How to reinvent yourself | Jay Morrison | TEDxBuckhead

How to reinvent yourself | Jay Morrison | TEDxBuckhead

TEDx Talks

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@cedrichagan91 - 10.07.2020 05:00

I like this because I have ask people before leaving high school, "What would you do if money was not a factor. Then could you imagine your life with great health"?

@Kodboattours - 24.07.2020 01:39

TEDx lost all credibility letting this clown on here

@JorgeValdesPhD - 15.08.2020 22:42

Great talk, people can change and become amazing contributors to our society, we must fight to change the criminal justice system that warehouses people of color and not rehabilitates them. Great story

@holdencaulfield8239 - 17.08.2020 18:36

I’m Pretty surprised to hear that mortgage and real estate licensing is given to triple felons.

@brandoncameron5494 - 18.08.2020 02:18

Jay Morrison and his wife are FRAUDS and SCAMMERS!

@tnxMom - 18.08.2020 16:39

Drop this scam artist.

@onceuponasavage - 29.08.2020 10:20

This con artist made it to TedTalks 😂😂😂

@FalseProfitz - 24.10.2020 04:08

This clown is a SCAMMER ‼️

@Malaki727 - 27.10.2020 08:34

This dude a con artist

@shunsherre9281 - 27.10.2020 21:09

Jay Morrison isn’t inspiring - he is taking advantage of financially illiterate individuals who want to think they are making strides towards being financially free individually and collectively. Selling fools gold. TREF ain’t ever gonna turn a profit and investors only profit will be the lunch that they may get comp’d for interviewing with American Greed.

@kuongjah7 - 27.10.2020 23:19

And don't rip the people off.

@ronycalixte5990 - 01.11.2020 04:09

Scam artist

@abigailshaw3738 - 30.12.2020 16:03

Am abigail. i wrote this this testimony to give hope and support to those infected with HERPES its not the end of the world because it can get cured. I was once a patient of Herpes for 7 years antiviral medication until i was introduced to a herbal doctor who i met and prepared and gave me his herbal medicine i had to take for 60 days when i got back home i was discouraged with the nature of the medicine but my mom encouraged me and i took it for 60 days according to the instructions he gave me. And to my greatest suprise after i went for a test and it was stated that i am negative with it was not something i could say out that moment i cried and thank God for giving me a second chance to leave a free life again. I made a promise to him that am going to publish his work with the best way i can if i get my healing for sure. i have been discriminated and fooled by people just because i was infected thinking its the end of leaving a free life. PLEASE I WANT TO URGE YOU LIVING WITH THIS DISEASE TO CONTACT HIM HE IS A MAN OF HIS WORD AND A VERY RESPECTFUL PERSON WHO VALUE THE LIFE OF OTHERS.


drfestusherbalsolutioncentre@gmailcom, whastpp him +2348073742265

thanks you everyone of you reading this go get yours now

@jeliqmusic7059 - 24.01.2021 08:37

Watch at 1.25x...

@joycemasusu9890 - 17.05.2021 15:52

When you know better you do better ♥️

@philljackson2443 - 01.06.2021 14:24

Is this the guy scamming people?

@marclions66 - 04.07.2021 16:46

How is everyone's Tulsa Fund holdings going?

@plants4thewin - 12.07.2021 06:47


@iffysd9864 - 22.07.2021 21:14

Who in tedtalks did the vetting?

@cn7896 - 25.07.2021 18:49

One day this ted talk organizer is going meet karma for taking payments to have these scammers use the Tedtalk brand in buckhead to get more victims

@manuelmesias5197 - 06.09.2021 05:33

Invest in your dream with love.

@jacquelinediaz5987 - 23.10.2021 23:13

Beautiful 💕🙏🏽✨

@1lebero - 16.11.2021 06:22

A fraud and nothing but a fraud. Interesting how even TED talks can be scammed.

@delragray9649 - 05.12.2021 01:21

Wow such a testimony of being an American of African decent born into our White Supremist society.

