Classic car rally challenge part 1 - Top Gear - BBC

Classic car rally challenge part 1 - Top Gear - BBC

Top Gear

15 лет назад

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@BauthorFowler - 18.07.2024 07:35

I love how Jeremy was so desperate for a convertible he settled for one too small for him to fit in with the top up...

@josephlewis9237 - 19.07.2024 21:19

I reckon Hammond should have gone for a Triumph Spitfire and May should have gone for a Morris Minor. I would have gone for a Morris Minor and all I would have done is rotate the front torsion bars and change the rear dampers. My Father is one of, if not, the world's biggest fan of Morris Minors. He knows them inside out and like the back of his hands. He's always told me that the best things to do to a Minor, particularly a series 5, is to change the rear dampers for telescopic dampers. The idea is that they either eliminate or reduce axle tramp and they improve the handling.

Clarkson got it absolutely right going for an Austin Healey. Even if he went over budget. For a classic time trial rally, realistically, you'd want a small and light, front engined sports car.

@ChequeTwice - 24.07.2024 03:26

That Spitfire looked quite tidy tbh, even the colour weren't too bad.

@thewilk8556 - 10.09.2024 15:02

May’s is actually quite good

@benc77 - 29.09.2024 15:56

James really should’ve got the spitfire

@OHLÁLÁstudios - 01.10.2024 19:19

Fun fact : The trains are the same if not worse......

@YTChiefCritic - 03.10.2024 16:53

So much better than the rubbish made nowadays, especially by the Clarkson copycats.

@rileybowers20 - 03.10.2024 20:59

The cortina would have been so nice

@kylewaddington1983 - 10.10.2024 08:10

I am from Australia a massive car fan of Top Gear can tell me all the names of the navigators in the passenger seats of there cars for time rally races against the clock on public roads and though towns please Thankyou ?

@52dcboon - 24.10.2024 07:45

Where is part 2?

@Fryzzi - 29.10.2024 08:34

Where is Part 2? It's been 14 Years m8..

@UbiMortus - 29.10.2024 19:38

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're coming up now to the LAST car"

- said the auctioneer, while eyeing May...

@Adam-k8v - 01.11.2024 12:05

The auctioneer with his adenoids

@nodafy - 05.11.2024 22:05

You just know like 80% of that crowd were those "hardcore auctioneers" who've never had any fun and only ever talk about crankshafts
"These bloodeh Top Gear lads I tell the, chuffin sick of um I am"

@mossconnor8542 - 09.11.2024 11:33

That mechanic even doe giving bad news has a news reader type voice

@oneofakind90 - 27.11.2024 23:13

I'm I the only one who likes the Citroen?

@zoneoperator - 12.12.2024 01:57

I've heard cement mixers quieter than Hammonds Cab.

@AsdJrke-z6c - 14.12.2024 02:54

The part where Jeremy bids on the pink car and James is confused until he realizes it was with James’s number and they all have a laugh is what I’ll miss about these three

@NotAGerman - 17.12.2024 02:44

It's pretty funny how the video ends while the guy is listing everything wrong with Hammond's car.

@AdventureVanMan69 - 24.12.2024 05:46

“What a dismal racket”. lol!

@tmontgomery7592 - 12.01.2025 01:06

Wish they had released the rest of this,think it was the very last challenge for the real topgear.

@loomspace - 18.01.2025 02:31

I love the Citroen!

@deoceeluke2151 - 19.01.2025 07:04

That spitfire is cool

@robertallen3441 - 25.01.2025 14:47

Keep coming back to watch it again. Currently waiting for ACA auction to start today (25th Jan 2025) Cannot believe how cheap that Cortina was at £550, would be pushing towards 10k today. For those who are interested, the 'adult' warehouse is still there😁😁😁😁😁😁

@phgtxxx5028 - 25.01.2025 16:05

"What a dismal racket"

@Ryan_the_dawg - 02.02.2025 06:25

Was there no seatbelts invented at the time these cars were made?? Im guessing not, im amazed they don't get obliterated by the pigs

@Deanothefordtech - 08.02.2025 14:22

BBC....... how have the ratings and views been since firing Clarkson, and losing Hammond and May????

@michalipski930 - 10.02.2025 18:25

I have never seen the second part of this challenge . Is it in yt?

@kingofbithynia - 11.02.2025 22:21

All of them would worth 10x more in Turkey

@owenfitzgerald3219 - 12.02.2025 00:13

"Go Ugly Early". Class act 😕

@frasermackenzie7275 - 18.02.2025 05:58

Those mechanics were definitely purposely jacking up the charges and list of parts !!! Never trust greedy mechanics 😂😂😂

@SteveJohnson-r2y - 20.02.2025 02:28

Only the English would import such junk .😂

@alexpayne2662 - 20.02.2025 13:23

Should be illegal to sell cars in that condition without them being transported via trailer to private property or to get serviced

@lukegilmore9949 - 20.02.2025 16:50

Was that a cortina going for 300 quid

@dashcamfails4653 - 21.02.2025 00:30

Who do you think you are moment 😂😂

@d.s.151 - 24.02.2025 22:29

"Adult Warehouse"

@illsaveyes - 28.02.2025 21:38

Fill it up!!😂😂😂 if u know u know ❤
