Jack Parsons Laboratory
jack parsons, Anton Levei and L ron Hubbard were disciples of allister Crowley
I heard it said at one time, considering all that is going on in the world right now, no man could have orchestrated this. The weather, chaos, rioting, murders off the charts, wars, fires, AI, government upheavels, WEF, false religions, etc. It is all satanic-driven agendas behind it. It's that demonic warfare behind the scenes we cannot see setting this all up.
ОтветитьI agree,, it is the lesser of the two evils. However, I believe it will be the beast system being set up, which means the end of it all will be in the hands of the Antichrist. We are still in the end times. That has not changed; we are the endtime generation before the 7-year Tribulation, so those birth pains are still increasing in intensity and speed. Nothing has slowed down, even though the leadership has changed, but the evil is so entrenched in all societies now l don't see anything slowing down this train speeding towards the Tribulation.
ОтветитьWhat an awesome segment! Brandon and Tom are two of my favorite eyes wide open Pastors. Good bless from the Ottawa Valley of Ontario Canada! PLEASE come and visit us Tom and Brandon!!!
ОтветитьEyes wide open guys.
ОтветитьR2D2 and C3PO just doing their job! Lol
ОтветитьI want to add THE CHURCH WONT BE HERE SO WHO CARES??? Until the Rapture I think the last Trump is a miracle and God is allowing help to both Israel and America
Ответить‘Shaking head’. Drama still going on at the pulpit. Look guys, give the negative a REST and allow the BLESSING GOD gave America through Elon and Trump. IF AMERICA DOES NOT ADVANCE THEN CHINA IR RUSSIA WILL. We all prayed for Trump and God blessed America with our prayers yet no thankfulness. CHINA WILL BE THE 200 MILLION MAN ARMY during the Tribulation.
ОтветитьI'm so happy to be under the king of all creation Jesus
ОтветитьThank you Pastor Brandon and Pastor Tom for all this information and connecting it to Bible prophecy and God's Word. God tells us these things will happen and has prepared us for these things. He is in control and He is Sovereign. Stay in His Word, trust Him and occupy until He comes.
ОтветитьThis is a very good program, very informative
ОтветитьTom is always gonna make you look, for sure.
ОтветитьBy the way, Israel are people not a piece of land Read Revelation chapter 7, the Mighty King God, the creator of heaven and Earth our Savior Jesus Christ is the one that’s gonna gather the tribes to himself.
ОтветитьBlind pastors, who do not have discernment, Don’t you realize that the communist countries with the US/NATO, all countries of the world are all in cahoots with one another don’t you realize that they’re all coming together to show the world that they have always been working side-by-side… that includes the state of Israel they will soon introduce the Noahide laws.
ОтветитьSo many Christians are desperate to stop all this AI, Starlink, etc because “these things will lead to the AntiChrist!” We can’t stop God’s will from taking place… the convergence of things leading to the Tribulation of the Bible will take place. So don’t think someone needs to stop it! We need to tell the world about Jesus. That’s our job. Period.
ОтветитьI totally agree God bless you both ❤
ОтветитьSomeone needs to warn Trump re technocracy to put in safety stops if that’s still possible?
ОтветитьFabulous video! Thank you for the blessings! ❤
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьMusk’s ex-wife goes to Burning Man
ОтветитьI appreciate your encouragement in these days!
ОтветитьIt’s like the cartoons in the 70s and early 80s with the villains and the people who want to rule the world. Guess they were letting us know about that back then.
ОтветитьDo any of you guys think the antichrist could start off being? Someone we really like and then Satan enters them and that’s when they turn into the antichrist.
ОтветитьYou guys really hit the nail on the head with this one! Thank you for speaking truth to the masses! Praying for you both!
ОтветитьThank you Brandon for letting Tom share his understanding from the Bible. May the Lord bless both of your ministries in Jesus Name Amen 🙏✝️
ОтветитьA.I. and Starlink are not in themselves evil. If they were used to proclaim the GOOD NEWS, would they still be evil?
ОтветитьThank you for teaching the Truth!!
ОтветитьI completely agree with Hughes, it’s a pragmatic, pro American view, of our situation and Nation
ОтветитьJust a thought but ti end such an informative podcast with 4 minutes of gladhanding back slapping fanclubbing is odd. Wouldn't prayer and exalting Christ be best?
ОтветитьEven Solomon was drawn away from wirshipping God alone, through idolatry ,through unsurrendered desires
ОтветитьWithout the mind of Christ being formed in us because we choose to believe and we have confessed our sin and received his forgiveness. Without that mind of Christ, we are without protection. We will be deceived. Our own hearts deceive us. How much more the enemy when we are unguarded be sealed with the holy Spirit through regeneration. Receive Jesus Christ today
ОтветитьMaybe ,tom, ask elon to talk with you. He needs our prayers because he needs our Lord
ОтветитьAMENXX thanks Pastorxx xxx̌❤❤❤
Ответитьi am in a church where they didn't bring up what happening in Isreal they would say we need to PRAY for the People in GAZA never Isreal LOT of people in the church seem to have this anti semtic bent i am shocked by that i was at a church where the pastor voted for a pro abortion canidaite the other guy was pro life yet the pastor voted for the pro chioce guy
ОтветитьMy 2 big bros been in there company many times love these brother's especially when they love haggis as main course 😂👍
ОтветитьDo you know any trustworthy pastors teaching on spiritual warfare?
