#backyard #chickens_laying_eggs #chickens_not_laying_eggs #chickens_not_laying_eggs_for_months #Chickens_Not_Laying_Eggs_For_Months!_The_Causes #chickens_stopped_laying_eggs #egg #eggs #hens #homestead_chicken_coop #homestead_chickens #homesteading #laying #my_chickens_aren't_laying #my_chickens_arent_laying #off_grid #off_grid_living #raising_chickens_for_eggs #reasons_chickens_stop_laying_eggs #why_aren't_my_chickens_laying_eggs #why_have_my_chickens_stopped_laying_eggsКомментарии:
Please, I want to know how to get good breed of broiler parent and how to keep them for production of broiler chickens.
ОтветитьI have three chickens that are 23 weeks old have not laid any eggs at all
ОтветитьI got a couple of breeds that lay in the winter and slack off when all the rest of my girls are hot and heavy
ОтветитьNice g.
ОтветитьHow do you get them to lay in the hen gear? It’s all I have ever had and they are just starting to lay in mass. We have tried so may tricks. Next is to flood light into coop so it looks like the best place.
ОтветитьGreat info, Just a note, leghorns are SO susceptible to Merricks even as adults….We had 3 beautiful ones….They were great layers but all succumbed at 2 years old to Merricks……
ОтветитьI live in central Oklahoma, its my first time raising chickens and i started with four birds. I built a Coop and a hen house, thinking i was building it to keep the chickens in, not realizing it also should keep predators out. I lost three, brutally killed by a dog, second killed by a skunk and a possum, anyway the fourth chicken has seen the kills, so i can only imagine that stress has slowed down her egg production, but now she's moulting and egg production has stopped. Thank you for the video, it really helps me understand what's going on. Anyway the Coop has been fortified like fort nox.
ОтветитьI have six chickens who have never laid eggs and are almost a year old.
ОтветитьThanks for the info. I’m experiencing the opposite. I have a barred rock, Rhode Island Red, and Easter egger and three new ones I got at the end of April (28 weeks). My RI red and barred rock are still laying and my EE quit about a month ago (major molt at only 15 months old). None of the new birds are laying 😢. We had a ton of rain here in Colorado during spring/summer, so some are saying that may be the possible delay, but this is crazy to me. Hopefully, soon my littles will lay; they’re not so little anymore.
ОтветитьThanks. I'm actually having a problem with my Americana not laying, while all of my other (able, I have a couple of old hens in retirement.) hens are. My able birds include 3 Americana (With an Americana rooster.), 5 leghorn (With 2 Light Brahma roosters, separate flocks but all on the same property.). I just had to separate the parents (Both Light Brahma) because the rooster was being too mean to the hen; bullying and not letting her eat. The leghorn/Brahma flocks are about 25 yards away from the others (the bully rooster, hens that aren't laying, or in retirement.), could the bully rooster be the stressor? My only other thought is that they may not be getting enough sunlight, as their coops have metal rooves, and shaded during the summer by a pecan tree. Not heavily, they do get a pretty bit of sunlight (and were previously laying.). Nothing changed around the time the Americana were laying, then stopped. Though, I have noticed that they are always on the opposite side (from the bully rooster.) of their coop focused on the retired hen and rooster?
ОтветитьThanks so much for this information. My bards and Reds had extreme trauma 6 months ago when a pack of dogs ripped into their run at night and dragged one out of the coop and killed it. I was able to get the dog out before more were killed. Still got some eggs after that but not long after when they were free ranging this pack chased my hens into the woods and 4 of my 8 were killed. The 4 who came back to the coop later have quit laying all together. I have 1 RIR, 2 Bard Rocks and I Wyandotte left. Do you think they will ever lay again?
ОтветитьEaster egged stopped laying in my coop 🫤
ОтветитьThat dog is wanting some chicken right now
ОтветитьSo I have 5 hens and 3 yrs. Old and this winter ( I'm in Texas) I noticed they have mites. Does that effect egg laying ? I recently treated everything for mites.
ОтветитьHow much would you give to 7 hens daily?
ОтветитьDoes the absence of the roosters
Afects egg production
Thanks for the helpful info
Does the absence of the roosters
Afects egg production
Thanks for the helpful info
i have a big question alfalfa is good to give for better yolk
ОтветитьEgg smells crushed up and dried are great ways to add calcium back in their diet too
ОтветитьI need HELP. I have 5 RIR hens and 1 rooster. They are almost a year. They layed eggs until December about 3/4 a day. Cold weather came and dropped to 1-2 a day sometime none. January/ Feb not very many. Assumed they were molting. March we started to get 2-3 a day for about 2 weeks amd now we are back down to 2-3 eggs a week. No change in food. We do keep a light on but it only goes on when it under 32 degrees. We are in MI. Weather has been 20 to mid 40s. Everyome I know chicken are started to lay again and I haven't had a single egg in a week. We feed 17% protein pellets and scraps. We had issues when they first started laying with them eating eggs if they layed them on coop floor or outside but since they started to lay in the boxes haven't noticed. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
ОтветитьMy chicken didn't lay eggs since last 3 years, is there any medicine or treatment, there isn't any fats in her, her age is 3 years . I tried all methods and medicines
ОтветитьÌ am in Jamaica it's warm why are my brown layers. Not laying enough eggs
ОтветитьHi, I just wanted to say, do you know of a brand for black soldier larvae where they use non gmo organic food to feed the black soldier larvae? Because grocery food to me is not good food.
