Procrastination | Short Film

Procrastination | Short Film

Tiffany Lu

4 года назад

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@thetiffanylu - 26.12.2022 09:04

thanks everyone for all the kind supportive comments! definitely didn't expect to get this much recognition~~ feeling very grateful xx

@syd7903 - 08.12.2024 05:53

For me, the hardest part was always just getting started. Once I actually forced myself to get on with it, it wasn't too bad.

Something that helped with getting started on the essay was to not think of the word document as the final draft. That allowed me to jump around a bit and work on smaller parts of the essay. Once I was confident enough that it was a decent essay, I'd finally give it a title and copy and paste it over to another document where the formatting was all set up. This process usually took all day. My brain was always fried after I submitted the document.

@paperrings555 - 06.12.2024 23:15

girl thats so mecore

@nadiiakawaii - 05.12.2024 23:51

Very well done, girl! Great job! To be honest it is exactly about me😁

@CGRPR - 05.12.2024 23:36

Was that a Scott Pilgrim reference? ❤ I love the switch between paces and editing. Really cool!

@x.quietkitty - 05.12.2024 20:31

I’m procrastinating my short film by watching tiger short films. It’s due tomorrow.

@poojaneeanuradha7595 - 05.12.2024 17:26

I don't have a nice room, nice study area or a nice bath like this. But I still do as much as I can. But feels like I haven't done anything.

@Mzy-fr4hg - 05.12.2024 16:18

Will watch it tomorrow

@DionehodeSolange - 05.12.2024 08:12

I love the editing and filming technic, if you don't mind tutorial of it please 🙏

@Imakepeoplelaughatmyownjokes - 05.12.2024 07:47

not the bathtub scene lol

anyways im not procrastinating rn somehow while watching this
but i always procranistnate other hw with better hw lol

@Stillwiityou - 05.12.2024 02:39

I LOVED THIS 😂❤ but fr we need to find solution to this 😢

@ftomito2429 - 05.12.2024 01:13

Omg soooo me😂😂😂😂

@DionehodeSolange - 05.12.2024 00:39


@DionehodeSolange - 05.12.2024 00:38

What about the copy right of the music played in the film?

@Batoul808 - 05.12.2024 00:12

Same story with me this week🗿💔

@koi1440 - 04.12.2024 20:16

watching it while procrastinating for my exam😅

@LouisLuzuka - 04.12.2024 19:44

Hello from Canada

@Wiolka-z1m - 04.12.2024 10:06

You have no idea what procrastination is. This short movie shows laziness!

@strivingthruc - 03.12.2024 19:54

omg this is such True story like i am starting my finals tomorrow and ik nothing and this is exactly what i did.

@dearloverwholesale - 03.12.2024 17:26

An Excellent Video!!!

@prabatharavinda4643 - 03.12.2024 17:21

Like me 🥺

@alexismanaig1645 - 03.12.2024 10:06

my current state 🥲

@yogeetabhoyroo5934 - 02.12.2024 18:54

Why is this so me 😭😭😭

@LuziSantos - 02.12.2024 01:17

I will watch this later

@Paula-s2r - 01.12.2024 23:04


@justscarlette1744 - 01.12.2024 21:57

I think we all know that by “tomorrow” it’s really the due date

@narutoanime7338 - 01.12.2024 16:54

The funny thing is that we are doing the same thing in this very moment of time!😂😂😂......So damn Accurate!

@social.sun82E - 01.12.2024 04:05

I saved this in my watch later and I'm watching this when i thought i should not procrastinate anymore

@jennifer21138 - 01.12.2024 01:09

Eu tentando trabalhar freelancer em casa kkkkkjk não dá

@BhaiKon-w2m - 01.12.2024 01:08

Amazing creativity here! If you’re interested in the language, Immersive Translate can help you understand and learn better.

@Rosa_Ellah - 01.12.2024 01:02

So uhm... basically this also happened to me.
Now jm procrastinating sleep. (It's 2:02am) so
... yah..

@Indian........7 - 30.11.2024 22:43

Perfect film description for procratination 👀

@youareworthalot1228 - 30.11.2024 14:27

You gotta way tho. It’s so often egg and avocado toast lol. So healthy tho. And you need exercise fresh clean air and sunlight!!!!

@hadiasalman2612 - 30.11.2024 13:37

OMG, this is so true. I procrastinate a lot, and I'm pretty sure many people do it, but I feel so dumb after wasting the whole day. All my friends study except me, and after watching this fantastic video, I realized that no matter what, even if you have ADHD or can't concentrate, if you set your goal and focus properly, you can achieve whatever you want.

@VinhPham-ed6vf - 30.11.2024 11:28

This is really just scream me lol 😂

@findyourpassion8722 - 30.11.2024 04:10

In my view she wasn’t totally procrastinating because she took the step to open her computer and sit there, even started a little research. She was actually feeling stuck on a topic that wasn’t exciting for her.

@nourin_1 - 29.11.2024 18:47

Omg I am watching this for like the 1000th time cause it's so good ❤

@Withmayagad - 29.11.2024 15:12

I think it’s the clock ⏰😂

@priyankareddy4582 - 29.11.2024 07:27

I have found the best way to beat procrastination is by just getting started. By aiming for “good enough” rather than “perfection”. Once we get started, the task eventually evolves from “Meh” to “Good enough” to “Wow” 😌

@rosiejones6692 - 28.11.2024 17:56

little things that help me:
- if you are staring at a blank page, just go for a stream of consciousness and try to write anything that comes to mind on the topic. You can start by saying 'I have no idea what I'm doing but topic makes me think of...'. You need a pile of crap to dig out the diamonds later on, so just gather the crap pile first.
- brainstorm a to-do list about how to get to your end goal. If you're stuck, start by writing 'submit work' at the bottom and work your way backwards.
- writing on paper or post-its can help you avoid endless word documents and quantify how many points you actually have (i've started mapping out essays and long-form writing assignments on post-its on a wall and gradually carve my points down)
- if you're struggling to concentrate in general, alternate your time between tasks, and take a break after 30 minutes and a long break (especially if you keep staring into space). The time limit helps you focus better.
- The less you're concentrating, the more frequently you should get up and move (on rough days I do 20-30 minutes on, 10 minutes off, and for every 2 hours of work I take one proper hour off (e.g. go for a run, watch one episode of something not-addictive, read a book, sit somewhere nice to eat lunch etc, origami or creative hands-on things)). In breaks you should NOT be scrolling on your phone (too easy to get sucked in and procrastinate) - walking around, getting a drink, toilet break, chat or call someone. Save scrolling time as a treat at lunch or in the evening (then you'll appreciate it more too!).
- in the last 5-10 minutes of any session, write a to-do list and a goal for your next session on this topic so you can come back and crack on straight away

@muhammedblymz - 28.11.2024 17:35

You're wonderful.

@anushkayadav990 - 28.11.2024 14:29

Lol.. watching it while procrastinating

@modesterakubuobi - 28.11.2024 12:50

So true😭. God abeg

@Loppy-el4rn - 28.11.2024 12:30

I appreciate ur video , i recommend u to add the bad result for it so that our mind stops Procrastination as it is watching it

@Eva-pronounced-as-ever - 28.11.2024 11:58

This is amazing I subbed to ur channel XD

@Caviar707 - 27.11.2024 13:46

I will watch this video tomorrow

@YuanbinLin - 27.11.2024 10:58


@goofydude21 - 27.11.2024 08:15

(save to watch later)

@Vibewithnehu - 26.11.2024 20:01

What a masterpiece 😂😂🤣🤣
