My fiancé and I like to play Tengen Tetris and Bubble Bobble together. Cool vid, subbed.
ОтветитьMy list: double dragon 2, mario 3, tmnt 2, double dragon 1, battletoads, Super C.
ОтветитьI’m 23 and I’m having more fun playing NES and SNES games then Xbox games. I really hate modern gaming, I hate waiting for updates and I hate how soulless games are now.
ОтветитьZelda II The adventure of Link / Contra / Snow brothers
ОтветитьGreat selection!! Finished battle of Olympus a couple of weeks ago. I will use your list as inspiration and play Popeye next.
ОтветитьI just pulled out Legacy of the Wizard
ОтветитьGreat video! I love the mix of popular and lesser known titles. Immediately subscribed
Ответить1) never heard of it, but looks fun (ish)
2) beat ultima series (-3 games) good choice!
3) never heard of it, but looks fun (ish)
4) beat castlevania series (-1 games) good choice!
5) I played it in the arcade (Popeye is a good game) with girlfriend (wife now). "You don't love me, you let the heart touch the bottom!"
6) beat Dragon Slayer series (Legacy of the Wizard #4, Faxanadu #5) good choice! Remember (1) item is cursed and debuffs you. Get magic shield/death early.
7) never heard of it, but looks fun (ish)
8) beat FF series (never played the online games) good choice! Remember to get slep (pirates), mute (Astos), hold (Kary), fast (bosses), life, exit, arub (sorcerer) spells.
Knight, ninja, master, & red wizard with expert lvl 50 stats (69,53,23,52,52)(49,52,35,46,64)(53,50,36,69,49)(52,50,39,51,50) & FF Renaissance is the epic remake!
9) good choice! I still play this one with my child.
10) beat Zelda series (never played the games after Twilight) good choice! I got to Ganon (without the (3) swords)(0 deaths). 😊
Contra punch out donkey kong mario 1,3 dig dug
ОтветитьMe too.
ОтветитьAnytime I see Little Nemo and Simon's Quest being the favorite of the NES series, it's an automatic like and subscribe for me.
ОтветитьI wish I still had my NES and games. I want to play Bucky ohare and astyanax so bad
ОтветитьKabuki Fighter & Kick Master are among the best action combat games.
Close with River City Ransom and Mighty Final Fight, or TMNT2 & TMNT3
Popeye is nostalgic to me because my dentist had a babyfoot table and a POPEYE arcade vcabinet !
Faxanadu is somewhat nostalgic because I didn't really like it, but my best friend had it ...
was better than Iron Sword 2 for example imo. But even Zelda 2 was cooler to me.
Final Fantasy 1 is still amazing. Replayed it 80 runson NES in the past 5 years (in 2.5 year span).
Just a perfect game. Also played if about 25 times as a Pixel Remaster, got a run under 2 hours at turbo mode maxed out.
in 2 D under 16 bit: Duck Tales.
in 2D 16bit : Aladdin (Genesis)
Modern Kingdom Hearts !!!! The disney trifecta !!!
I keep playing dragon spirit , and hoops
ОтветитьI still play Tecmo Superbowl seasons every football season. NES is amazing.
ОтветитьThe Nes is great! I love mine, and I play it more than my ps5, to be honest. I love how quick and easy most games are to pick up and play. Also, a lot of the titles are classics 👌
Ответитьgreat picks!!
ОтветитьI m 42 years old now and from Germany. the NES was also and deep influence on me. i played almost every game you have shown (except ultima) and quantum fighter and i agree in my opinion this all particular games are all awsome. i remember as a kid in a store the cover of quantum fighter and i thoght damn this game must me good for some reason. but i never got the chance to play it or own it. they ware expensive. back in the ninetys, no emulators, no internert etc :D
ОтветитьTalking about the limitations of the system makes no sense at all. Every developer in their time thinks about the endless possibilities of each new piece of hardware and not the hardware of 30 years in the future.
ОтветитьModern games are mostly films now, with licenced characters from films and comics. I preferred it when they were'nt - just you in some random dungeon or swamp meeting weird characters. No originality now. Currently playing PS1 Robotron and Megadrive Bioship Paladin.
