The Great Schism of 1054: The Backdrop ft. Miloš (Pencils & Prayer Ropes)

The Great Schism of 1054: The Backdrop ft. Miloš (Pencils & Prayer Ropes)

Bible Illustrated

4 года назад

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@garancejaquet5369 - 24.08.2020 11:09

Okay. Very well done and funny. Now, when are we finally going to bury the hatchet and re-unite ?!

@szofiankomnenosz1464 - 24.08.2020 18:53


@psevdhome - 08.09.2020 17:09

As for the bread. I do not think it matters.

But, the Greek word artos means leavened bread. It is used in every rendering of the establishment of the eucharist. The passages even speak of the feast of the unleavened (bread) when referring to Passover, still they use the Greek word which means leavened. There is a special word in Greek when referring to unleavened bread otherwise it is assumed that it is normal bread. So Jesus used leavened bread for the eucharist.

So unless you think the evangelists who spoke Greek didn't understand Greek, or that they made a mistake when describing the establishment of the eucharist, you kind of have to agree that they used leavened bread.

To make it clear, the text uses the word for feast of the unleavened, but mentions the bread as artos, which usually designates normal bread. Why use confusing terms when it is easier to understand that the evangelists specified in their own text that the bread was different.

I in fact like both symbolistic explanations: unleavened symbolizing the purity and sinlessness of Christ, and the leavened symbolizing his fullness of humanity, both are good symbols and I do not think there is a theological problem with either type of bread.

@lightcyy - 14.09.2020 00:34

Hey Bojan why Orthodox Church recognises or accepts Roman Catholic baptism????

@elizabethshaw734 - 16.09.2020 05:19

What about the Crusaders who went to the Byzantine Empire and stole everything taking it back to the West? These Crusaders said they were going to the Holy Land and went nowhere near the Holy Land!

@albertaowusu1790 - 17.09.2020 14:16

Rejected papal infallibility only to end up with 16 popes.

@giovannicolpani3345 - 18.10.2020 21:47

Roman catholic here. I hold in high esteem the faith, liturgy and spirituality of the Orthodox Churches (whether Greek, Russian or Oriental). This makes the pain of our visible division even greater. I wish we could overcome it with the help of God.
In this spirit, can an orthodox lay down for me, what the orthodox Churches would require from us Latins to do in order to overcome the schism? Suppose we Catholics were ready to do anything you ask, what would you Orthodox ask for? I ask in spirit of charity, to make an examination of OURS (Catholic) difficulties.

@showyourvidz - 26.10.2020 18:50

Today I learned that I wanna be yeastern orthodox. :)

@daithimcbuan5235 - 07.11.2020 00:59

Agni Parthene is indeed a nice hymn. The Valaam version is best imo. My favourite hymn though is Be Thou my Vision. But that might be because I'm Irish and biased :P Also, my church (Church of Ireland, Anglican) uses leavened bread (the use of unleavened is against our canon law), we don't bow down to the pope, we're considering dropping the filioque, we don't have sola scriptura (we have a 3-legged stool: prima scriptura, tradition of the early church fathers & reason), and our primate bears the title Metropolitan (as well as Arch-Bishop... and Primate). Can we be friends with the Orthodox? :D

@tonyisepik1203 - 12.11.2020 23:45

The amount of times the protestants spilt up is immeasurable

@carolusmagnusrexfrancorume3684 - 14.11.2020 22:05

Hahaha excellent vid!

@timib1166 - 18.11.2020 22:52

so basically it's Bulgarians fault ;)

@jorhoss - 02.12.2020 01:46

as a Bulgarian, this is the first time i have ever heard anything like this. i am sorry

@greenergrass4060 - 02.01.2021 13:52

The Churches : fighting over bread
People who are suffering and lost in sin : 💧 👁👄👁💧

@swenner64 - 12.01.2021 21:23

Ok Looked for the second half but never found it. If you didn't make it you should

@kolash74 - 13.01.2021 22:44

This kind of content would be good for a sunday school. I say this unironically.

