The money is no longer with Uber and Lyft. The money is being a private driver and getting paid well

The money is no longer with Uber and Lyft. The money is being a private driver and getting paid well

Rideshare Professor

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@arielcapeletti661 - 27.11.2024 13:46

Jajaja yeah give them the finger 😅😅😅

@definitelyclosed672 - 27.11.2024 14:44

Thank you!

@mariadcs31 - 27.11.2024 14:56

Can I get this for my husband private driver

@danykhoury5028 - 27.11.2024 15:37

I do it too I made my own customers in Florida and I’m making a lot more money with my private customers.

@matthewortiz8737 - 27.11.2024 16:03

I have something similar in the way of a course but it only deals with food delivery and third-party delivery

@TheClitCommander1337 - 27.11.2024 16:11

bring back taxis at least it was a respectable and moderate paying job. Unlike Lyft and Uber slaving for minimum wage

@Myfavridellc - 27.11.2024 17:07

Yaaaasss gentlemen now you’re talking my language……I’ve been ahead of the curve for two years now, but the Rideshare Professor didn’t respond when I was telling drivers in his comments to do their own thing. No problem he’s still my guy and I understand he’s busy himself.

@t.r.8427 - 27.11.2024 17:08

I don't disagree with any of this, just remember you MUST have insurance to cover you and your passenger while you're completing the trip in a commercial capacity. That means you must have commerical insurance and it's not cheap. Keep this in mind guys, if you don't you can lose everything and may even be liable for criminal prosecution.

@Myfavridellc - 27.11.2024 17:15

I’m trying to build my clientele up so that I don’t have to use their apps at all for leads. I’m still a work in progress, and even with some of my private clients when they act as they want to ride in a high end luxury SUV for kibbles and bits I just don’t accommodate them in further, very simple. My prices are already competitive with any other car services in my state so I’m NOT tolerating that BS neither.

@sharonottoshavett5417 - 27.11.2024 17:57

Uber took 25$ from my sister last night for a ride she did on 11/21 the ride was 20 miles uber called it a fare adjustment this is not fair because she did the ride ! I can’t imagine what the customer told Uber in order to get the money back for a ride she took and there were NO problems my sister and I are both 5 star drivers and have been on the platform for 10 years in Nashville but I can tell you this Uber has messed with the wrong person !!

@StL.-Uber_Lyft - 27.11.2024 17:57

If you have been driving since 2019 or before if you havent been doing this you have been doing it wrong. Get the word out. Tell passangers to offer cash / pay apps.

@StL.-Uber_Lyft - 27.11.2024 17:59

Private trips are safer for both parties.

@TheRideShareNetwork - 27.11.2024 18:15

I break even or pay for my rental weekly. Only money I make is private rides

@TheRideShareNetwork - 27.11.2024 18:17

1200 a month private rides. Oooh yeah. I'll take the course later

@dougf-s6w - 27.11.2024 19:02

Uber seems to have raised the minimum fare in my market from $3.95 to $4.47. But that has come at a cost: they are now hammering me with long pick up trips that pay about $.50/mile. My acceptance rate has gone from 75% to 41% in the last 25 days.

@lbc360 - 27.11.2024 19:11

Private Rides have really carried me this year especially when Uber for rid of “Uber Select.” People would rather pay us directly.

@bushellmediainc3700 - 27.11.2024 19:33

This is so true one of the things I noticed driving for Uber is that the client is in my vehicle too long and the pay is less that’s a problem

@fliperz24 - 27.11.2024 19:56

true but lots of drivers can not get comm ins and do uber only in certain markets

@fliperz24 - 27.11.2024 19:58

your stealing there leads when you work as a idc

@TheYuppiePuppie - 27.11.2024 20:26

Where is the link?

@mikewhitley6769 - 27.11.2024 20:39

What uber and lyft are going to start doing is lowering their fares even more so us guys that do private rides can't compete. They can afford to lower their prices to the point that it's hard for us to get a decent paying fare to take someone to the airport or wherever else

@Its_pancakey - 27.11.2024 20:43

No money for drivers. The worst year in the bay area.

@gerryaustin8687 - 27.11.2024 20:50

The prof know of me. I took his class. I do what he says and I went from having an expectation of $500 / week and within 3 months, almost $2000 / week. Form you LLC or S Corp, get commercial ins, and start working for YOURSELF. It pays off!

@printmailman - 27.11.2024 20:57

Great job

@MikeAnnunziata - 27.11.2024 21:21

Half hr rides 6 change with stops here in CT first of all they don't even no how long will take time customer come out from pickup,stops , traffic, red light they don't know we need per mi per min pay like before and not .66 mi I can't believe this even legal

@MikeAnnunziata - 27.11.2024 21:23

The problem is the drivers most of them are taking these trips and that's why the company keep paying the slave trash pay

@KeaonHobson - 28.11.2024 00:03

Is the Lyft cash guarantee link legit?

@c2corey - 28.11.2024 00:07

im glad i kept my cdl im going back to semis, guess it was good while it lasted it's literally a waste of time

@erik7747 - 28.11.2024 01:54

How you start your own private rides business is have a nice car and turn on early morning and only take rides to the airport from 2 to 5 miles from your house and try to flip them for the return trip. Airport rides is where you can flip easily.

