Australia Documentary 4K | The Blue Mountains | Nature and landscapes | Hidden Wonders

Australia Documentary 4K | The Blue Mountains | Nature and landscapes | Hidden Wonders

Into the Wild Films

1 год назад

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@geraldmouse - 13.05.2024 08:19

I arrived in Sydney June 1970 age 17 and soon had friends who moved into this area and visited on my motorcycle. I have fond memories of visiting them/their property, but having watched this 50 years later, I am stumped at how much I missed. So, so good.

@Geraldine-y7r - 15.05.2024 12:46

I'm proud to be Australian and live in this Island home

@babakgholian3467 - 18.05.2024 15:09

To protect and to preserve , humans are not good at that !!!!

@sadiarehan7914 - 21.05.2024 13:03


@este80 - 27.05.2024 11:24

Hi i think aboriginal people were like the holy grail so to say and there i think we might bf extinct

@aidanboyce258 - 02.07.2024 10:37

Such a good doco quality was professional

@Millie-hz3hy - 03.07.2024 12:26

Mmm I've been to The Blue Mountains it's breath taking and I've got the coin to prove it and I will go again Mmm 😊

@Userr-n2z - 06.07.2024 15:42


@sscfc1 - 07.07.2024 13:58

Sadly it will loose UNESCO world heritage status once the new airport opens

@TeresaCieslewicz-j3p - 09.07.2024 09:38

I just love you!! Classic music is life! I can work better, think better, and be grateful for life

@mninsyos - 19.07.2024 07:10

Thank you so much for this wonderful ❤

@pearltay1629 - 21.07.2024 10:15

Such awesome, stunning and breathtaking vistas! I hope it will be protected for many future generations. Many thanks for this excellent documentary 👍

@LaurenMcvicker - 26.07.2024 21:49

It’s magnificent. Thank you for the beautiful documentary

@elquixotedelascanarias - 27.07.2024 19:51

An unbelievable place. We live in EU but have a place here.

@anjaschneider9096 - 01.08.2024 00:08

Absolutely stunning! Great work, thank you! But aren’t there any koalas in the gum forest there? Would the Blue Mountains be a refuge for this endangered species?

@cristinacerri4072 - 02.08.2024 17:59

@Smithy67 - 09.08.2024 15:34

Excellent documentary, superb narration. Thank you

@tans6207 - 15.08.2024 14:09

Omg what an absolutely spectacular docu/ film. . Thanks . I love the Blueys , you have captured it beautifully . I will continue to do my bit to respect and protect what I can of it . 🦘🇦🇺

@tans6207 - 15.08.2024 14:10

Omg what an absolutely spectacular docu/ film. . Thanks . I love the Blueys , you have captured it beautifully . I will continue to do my bit to respect and protect what I can of it . 🦘🇦🇺 Hike / walk parts of regularly and try to raise eco awareness . Subscribed : thanks again

@clairehuie7828 - 23.08.2024 13:02

Magnificent documentary. Presentation & photography superb. Thank you.

@jodiehopkins1424 - 25.08.2024 06:50

Loved growing up in the mountains.Lots of mountainbiking, plenty of canyoning. Camping out in the canyon country and on the massive cliff heads its a fantastic wilderness region....

@jacktattis - 26.08.2024 07:57

I remember when they found the Wollemi Pine

@BreathtakingPlanet4K - 31.08.2024 19:58

Flying over the Blue Gum Forest sounds like an incredible experience! I can only imagine the breathtaking views from above. This documentary is sure to inspire many adventures! 🎈🌳

@alamtadhabur - 05.09.2024 17:48

Beautiful vidios

@pergolascentralcoastspecia1961 - 08.09.2024 02:59

Your channel is a beacon of positivity in a chaotic world. Keep shining!

@pauleades9037 - 08.09.2024 19:47

We had the great pleasure of visiting the Blue Mountains back in 2018. A fabulous place and a wonderful country. Oh to be 50 years younger.......🇬🇧

@JMAC.RACING - 25.09.2024 13:23

Thank you very much, beautiful!