@swiggitysk8 - 13.03.2021 10:33

"i'm catholic but i don't believe in real presence" we really are down bad tho :(

@PomazeBog1389 - 21.03.2021 06:14


@robertwaguespack9414 - 01.05.2021 23:25

Let us pray that we be healed of this schism and that we all become one.

@ΑθανάσιοςΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ-θ7γ - 15.05.2021 05:18

If it's too tiring to say East Roman Empire just call them Romans, not Byzantines. Is this short enough?😉

@yoghurtmaster1688 - 25.05.2021 12:29

Never trought you would talk about the christinization of the first bulgarian empire

@manuruizcavanagh - 01.10.2021 00:54

U are Serbian your argument is invalid

@ObliviAce - 04.12.2021 17:45

"But didn't i just mention the sacrifice and praise from the old-"



@MarciesWhimsySoaps - 12.12.2021 19:54

Well, you failed to not insult.....on purpose. I am really struggling between the two but you have made it easier to stay Catholic. In my experience, Catholics do not speak evil against the Orthodox when explaining differences. True Christians wouldnt.

@Xeres123 - 20.12.2021 18:11

Did you ever do a second part to this one? It's great!

@michaellynes3540 - 29.12.2021 08:05

The Byzantine Empire is the Roman Empire version 2.0 . In fact, they still consider themselves as Romans since the eastern part is still part of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire didn't collapse, Constantine only just relocated the capital of the empire.

@jordano7489 - 09.01.2022 20:42

Chad Arthos. 😆

@philangeli - 24.04.2022 16:16

I'm with Saint Sophrony, the Filioque distorted our understanding of the Trinity's Hypostasis and resulted in "Romanticism" (ya know cuz it's a Roman Catholic) that results in the anthropological unraveling of our understanding of love. The Catophatic understanding of the Trinity in unison. Sorry Saint Maximos the confessor, it ended up a bigger theological dilemma centuries later.

@nuns8126 - 08.05.2022 02:31

Brilliant! I love this!!

@TheAtlarchy - 18.05.2022 09:27

You forgot to mention the verse where Lord mentions that levan is comparable to the gospel, as a little of it, spreads to the whole bread, meaning a little true teaching in the right person spreads to their whole life...

when it comes to being like Jews... well... I noticed we are completely ignoring the menorahs we use in Orthodox Church, or how our churches are built to resemble the temple of Solomon and how all priestly robes are based on Jewish priest of Old Testament?

Also I noticed that I never correct Orthodox people for saying "Byzantine" but only others... I will have to work on this... and start correcting everyone! Even the patriarchs! xD

@ivandinsmore6217 - 17.08.2022 00:57

"Or even worse....Episcopalian.😅😅😅😅

@emsdiy6857 - 10.10.2022 15:53

This is why I go with the anabaptist side

@joenathan8059 - 23.11.2022 14:50

Honestly the schism is more about medieval politics than anything else. This he said,she said is really embarrassing and kinda dumb. Hopefully in the modern age we can become a singular church again and (heres some Christian wisdom) forgive each other.

@aleksandarilic5824 - 25.12.2022 02:56

Ја сам од Владимира Димитријевића и Слободана Деспота чуо другачије.

@azmiraclegirl441 - 13.01.2023 21:31

A Dilbert reference?! I finally subscribed lmao

@ariefbudiman1544 - 18.01.2023 07:04

moral of the history: human 'ego' at play even within the realm of the holy of holies

@jeremias-serus - 16.02.2023 12:07

The Latin word for Yes is Sīc 😅

@david_porthouse - 21.09.2023 17:04

In one of your videos, if I remember correctly, you mention the Litany of the Saints. Here it is:

Litany of the Saints

Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. *
Christ, have mercy, Christ, have mercy. *
Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. *

Christ hear us, Christ graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us.

Saint Michael, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, pray for us.
All you Holy Angels
and Archangels, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
All you Holy Patriarchs
and Prophets, pray for us.

Saint Peter, pray for us.
Saint Paul, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, pray for us.
Saint James, pray for us.
Saint John, pray for us.
Saint Thomas, pray for us.
Saint James, pray for us.
Saint Philip, pray for us.
Saint Bartholomew, pray for us.
Saint Matthew, pray for us.
Saint Simon, pray for us.
Saint Jude, pray for us.
Saint Matthias, pray for us.
Saint Barnabas, pray for us.
Saint Luke, pray for us.
Saint Mark, pray for us.
All you Holy Apostles
and Evangelists, pray for us.
All you Holy Disciples of the Lord, pray for us.
All you Holy Innocents, pray for us.