@reeney5587 - 28.11.2024 02:15

He is correct! As a former CDL A OTR truck driver, and gig and Uber and Lyft driver since 2017, unless you RENT from the platforms, OR use there vehicle, then you are obligated to THERE rules. If you drive your own car, your car, you are independent. You are accepting from a tech platform. You are NOT an employee. You own and run your own business!!! The gig tech apps are a mess. They cant have it both ways. You are your own boss! Run your own business. ❤

@thom5177 - 28.11.2024 04:40

Yes if you're young enough and want to make money driving switch away from Uber/lyft now..yesterday even

@K.W.Hanapi - 28.11.2024 04:42

Excellent vid & info.

@chuyocaca4153 - 28.11.2024 06:24

Get this ! Lying MTFckers! the Upfront offer says 2 -3 minutes to pick up when in fact is 3 -4 Miles away on city streets! Stop and go turns/ waiting on stop lights now that is just the beginning, they also show what should be less than an hour ride? that turns into sometimes an hour ten fifteen twenty minutes, for basically the same price. And Pay attention to carshare Offers do Not click on that piece of Zhit! either. They screw you every time. One ride at a time people.

@bigteddybear63 - 28.11.2024 06:58

So drivers actually have the funds to get their own commercial insurance? When I call Progressive, they tell me $5000 a year. $3K with bare minimum limits. Nothing bare minimum is a good idea. Anyone who drives someone off the app without business vehicle insurance is taking a chance on a huge lawsuit unless they are signing a waiver agreeing not to sue if they are injured? How do drivers afford a business policy? I can barely even pay my rent. And yeah, Lyft is getting to be the busiest but you end up driving all over the place and it takes a long time to get to $100 or $150 and you put a lot of miles on your car.

@82mikha - 28.11.2024 07:59

Thank you for all your effort

@Artai.wonder - 28.11.2024 19:02

I spend over $300 weekly renting from hertz.

@ridesharetrixter5206 - 28.11.2024 21:25

Until I can Set my own Rates, I am NOT an independent Contractor.

@wespaul1997 - 29.11.2024 05:24

Being a Private Driver is where the money is.

@guiseppif1 - 29.11.2024 06:43

been driving private as well since 2018 when I started doing Uber

@SB-zk5su - 29.11.2024 17:57


@CGAG2412 - 30.11.2024 05:09

I agree 100. I do uber and Lyft after work and on the weekends and I am really getting tired of it, the advantage and the manipulations from these ride share companies and its customers are very frustrating. NO MORE!

@JackieDokos - 30.11.2024 11:12

How do I get the course?

@luisdavidencarnacion8389 - 30.11.2024 22:44

Están abusando de nosotros los Conductores, aquí en Boston Massachusett aprobaron 32 por hora pero es mentira es una falsa , lo que el estado tienes es que cancelar ese acuerdo y poner un 70 % del pago del cliente para nosotros los Conductores eso sería algo justo ami momento esta alcanzan para nada y están aceptando todo los conductores que llegan de otro estado como new york , pensilbania new jersey y mucho estado más es afecta mucho más alos Conductores de aquí de massachusetts.

@CherryeBess - 01.12.2024 01:18

Riders are unhappy also with how much they are being charged. They are always shocked when I show them how much of their money I am getting paid. They can not believe it. Riders may pay $25 and the fmdriver may get $9

@LilliR4116 - 02.12.2024 04:22

If someone chooses to be a private driver, why not take the initiative to advertise your services independently, arrange your own insurance, and set your own terms. That way, you eliminate the need to feel frustrated about platforms like Uber. If money is the only motivation driving you, perhaps you’re in the wrong field and it’s worth considering another line of work that aligns with your long-term goals. There are plenty of opportunities to work for yourself in more lucrative industries or secure a well-paying position with a company. Remember, we provide a service in return for remuneration.

Think about the reason you decided to work for Uber and the other rideshare platforms. Let’s not forget, if any of us were the founder or CEO of Uber, we’d likely adopt similar strategies, it’s the reality of a competitive, profit-driven world, especially for multinational corporations. Like banks, these entities aim to maximize their bottom line, often at the expense of others.

As someone who has been a driver for nine years, on Diamond status, and maintained a high stellar rating, I’ve found that perspective is key. Treating Uber as supplemental income or side work can make it worthwhile, it’s about what you put in and the quality of service you provide is what you will get out of it.

Expecting $100+ per hour from rideshare work every day is unrealistic. Those seeking higher pay might explore certain trades or even start their own business. At the end of the day, complaining about pay won’t change the system.

If you’re unhappy, the choice to leave is always there, and drivers aren’t held to the platform against their will. Instead of focusing on the negatives, why not channel that energy into finding what truly fulfils you. Is it the passengers - riders you enjoy meeting? The service you provide to assist them in getting from point A to B? Or is it just simply money that drove you to drive on these platforms? These are the questions drivers need to ask themselves.

@CoachTheGhost - 02.12.2024 11:19

If you are driving for Uber or Lyft full time… do yourself a favor & get your CDL that way every hour is paid as if it’s a peak hour on one of these silly apps

@CoachTheGhost - 02.12.2024 11:22

I’m in Mass.. luckily we just voted to allow these independent contractors to unionize.. hopefully the days of them getting over people are numbered

@danielsantosemail - 03.12.2024 05:59

Good job my man👍

@chrisstoyeck9575 - 03.12.2024 07:40

Yes i watched the whole video you definitely motivated me to start with private rides i cant make it puting 180 miles on my car to make 100 dollars today thats crazy. I dont know how to get private rides i ask a lot of people but i never get calls for private rides

@J.QNobody - 15.01.2025 07:00

Lyft deactivated him.