ОтветитьDragon warrior, yo noid, super mario3, ninja gaiden, mission impossible, the adventures of bayou Billy, ninja black manta …
ОтветитьWow as a French, I didn't know the Little Nemo's comics. The game is just amazing, stunning for the NES ! I'm blown away Ducktales was a a great game too, graphics, music, gameplay, history and quests, it was really perfect in all points, even a good difficulty but not a crazy one. Perfect immersion in the Uncle Scrooge's World of Adventures.
Capcom gave us a great childhood with all those masterpieces they made, they almost should be ranked as a World Heritage !
My thoughts for your grandpa who was a true hero ! Thanks to him for what he did in WWII. May his soul rests in peace.🙏
I love the ultima series
ОтветитьJust ordered the all new nes game Sam's Journey from Knights of Bytes. Can't wait to get my hands on it. It's a mix of elements from various nes platformers it seems. There are still many good nes games I haven't tried yet all though have them.
ОтветитьKabuki fighter had Batman assets.
ОтветитьLittle Nemo blew my mind when i was young! Such incredible graphics and gameplay for a NES game
ОтветитьAny Mega Man, both Zeldas, Metroid, Faxanadu, all Ninja Gaidens, and I absolutely love the LOLOs. lol
Ответить3D world runner. Space harrier knock off. Incredible game.
ОтветитьFaxanadu YES. I have also never beaten it, but I would rent and play, I think mostly for the music, which is incredible. It always got my imagination going as a kid.
ОтветитьAs a kid, I hated Faxanadu. Passwords, extreme difficulty, cryptic bullcrap, but the awesome music kept pulling me back until I started absolutely loving the game.
ОтветитьStill go back to the NES a lot, but the ones I play the most would be Tyson’s Punch Out, MegaMan 1 and 2, TMNT, Puzznic, Rush n Attack, Castlevania, and Bionic Commando.
Jay, you ever heard of Bit Brigade? They speedrun the games live while playing the soundtrack. They are hitting the Midwest soon on tour. Highly recommend checking them out if they come to your area. I just saw them last month and they inspired me to finally beat the original Castlevania 😂
Me too it's year 2024 and I'm still playing my Atari and Ness and PS1 😊 in television it's great
ОтветитьBase Wars is my favorite to go back to, but Code Name: Viper is a close second, and if I have a human opponent, Archon can’t be topped. (It sucks against the CPU)
ОтветитьI just recently found this channel and am really liking the content. This guy is definitely old school, and I dig it.
Rock on brother.
My ten would have to be in no particular order Metroid faxandu Zelda kid Niki Mike Tyson punch out contra Simon’s quest kung fu gremlins 2 and super Mario bros
Ответитьvery few games i've revisited in a while. i've revisited mega man 2 and final fantasy numerous times. thanks to switch online, i've revisited punch out and river city ransom recently. would like to play gi joe atlantis factor again, severely underrated.
ОтветитьI own what I need and can afford. I dont have a big NES collection (100+) but I bought them when those games were 3 or 5$... I love a lot of them but if I would go on a desert island my top ten in no order would be (1) - Ninja Gaiden (2) - Contra (3) - Super Mario Bros 3 (4) - Blade of Steel (5) - Tetris (6) - Batman (7) - Castlevania (8) - Gunsmoke (9) - Zelda (10) - Punchout. Honorable mention Jackal, Double Dragon, Adventure Island
ОтветитьSome nes games have slightly less detail than some other consoles. But only by a little.... on the other hand, the nes gameplay is MILES more fun to play with more depth.
ОтветитьI cant get enough of Conquest Of The Crystal Palace and Womp Em
ОтветитьIn no order:
Mega man 3
Castlevaina 1 & 2 (I like them both)
Blaster Master
Rockin' cats
Ninja Gaiden II
Mario 3
My favorite NES game franchises are: Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Castlevania, Contra, Mega Man, DuckTales, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Double Dragon, Q*Bert the game, and Double Dare. And also, The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World and Bart vs. the Space Mutants.
ОтветитьI love my NES collection, and play it often.
ОтветитьSince I was a kid I always get stuck in the mist area
ОтветитьIve been replaying alot of kirby adventure, dragon warrior 4 and totally rad lately.
ОтветитьEven i m playing nes in 2024
ОтветитьDude, your list is VERY similar to mine.
ОтветитьLove the NES!