Saint Stephen, pray for us.
Saint Lawrence, pray for us.
Saint Vincent, pray for us.
Saints Fabian
and Sebastian, pray for us.
Saints John and Paul, pray for us.
Saints Cosmas and Damian, pray for us.
All you Holy Martyrs, pray for us.

Saint Sylvester, pray for us.
Saint Gregory, pray for us.
Saint Ambrose, pray for us.
Saint Augustine, pray for us.
Saint Jerome, pray for us.
Saint Martin, pray for us.
Saint Nicholas, pray for us.
All you Holy Bishops
and Confessors, pray for us.
All you Holy Doctors, pray for us.

Saint Anthony, pray for us.
Saint Benedict, pray for us.
Saint Bernard, pray for us.
Saint Dominic, pray for us.
Saint Francis, pray for us.
All you Holy Priests
and Levites, pray for us.
All you Holy Monks
and Hermits, pray for us.

Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us.
Saint Agatha, pray for us.
Saint Lucy, pray for us.
Saint Agnes, pray for us.
Saint Cecilia, pray for us.
Saint Anastasia, pray for us.
Saint Catherine, pray for us.
Saint Clare, pray for us.
All you Holy Virgins
and Widows, pray for us.
All you Holy Saints of God, pray for us.

Lord, be merciful, Lord, save your people.
From all evil, Lord, save your people.
From all sin, Lord, save your people.
From Your wrath, Lord, save your people.
From a sudden and unprovided death, Lord, save your people.
From the snares of the devil, Lord, save your people.
From anger, hatred and all ill-will, Lord, save your people.
From the spirit of uncleanness, Lord, save your people.
From lightning and tempest, Lord, save your people.
From the scourge of earthquake, Lord, save your people.
From plague, famine and war, Lord, save your people.
From everlasting death, Lord, save your people.

By the mystery of Your holy Incarnation, Lord, save your people.
By Your coming, Lord, save your people.
By Your birth, Lord, save your people.
By Your baptism and holy fasting, Lord, save your people.
By Your Cross and Passion, Lord, save your people.
By Your death and burial, Lord, save your people.
By Your holy Resurrection, Lord, save your people.
By Your wonderful Ascension, Lord, save your people.
By the coming of the Holy Spirit, Lord, save your people.
On the Day of Judgement, Lord, save your people.

Be merciful to us sinners, Lord, hear our prayer.
That You will spare us, Lord, hear our prayer.
That You will pardon us, Lord, hear our prayer.
That it may please You to bring us to true penance, Lord, hear our prayer.
Guide and protect Your holy Church, Lord, hear our prayer.
Preserve in holy religion the Pope, and all those in holy Orders, Lord, hear our prayer.
Humble the enemies of holy Church, Lord, hear our prayer.
Give peace and unity to the whole Christian people, Lord, hear our prayer.
Bring back to the unity of the Church all those who are straying,
and bring all unbelievers to the light of the Gospel, Lord, hear our prayer.

Strengthen and preserve us in Your holy service, Lord, hear our prayer.
Raise our minds to desire the things of Heaven, Lord, hear our prayer.
Reward all our benefactors with eternal blessings, Lord, hear our prayer.
Deliver our souls from eternal damnation,
and the souls of our brethren, relatives and benefactors, Lord, hear our prayer.
Give and preserve the fruits of the earth, Lord, hear our prayer.
Grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed, Lord, hear our prayer.
That it may please You to hear and heed us,
Jesus, Son of the Living God, Lord, hear our prayer.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Christ hear us, Christ graciously hear us.
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer, Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. *
Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. *
Christ, have mercy, Christ, have mercy. *
Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. *

The responses indicated by an asterisk * may be omitted by a single petitioner praying alone.

This prayer is one of six approved litanies.