ОтветитьI think all government leaders are in unison taking each country down. We are going to the NWO/tribulation no matter what. Our leaders are part of it. We are watching a movie play out with actors
ОтветитьI think all government leaders are in unison taking each country down. We are going to the NWO/tribulation no matter what. Our leaders are part of it. We are watching a movie play out with actors
ОтветитьThat video mentioned the beginning is baloney. AI or AAI is nothing like it's claimed to be. I work with machine translation, I can tell you it's dumb! It's exactly the same as with UFOs, demons are behind the really smart AI, just like they're behind verified sightings of UFOs.
ОтветитьI was an Equipment Engineer in High Technology, starting in 1982. I worked. In the late 70’s at a foundry (metallurgy) night shift to help with college costs! Cocaine, Mushrooms, and Amphetamines were rampant in the industry! I believe Tom is right, I lived it!
Ответить🤠Very Good show today Brothers Brandon and Tom 🩷
Non sensational ! Relevant! TRUTH!
May Yahweh bless your missions.
Thank you both and your teams.
Been following for years via Jan Markell. Always real and helping to understand and discern the times from a Biblical perspective.
Pastor Billy Crone is making a documentary about Elon Musk. And it is going to expose how evil he is and his agenda that is connected to the plans of the antichrist.
I really don't know how American Christians can be closed-minded and blindly support Trump. It is very very suspicious that he has Elon Musk as his right-hand man, a religious advisor/woman Pastor who teaches false doctrine, and finally... has anyone seen the official Trump (AI) video about his plans for Gaza??? The video shows a golden statue of Trump as a symbol of idolatry, dancers who are transgender, Musk and Trump's love of money, and their absolute control over the Gaza area... the video is absolutely satanic and blasphemous... Trump and Musk are wolves in sheep's clothing and have sinister plans.
Blessings from Hamburg Germany
I agree Pastors Tom and Brandon! We, as a country have no choice and as Christians we must not forget God is in control of everything! This is prophecy fulfilling! AI & Starlink are here!
ОтветитьGod bless you both. Thank for your update and insight ❤🙏
ОтветитьPraying for you both🙏🙏
ОтветитьGOOD NEWS!
Are you struggling to find hope and peace in your life?
Do you sometimes battle to get out of bed in the morning?
Do you sometimes think that going on from day to day isn't worth it?
Here is a tried and tested message that can give you lasting hope.
Firstly, our brief existence on earth is not all there is. Because our existence goes on beyond this short life on earth.
So the real question is: Where will you exist after this life is over?
Many people and religions have tried to answer this extremely important question. But only one answer can be true. Which is that?
That is the answer given by the only Man who ever came from heaven to earth and added humanity to His divinity. He took on a human body while continuing to be God.
This is the God-man, Jesus Christ.
He came to buy a way to heaven for all who simply put their trust in Him.
As I am sure you know, humans are pretty messed up. Just look around you. There's heartache, broken marriages, broken families and broken hearts. There's selfishness, crime and corruption in every place where humans live. Some places look better than others. But that's only because we can't see into people's hearts.
But God can see into our hearts. Jesus Christ said that murders, thefts, and every evil thing starts in the heart.
We can try to change. We might succeed for a while. But our behaviour can never do away with the evil that starts in the heart.
Only God can do this for us. And He has provided a way out from this brokenness and hopelessness. Through His only Son, the God-man Jesus Christ.
About 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ came to earth to buy forgiveness for sin for whoever would trust Him and what He has done.
The wages or penalty or fine for sin is death. This is eternal death. Eternal death is separation from God who is absolutely pure, holy and good. This eternal death is existence in an everlasting prison that is called the Lake of Fire. It sounds terrible and it is.
On the cross outside Jerusalem, 2000 years ago, God the Son took on Himself all of our sins. We weren't even born then, but as God, who has no limits to His power, He took all our sins on Himself. He took all the punishment we all deserve on Himself. He died in our place, the only good Man to ever live, for all the sinners who had ever lived and who would ever live. That includes you and me.
He died, paying for ALL our sins, past, present and future. Then He took up His life again after His burial in Jerusalem. He showed Himself in His glorified body to His disciples, including to 500 people at one time. Even people who did not believe on Him while He lived, now believed. Even some of His enemies now became His friends.
Then, after about 40 days He left earth and returned to heaven where He is now.
So how does this help us in our hopeless and often horrible earthly lives?
This is how:
Even if our lives here are short and full of trouble, we can enjoy a forever family relationship with the God who made us.
But how?
By simply depending on the Lord Jesus Christ to save us because of the payment He has already made for all our sins.
When we trust in God the Son and what He did for us when He died for each one of us, God places us into His own heavenly family. Once we have been made His children we can know that:
- we are no longer on our own
- we can ask Him to help us in any situation
- we can call Him our Father in heaven
- we can look forward to the future, knowing that we will live with Him now and forever
- we can enjoy His peace and joy and love even in the worst situation on earth.
Again, there is NOTHING we can do (apart from dying and being separated from God forever) to pay for our sins. That payment requires death. Jesus Christ died in our place. God offers each human the free gift of everlasting life IF we simply TRUST in His Son, Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross.
When you receive a gift do you have to pay for it? Of course not. Do you have to ask for a gift that someone has already bought for you at their own expense? No. All you need to do is to just receive the gift. To receive this free gift of everlasting life from God ALL you should do is simply TRUST in the Saviour, Jesus Christ, and what He did for you. That is what God expects. This is called doing the will of God (John 6:28-29).
Please think carefully about this. Please trust Him alone. There's nothing that can or should be added to what He has already done for you. He is God. Because He is God He knows you. And He loves you just as you are. And He wants you to be His child. He is offering you this incredible gift! Don't reject Him!
Please TRUST Him to take care of you. He alone can do that. You are so precious to Him that He gave His only Son to die in your place.
God bless you.
Good perspective, Pastor Tom and Pastor Brandon! Many thanks. God bless you both.