useful in its own way but the ultimate goal is to have a definitive way to fix the underlying problem and I will. I’ll try my best and I know that will be enough.

@cassius213 - 30.12.2024 12:35

I thought ben rejected Jesus Christ as being God and even a prophet? Did that change?

@michellesmith9855 - 31.12.2024 19:24

Please pray and look into life cycle.....the images alone are of new age and yoga. As a Christian , oils are fine, but the companies can and will put curses onto their products. Yoga is a sin and you are literally yoking with hindu demons. Please do not be deceived.

@LantzthestormYT - 04.01.2025 21:17

Get Nick Fuentes on next.

@HannahAdelstein-bf5tw - 06.01.2025 01:14

Ben is the reason I started going to synagogue regularly and my Christian sister goes to church - he is really a good person and has helped so many people return to what matters

@JoshuaSpencer-s8z - 06.01.2025 06:59

Great episode

@SameerSiddique-ts6ow - 08.01.2025 15:55

It's shameful

@keyshushpuppy - 09.01.2025 04:27

I have been watching Ben for so long. I love love love seeing this side of Ben.

@kparker258 - 10.01.2025 20:40

So good

@LionMan-y7t - 17.01.2025 01:57


@Hanadiiiii - 17.01.2025 07:07

iam waiting shapiro answer bassim youssif 😂 he cant love u bassim

@TheRobeandthePen - 17.01.2025 13:30

Fantastic conversation

@BC-et9kw - 25.01.2025 00:50

Janko interrupts WAY too much. And always right in the middle of his guest's train of thought. Let them cook.

@arsenic3714 - 30.01.2025 20:16

What happened between Ben and Candice ??

@sujarandy - 09.02.2025 17:12

Jesus is God! Jesus is Lord! He paid for your sins! By the way, we were all sinners. (that’s our nature without God) Since we sin, we deserve a punishment and that punishment is death. However, Jesus saved us from that penalty. Jesus died a very bad death for you. He was nailed to a cross. Jesus took our punishment even though He didn’t have to. He never sinned. (He didn’t deserve death) God (YAHWEH) wants your heart because He loves you. Jesus was the perfect Lamb to sacrifice because He had no blemish. In other words, Jesus never sinned but He died for our sins. He paid the fines for our sins. That’s so crazy because we sin so much in our daily lives! He saved us from sin! He rose from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit! Jesus was God manifest in the flesh: He is God’s image! He is God!! He was filled with the Precious Holy Spirit (God’s Spirit) so He had the power over sin! We can receive the Holy Spirit if we do these things:
1. Admit we are a sinner and repent from your sins (turn away from sin)
2. Believe that Jesus is God and He died for you and rose for you
3. Confess that Jesus is Lord.
I love you, please take this into action. God loves you, Jesus loves you and the Holy Spirit loves you! You were in Their mind before creation. If you do these things you can have eternal life with God in Heaven! Look at creation, you can tell that there is a creator, the proof: creation. In the same way you know that there was a painter because you can see the painting. God is real and He’s coming to judge the world. It’s not by our own works we get saved but the works of Jesus Christ. This doesn’t mean that we should go on sinning, but we should live a holy life to honor and thank Jesus! Put your trust in Jesus and let the Holy Spirit lead your lives! I love you all, that’s why I am sharing this! I don’t anyone to go to hell! God bless you! Read the Bible (Start with the Gospels [Matthew, Mark, Luke, John])!❤️🔥🕊😃

@Jackal19x - 10.02.2025 05:58

In this portion about marriage, I think Ben tells us a lot that fans of his (like me) already knew about him, but also tells us a lot that we didn't know about how AWESOME his wife is!

@voccsaycee30 - 17.02.2025 11:15

This guy is one of the good ones

@austinrios9411 - 20.02.2025 04:57

Host Philip Anthony Mitchell please!

@KatherineF0322 - 21.02.2025 05:33

Ben is a legend. He has such a strong identity. So smart and a really great sense of humor when he’s comfortable. I love the way he explains his views of the news and situations.

@StevenChutuk - 22.02.2025 01:49

It's pretty clear cut Ben Shapiro is married Tate is not

@rapreaper8837 - 22.02.2025 04:23

Ben Shapiro gives me a headache not an enjoyable one just a painful one

@AlbertWolfe-p9v - 25.02.2025 05:18

yeah the big turn off for tate for me is 100% the sexual immorality and the materialism

@Bumblebee0132 - 25.02.2025 06:49

Excellent, excellent conversation! There was so many good points I had to rewind back on some of them to make sure I got it all. 🎉👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

@IntlRevivalCenterNYC - 26.02.2025 04:21


@Mayurshembekar1711 - 28.02.2025 09:37

Thank you for doing this George and Ben💗

@lilbrusselsprout8261 - 02.03.2025 08:26

You interrupt a lot FYI. And talk about yourself. Not great traits for interviewing. Just letting you know. Enjoyed the video overall.