Occasions to say this litany are Holy Saturday, the Rogation Days (25th April and the three days
preceding Ascension Thursday) and All Saints' Day (November 1st). You can bring Lent to an end
on Holy Saturday by starting this prayer about 11.57 am. Lent will be over by the time you finish
and we are into the Vigil of Easter. Celebrate with a hot cross bun.

You may copy and paste this prayer to a word processor or spreadsheet, reformat it as needed,
print it off, laminate it and give it to your friends. Please also give a copy to anyone who is
sick or housebound.

@robertkurucz9365 - 30.10.2023 20:05

There is no confusion in the Gospel of John regarding the Eucharist. One must understand the Jewish Feasts. Passover (or Pesach) is on the 14th day of Nissan (aka Abib), and it is NOT a day of Rest (not a Shabbat). Also, keep in mind that the Jewish day begins at sundown, so the Apostles prepared the Passover Meal (aka Seder) on Thursday, but once the sun went down it was Friday. The 15th Day of Nissan is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (though usage of Unleavened bread actually started of the 14th, or 8 days in total). The Feast of Unleavened Bread lasted 7-days, which the 1st & 7th days being a Day of Rest (A Shabbat), and when it coincides with the 7th day, which was the regular weekly day of rest (a Shabbat), then it is a "Shabbaton", meaning a very special day of rest. St. John speaks to this. My point is that Jesus did use Unleavened Bread when he instituted the Eucharist, but that does not mean it is required to always be Unleavened Bread. I've been to Catholic Masses where leaved bread was used, but traditionally Unleavened Bread is used because that is what Jesus used.
Now, before somebody points it out, there was no lamb at Jesus last supper. Why??? Well, because the lamb had not been sacrificed and the Jews had to wait till daybreak to take their Passover lamb to the Temple to be sacrificed, as instructed in the Torah (Pentateuch), that is, to sacrifice the Passover lamb in the Temple between the two twilights. That is between sunrise and sunset. This was different than that one time in Egypt.
So in short, yes! Jesus did institute the Eucharist with Unleavened Bread, but celebrating the Liturgy with Leavened bread is OK too. Let's not "strain the mint and the cumin please".

I'm sure more questions will arise from this topic. Drop them here and I'll try to answer them.

@robertkurucz9365 - 30.10.2023 20:08

Regarding the Filioque, I believe it would be very helpful to have another Council with the Catholic, and the three branches or Orthodox Churches (Eastern Oriental & East) to hammer out this Filioque issue once and for all.

@theholyinquisition389 - 26.01.2024 14:27

There is another problem with using leavened bread for us Catholics. Leavened bread tends to crumble and since we believe in Transsubstantiation that means we'll have a bunch of tiny Jesus crumbs lying around the altar after Mass. Thats a big problem, because it wouldn't exactly be proper to vacuum them up and throw them in the trash, so what to do with them. No such problem with unleavened bread.

@igorlopes7589 - 28.01.2024 04:13

Small but actually huge correction: Augustine was already a Filioquist before the spanish thing in 589. Westerns already belived in the Filioque before the spaniards inserted it into the translated Creed. And while said addition was scandalous in greek language you can argue it is not in latin, for Procedere has a much broader meaning than Epouketai (or whatever is the actual spelling).

And the language of the Western Church didn't become more "frankish", it remained as latin. And Western philosophy and theology wasnt affected the the germanics because they had no philosophy or non-arian theology. So to say the language and thought of the Western Church became more frankish is incorrect.

@david_porthouse - 29.06.2024 14:22

Byzantine is a synonym for Constantinopolitan, but easier to say and spell. Hope I got it right.

@aidannodomm - 16.07.2024 00:21

tomorrow is the 970th anniversary of the creation of the roman catholic church

@Livinggud - 25.07.2024 15:56

Is that Guga Foods reading this? lol great video guys!

@dkantherest - 31.07.2024 17:09

I am bulgarian and gluten intolerant. It's all my fault

@Septembersrain1984 - 24.02.2025 19:49

Oh wow!!! My algorithm is giving me great stuff finally!!! Thank you for this video. I'm an Inquirer. These are very helpful for me see outside my own perspective, my beliefs are thankfully changing from legalism.
