Trajan - Rome's Last Conqueror Documentary

Trajan - Rome's Last Conqueror Documentary

The People Profiles

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@Aiden-v7o - 06.06.2024 03:49

Can you do Merian C Cooper and Jack Kirby Fantastic work on this ❤

@susanwaldron6831 - 06.06.2024 05:27

Thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks for a well researched and well presented documentary.

@SwitzerlandEducation4471 - 06.06.2024 05:45

Love you from 🇨🇭 Switzerland

@Alexander-kj1bk - 06.06.2024 05:56

Make a video about Antonius pius

@Maria_levissima_purissima - 06.06.2024 07:36

Now I hope for a video about Dacia and Decebal

@Matticus898 - 06.06.2024 07:53

Do one for Edgar Allan Poe :)

@almighty5839 - 06.06.2024 09:01

So excited for this one been waiting

@brunolima7402 - 06.06.2024 09:01

The optimus Princeps, Trajan. Arguably, even better emperor than Augustus. Thanks for the video.

@alisong2328 - 06.06.2024 10:22

Italica is a fascinating place to visit. Emperor Hadrian was also born there.

@cambo2161 - 06.06.2024 12:12

I thought the thumbnail was Daniel larson

@stefanr.3495 - 06.06.2024 13:00

After conquest Trajan wiped Dacia from history, leaving very little to be known about pre-roman Dacia. There's a lot of speculation and misinformation about Dacian people nowadays.

@phiszabo2 - 06.06.2024 22:00

Enjoying this one filled with so much more than other Trajan Docs. So much more research and reading. Thank you dope doc!

@donbosco4746 - 06.06.2024 22:23

Excellent work! Now you stirred me up for Dacia and Decebalus!

@ljgaming639 - 06.06.2024 22:45

It is amazing for all of the success the Western and Eastern/Byzantine Empires had, there were like 15 awesome emperors total and hundreds of donkeys. Eventually, the donkeys were too much to overcome.

@Fenix-lr6ez - 07.06.2024 01:52

I don't understand how Trajan is such an overlooked figure. I get that crazy or very bad emperors like Caligula or Nero are more in everyone's minds cause it's fun studying lunatics, but even more mid emperors like Claudius, Tiberius, even Vespasian or Hadrian (not saying they are mid, just "midder" than Trajan) are more remembered than him.
Even if we take into account the whole history of Rome, there's just a handful of people who "did more for Rome" (for better or worse) than him. Africanus, Caesar, Pompey, Sulla, Marius, Aurelian and some more, but not many.
He was a good general with many conquests, and a good administrator with good policies. Loved by the people, Senate and military alike. Everyone in this day and age puts him at the very least in the top 3 of greatest emperors, normally #2. And yet he is not that famous, I can't understand.

@mat3714 - 07.06.2024 06:42

Trojan's parthian pipe dream was arguably the fondation of the 3rd century crisis and the beginning of the end. Octavian was right from the start.

@spike_-ry1se - 07.06.2024 20:09

Can you do a Otto von Bismark video

@wilsontheconqueror8101 - 07.06.2024 21:38

For his pediastry harmed no one. 😅

@mwizasimpasa4524 - 08.06.2024 09:16

The the dacians just like the Carthaginians before them learnt what it was like if resisted rome but finally when you were defeated.

@danielc1827 - 09.06.2024 09:06

Something happened today with the inflation..the dollar is just a paper not back by gold for like 60 70 years

@geordiejones5618 - 12.06.2024 03:01

Trajan just seems to have that extra special something that Scipio Aemilianus and Julius Caesar had. Social grace, political accumen, the dignity of a natural leader, military discipline and brains, cultured and cultivated. And on top of all that, he has an impeccable reputation among every class and creed of the Roman world. He might be the only Roman who was incredibly talented and had the wisdom to understand how to leverage that into making all those around him feel both acknowledged and respected. It amazes me that he's never mentioned among the finest poltico-military leaders of all time. The only emperor that I have more respect for is Probus.

@carmen2689 - 12.06.2024 13:12

Trajano y Adriano Son De Sevilla, Itálica, España

@ramtin5152 - 12.06.2024 17:19

Unlike what most people think, his achievements in Mesopotamia weren't as great as his victories in Dacia
He didn't even fight any battles there like he did in Dacia and faced no Parthian royal army or any army sent by the king
He just besieged cities with his vast army

The Parthian empire at the time was divided in two with the eastern parts and some of the central provinces being taken by Vologases III and the western parts such as Mesopotamia, Atropatene, Media, Khuzistan/Elam and Armenia being taken by a usurper king called Osroes I (the one who started the war)

Trajan attacked the Parthian empire when the Parthians were in a civil war (both because of the Parthian Osroes I who rebelled against the Parthian king and betrayed the treaty of Rhandeia) and were very weakened but still lost all the conquered cities to Iranian rebels and some soldiers after he left