I have three chickens and try to feed them all organic food because what they eat, I will be eating it through their egg production.
My three Australorp Chickens stopped producing eggs this Fall for a bit, then in winter and now in the Spring. I was wondering if my dog running and barking could be the cause?
My French copper maran died this morning I found her in the bottom of the coop. She seems fine the day before I am new working with chicken layers. I wonder what went wrong? She was a one and half old no roost they free ranch in fenced area. First chicken I lost with no explanation why she looked healthy.
Ответитьhow much dry catfood do you feed your chickens? I only have 7 backyard hens?
ОтветитьThank you for your tips. One of my chicken the egg is very thin shell and breaks down.
What I can do.
Thank you
My hens laid her first egg and then laid 2nd egg after a month and my 2nd hen laid eggs for 3 days then stopped laying what’s the reason I don’t know
ОтветитьCan I give my chickens a bath?
How often do I clean their pen?
How can I tell their age?
Is their comb ment to be red pink or pale?
I've only recently brought 2 chickens & know very little about the care and well-being of these cute birds. 😊
I have two americanas that have not laid an egg in 4 months. They are a year old and they started to lay for a couple weeks and then just stopped. All of the rest of the flock has been laying just fine.
ОтветитьI will never again get an Americana chicken. They are way too skittish
Ответитьdoes breeding layers chicken stops them from laying eggs??
ОтветитьWe need to stop the laying of the eggs immediately!
Ответитьwe went from 2 dozen a day to 4 eggs , all at the same time . We never had any problems with laying until now.
ОтветитьGood video and the information you shared is appreciated.
ОтветитьMy Rhode Island Reds (9 out of a total flock of 16), have shut down, no eggs in the past five weeks. I'm using crushed oyster shells and black soldier fly larvae, but no DE. Use Bryant layer pellet -- Chick-Grow-Lay. Bryant Grain Company is located in Aledo, TX. The flock is in NE Texas. Easter Eggers egg production has dropped but not completely; they have slowed down. Silkie is still laying. Caf food, I do not use in periods of hot temperatures.
ОтветитьP.S. Can you really add DE to their food? How much?
ОтветитьOk, I am having the opposite issue. My leghorns and ee are the ones not laying. My reds are consistent.
Would diet be the main cause since they are known for being resilient to stress?
I have leghorns they have not laid an egg in 2 to 3 weeks. I also have some Rhode Island reds that only one of them has laid an egg in 2 weeks. My other chickens are doing just fine. Any suggestions? Thank you for your time. When are the
ОтветитьIncredible info
ОтветитьLOVE, LOVE, LOVE Leghorns! But they moulted in Octover and it's December 17 and they still haven't started laying again. So I'll try the black fly larva. They have a light and a nice coop and plenty of heated water. Let's see if the larva jump start them. Thank you! for some good ideas.
My daughters chickens are constantly eating the cat food. But I want organic eggs so I don't think cat food is a good idea.
To my friends at Country Living Experience, following up on my comment of October 5, my Rhode Island Reds and Easter Eggers went on strike in late August, and by and large still do not lay eggs. I've raised layers for 6.5 years and never encountered a prolonged absence from laying eggs. I followed your suggestion and changed feed, actually mixing my own chicken feed. I do provide fruit two to three times week, including apples, blueberries and grapes. I've have also provided celery, cabbage, pumpkin and carrots but my birds favor fruit over vegetables. Have your birds gone dormant for a period of 13 weeks or more?
ОтветитьLet the chicken free range and put your dog in a cage. It won’t hurt your dog. 👍
ОтветитьThank you so much. I am a novice and didn't know about the breed differences. I have three chickens and only the leghorn (I think that is what she is) gives an egg every day. The other two (unknown species) have quit for a three months now (live near San Francisco).
ОтветитьCalifornia Smoke. while the Democrats in Washington, the CIA controlled media, and the CDC are saying bird flu. Gives the green light to raise egg prices
ОтветитьI don’t see nothing in your description
ОтветитьWould you be so kind to list products you give your chickens as a food and help them to digest their food as well. I would really appreciate it. I had the same problems. I have over 30 hens (Red) and during the summer (since July) they stopped laying eggs for almost 10 months. The problem wasn't the heat. We are living in Canada and the temperature rarely goes above +28 degrees Celsius. By the way you have an awesome video. Thanks for sharing with your audience. Good Bless. All the best to you and your family. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks
ОтветитьOur Leghorn Star, is the the tiniest chicken we have but she's laid almost straight thru winter. Bless her heart. 2 of our Americanas will be TWELVE in April!! We have 7 total girls and they are all just precious. The youngest ones had their molt, started to lay and them stopped.....trying to figure out why. I'm hoping its the light but its gotten lighter longer and they suddenly stopped after starting. Such a mystery........
ОтветитьI was able to re-ignite my girls egg laying by giving them some ground beef cooked medium. Sometimes you can find some that good ground beef that's on clearance sale perfect for them. Goodluck!