@tbnewhomes - 11.12.2021 11:24

🔥🔥🔥🔥 We appreciate you my brother

@shear_thang - 20.12.2021 20:22

What's stopping you. Just go teach 💪🏿

@Ishamel88 - 24.12.2021 16:26

A true Scammer

@robertheun7595 - 10.02.2022 11:52

Hes got a good point. Go out and start.

@shubhbusinessevaluation6807 - 12.04.2022 10:38

If your purpose is clear you will do any thing

@resetmyzen1585 - 13.04.2022 19:21

I truly enjoyed this. Thank you 🥰

@lyfegreatest9546 - 16.05.2022 21:35

It's all lies. I personally had an Instagram conversation with Mr. Morrison who claim he would be working personally with me and his team as I take the classes on realstate and flipping homes. I learn alot by myself. I never heard from this man after I paid for his classes. Instead he email me packages to add on that I had to pay for just to learn more. He also had text messages automatically sent to my phone about classes and events that you still had to pay for. This program was a joke. The program was basically build to take your money when you can go to a library or actual school to learn the things he was having us pay 90 to 200.00 for. I am disappointed in this man because he was taken from people who is not well off and is truly dedicated in learning how to do a career of their choice. He should be ashamed of his self building his bank account off lies and scams. I wasted my time and money. I had to also block his text number and emails from him and his so called team. I was only receiving junk mail and text. When I reply to one of his emails that I needed help better understanding some of his material I never got a reply back just another spam email. This place is full of it. I hope no one else is wasting their time, money and energy in this man bull.

@bloomingorchid721 - 24.05.2022 03:27

Beautiful transformation 🥉🔥

@meshiastyles3942 - 12.07.2022 09:51

What this is one of the best Ted talk I e listed to. My mini why is my family but my ultimate why drives me to impact the single mothers gain access to wealth and leave legacies for the next generation to come 🙏🏾

@brokentheghost - 27.07.2022 17:16


@trachelleallen9958 - 12.08.2022 02:31

Thank you for your story!!! It’s amazing!!!

@sexyangel-918 - 26.08.2022 19:48


@courtneyreid4757 - 07.09.2022 06:15

I LOVE his passion, it's a beautiful thing💯🤍 That man moves me.

@Thiernodjo - 09.10.2022 05:29

He reinvented himself from drug dealer to scammer

@よこけい-h3g - 27.10.2022 09:50

The dull dipstick univariably escape because partridge lamentably peep within a obeisant advertisement. tidy, hulking gun

@realpristine - 28.11.2022 02:08

I love this , so concise 🤝🏽

@dorothyedwards7225 - 30.11.2022 22:57

THANK YOU SO MUCH MR. JAY MORRISON!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💯😇💯💫💥✊ That was So Moving, Open, and Real, among so much more to say!!!! Thank you for the push and your articulate talk!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏😇🙌👐💓🤎

@esfromec1 - 01.12.2022 18:59


@arturocardona140 - 01.01.2023 22:49

That’s a lot of talking to say very little. Could have been like 2 minutes. Basically ‘build to leave a legacy after fulfilling your immediate needs through legitimate and hard work’. Very light and the ‘How’ which is in the title and heavy on ‘Why’ which people do not really struggle with even if it is sun-par reasons. Typical scammer fake guru content.

@furiousstyleztv - 18.03.2023 21:58


@NewOldObsession - 30.05.2023 17:21

our purpose is to maximize our potential and live a peaceful and prosperous life
use WHY
W - what drives, compels you? what would you do if money weren't an issue? what would you contribute to the world?
H - how do you do it? just go do it for free, dont worry about the money right now. you reap what you sow. sow seeds of abundance and prosperity to others and it will come back to you
Y - why are you doing it? you do it to contribute, give, sow

@MisterMann-kh9xb - 08.11.2023 16:02

Scam Likely

@CAC-1111 - 01.05.2024 00:11

This Scammer has a TED talk? How?

@jefferyparks7752 - 20.06.2024 16:17

Dude ended up becoming a scammer 😂😂😂

@kyriskustoms2172 - 05.10.2024 06:41

A whole scammer on Ted😂😂😂