Even during Trajan's invasion, the Parthians gained some victories
Trajan failed to take Hatra, which avoided a total Parthian defeat and he himself was wounded during that siege
Plus aside from Ctesiphon and Susa, the Parthians had five other capitals in the mainland great Iran behind Zagros mountains

The Parthian forces attacked key Roman positions, and Roman garrisons at Seleucia, Nisibis and Edessa were evicted by the local populaces and the Romans were pushed out of Mesopotamia with the defeat of Trajan's puppet king by the Parthians who reconquered all the territories that were lost to Rome during the invasion

His invasion ended in a stalemate at best

@MrBagpipes - 14.06.2024 17:22

Initally I wasn't too if I'd like/respect Trajan. Then I heard how harshly he treated members of a certain religion and he really grew on me.

@PeterSmith-go9ef - 16.06.2024 04:39

Informative and illuminating. Many thanks.

@SomeIdiotLUL - 17.06.2024 06:49

The issue I have with roman history. The truth doesn't seem to be important. I don't agree with most of it. My opinion it's more advanced than the renaissance period an possibility in the industrial revolution but not much evidence to prove this. There's enough proof that they had surgery that would not be seen untill modern age.... also I believe they had toilets of some type or how could they some many legions organize together with out proper medieval times they used small armies due too lack of advanced logistics

@CasperScott-ni7bc - 17.06.2024 22:30

Please get the list of ranks correct military tribune questor adial praetor consul emperor. Legate and tribune of the plebs could also be slotted in depending on if your family was pstrican equestrian or plebian van be slotted in depending on personality of individual.

@yvonne963 - 18.06.2024 22:07

Emperor Justinian was an lllyrian/ Dardan/ Albanian, and the Byzantium was an Illyrian Empire!

Emperor Constantin was an lllyrian/ Albanian, and the Byzantium was an Illyrian Empire!

Komnenians Dinasty was Illyrian/ Albanian!

Alexander the Great was Illyrian/Albanian!

The history must be rewritten!

@katherinecollins4685 - 28.06.2024 22:13

Very informative

@histguy101 - 28.07.2024 00:05

Domitian's murder was a surprise and very unpopular. Trajan was close to the Flavians, not Nerva. Nerva was held hostage and forced to name Trajan as his successor, probably by Trajan.

@Blaj1987 - 06.08.2024 15:42

Homo? Since when?

@SuperGreatSphinx - 14.08.2024 08:37



@HarshTekie - 14.08.2024 09:05

This so-called "documentary" is nothing of short - full of summary and subjective conclusions. "Failings in his reign"? Hindsight is 20/20.
"Overt militarization of the empire" ? Name an country or empire with that many far flug bases that was not?

@mindhistorydocumentary - 28.08.2024 06:05

The storytelling in this ancient history documentary is top-tier. It kept me engaged from start to finish

@fletchervance7539 - 10.09.2024 10:40

Forget Avengers; I’m waiting for the ultimate ancient history documentary crossover: Pharaohs vs. Emperors! 🏺⚔

@aarondemiri486 - 15.09.2024 18:26

Trajan sounds out as a name one should remember amongst his fellow Roman emperors.

@autonomydesign - 23.09.2024 10:12

I like to imagine Trajan's Column as a transportable giant cylinder seal, taken to cities, laid flat and rolled out over a central town square of concrete, clay, or sand, like pie pastry, leaving a dramatic, cinematic oversized impression.

@Erienne97 - 18.10.2024 12:50

Love watching this channel. Would be great to see an episode on Sulla.

@HellStr82 - 20.10.2024 01:40

funny how muslims are not mentioned in any of these videos about that time. it`s like they did not yet discovered that religion

@stanciuflorin5328 - 24.10.2024 06:26

In Romania we still proudly name our children Traian!

@AntonioBustillo-y6m - 14.11.2024 23:49


@alfredspic481 - 21.11.2024 08:06

It's strange how captivating Rome was n yet 2 thousand years ago. Its confusing n hard to grasp how long ago is was...

@annaleichliter4171 - 25.11.2024 19:59

You know, my dad one said a while back during the elections that a president can be a good leader of a country of he or she actually knows how to do their job. I think Trajan falls into that category despite his faults.

@HandleDeezNutzVoluntarily - 30.11.2024 06:12


- 14.12.2024 23:27

stramosul nostru al românilor!!! Odihna Vesnica Imparate!!!!

@cristidan1380 - 10.01.2025 07:50

it is not clear to me how did the polytheistic romans distinguish between jews and christians in first and second century AD. Nonetheless, the best YT documentary regarding Trajan I have watched so far! Thank you!

@xptolen - 24.02.2025 15:45

Yes he was the pinnacle of roman imperators