@cawiltu - 30.09.2024 05:13

Could you turn down the music when the birds are singing please. It’s not very good music actually and the sounds are Mother Nature would be so much more pleasant and appropriate

@ฮีดาย๊ะ - 03.10.2024 00:56


@sulawesipitta - 09.10.2024 10:06

A remarkably outstanding nature video documentation that we are all should respect. Amazing work ! Love this. Thanks for sharing.

@rajgurung7982 - 19.10.2024 08:55

Wonders of Nature!

@strangevideos3048 - 26.10.2024 12:59

One major difference between the mountains and forests of Australia and those in Europe and America is that in Australian forests and mountains, you can't go anywhere except on designated paths, because there are poisonous snakes and spiders everywhere. 99% of these forests in the footage are impassable and dangerous....

@kitchenrenovationswollongo6932 - 22.11.2024 14:38

You're a true leader in your field. Keep up the fantastic work!

@nixtr3sharma - 23.11.2024 03:28

Amazing doco...there's great love and care in this video.

@dori4266 - 04.12.2024 22:52

Awesome landscape, awesome presented

@elizabethharvester6111 - 08.12.2024 23:01

Oh my heart! What a gorgeous documentary! Thank you sooo much for bringing this to us.

@nancytestani1470 - 21.12.2024 07:34

Stunning..magnificent animals.

@kathyrikkerink1884 - 05.01.2025 12:09

BEST documentary which I have ever seen !!!! 🎉

@TropicParadise-g9v - 10.01.2025 23:56

Every time i travel to Aussie, i live at the Falcon Bridge.....just a few K's from the Blue Mountain and we always visit the 3 sisters....Loving this documentary

@ceeemm1901 - 11.01.2025 14:13

I lived up there for 12 years....still trying to return.....

@techeah3830 - 14.01.2025 17:55

Has any1 here slept in these mountains ? If you did, did you sleep faster ? These mountains' air has very high oxygen content, gave me much more mental energy. I suspect I don't even need to sleep, if air oxygen is so dense.

@ezy8160 - 19.01.2025 17:33

I LOVED every second of this. Learning things I never knew about what’s in my own backyard. How beautiful and unique our animals and landscapes truly are. Thank you, my friend. You have opened a whole new world of exploring for me.

@Solarwindscreative - 24.01.2025 00:47

Love Pangolins..

@Greaterglider2 - 26.01.2025 10:53

Its an amazing place

@sleepyjean4275 - 30.01.2025 15:30

There is a bigger Wilderness in Australia, it’s called, “The Pilliga Scrub,” and the government of Australia has allowed Santos to mine Gas??

@glennreed5181 - 09.02.2025 03:15

I live in Vermont (northeast U.S.). I remember when I was in the 4th grade (1969) and we got to a chapter about Australia in our geography lessons. I'd already developed a fascination/obsession with the country since being given a book about Aussie wildlife when I was in the 3rd grade. At the beginning of the chapter was a photograph of the Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains. I thought it was so amazingly beautiful and ever-after wanted to get there someday. I finally got to Australia way back in 1989 and managed to spend three days of my trip in the Blue Mountains and Wollemi National Park. It was a dream come true. Three years later I went Down Under again and spent most of the trip in the N.T. as well as a week in S.A.--including Kangaroo Island. As for this documentary, it's fantastic. I truly appreciate the pacing and the calm narration that allows the viewer to be absorbed into the scenery and NOT distracted by gimmicky editing, crappy music and special effects that are all too common these days.

@peter.wilson - 23.02.2025 16:51

Drones have hugely improved nature documentaries.

@stellapiniau88 - 02.03.2025 15:38

Wonders of Nature. Absolutely beautiful ❤

@gotham_edits1720 - 04.03.2025 13:11

As a local achoo student here I have to do a bush walk everyday to school, I’ve never liked it because of the hills, remote paths and spiders, but watching this made me appreciate it and take my head phones off for the week of walking.

@tony98discovery - 27.04.2023 13:54

Hey Phil, admire you for putting so much time and effort into your movies, Respect.
